
SCHG How-to Talk

Extend the level index past $10 in Sonic 2

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 22:22, 14 August 2013 by ThomasSpeedrunner (talk | contribs) (Bug When Using This Guide For Act 3's and Boss Acts In Hg Disassembly)

Small inquiry...

Wouldn't it be better to rename the article to "SCHG How-to:Add more level slots" or something similar? The current title is quite long. --Tweaker 14:30, 29 April 2008 (UTC)

Sound driver issues?

"WARNING: I strongly recommend you port the sonic1 sound driver first before proceeding. A lot of major data shifting will occur in this tutorial and it will make the rom size a lot bigger than it was before. This will break the sonic2 or even sonic2 beta sound driver, thus so you definitely want the sonic 1 sound driver due to the fact that it can take the shifting and still work properly"

Xeno's disassembly uses a disassembled sound driver which performs bank switching etc based on labels in the 68000 code. Shouldn't this eliminate any issues with data shifting? --Shobiz 16:55, 29 April 2008 (UTC)

Just to point out, I put an org $200000 at the beginning of my disasm and the sound still worked properly, so I've added a note mentioning that it's not necessary to port S1's sound driver if you're using Xeno's disasm. --Shobiz 05:26, 20 June 2008 (UTC)

Bug When Using This Guide For Act 3's and Boss Acts In Hg Disassembly

When I used this guide to add an additional two acts to my Sonic 2: Titanium Upgrade, the title cards were fucked up regardless of what level I went to, even if said level had a level ID below or equal to $10. How would this be fixed? I do like this guide, as it covers everything, but I need to know how to handle this bug. =V

- ThomasSpeedrunner, 6:18, 7-8-2013