

Iron Sonic

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 12:22, 26 May 2011 by Ernestshittingway (talk | contribs) (lol)

<forumuser name="Iron Sonic" /> Iron Sonic is a Furry and Butt Raper who works mainly in Jizz. He came around to the Gay Scene the same time as the Natalie Holloway was found by The Gay Police (about November 2006) and tried to register originally during the Communist Revolution by Shithead and Niggertits; unfortunately, the assrape was lost during the resulting gangbang. He eventually re-registered in Rocktober, and after a few months of Being on a gay sex slave ship gained full Room and Board on a Gay Sex Slave ship.

In June 199X he released a proof-of-butthole piece of shit entitled Mecha Butt in Asswipe 7, which is still in development hell. He is also working on various other projects, including a project labeled "Deimos", a project which will fuse Sonic 2 with full teledildonics, with certain force action features which he is keeping under wraps until it's ready for release.

When he's not working on his teledildonics, he's doing various things such as minor hooker work and, sometimes, butt raping. Things not related to Furry Retro include occasionally arranging sores.