
Boogey-Mania (transcript)

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 16:48, 19 February 2009 by RattleMan (talk | contribs) (A few fixes)

This is the English transcript of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog episode Boogey-Mania‎.

[ Sonic and Tails are standing in a dark and bushy field.]

Sonic: Enough travelling for today, Tails. Time to set up camp.

[He runs off into the distance, rushes back with an oven. He runs off again, returning with a refrigerator, then again with a kitchen table and two chairs. He brings back a toaster, food processor, mustard, a white jar, another object and a portable television. He also throws two pots and a pan onto the oven. Tails walks over to the table.]

Tails: Man, watching you work sure makes me hungry.

[Sonic, wearing chef gear, stands beside the oven.]

Sonic: I'll whip up my chef special.

[He opens up the pot, revealing hot dogs in boiling water. Using a fork, he takes one and puts it in a hot dog bun. Using a squeeze bottle, he puts chili on it. Then, he finishes it off by putting a spoonful of chili from a large container on the side. He gives the dish to Tails, who is sitting at the table. Tails licks his lips, when they hear a silly car horn. Along a nearby path, a yellow car is coming up to the duo with a man laughing. It stops near their camp with the man, a clown, poking himself out of the car, which is obviously too small for him.]

Clown: Do you know the way to Wacko City?

Sonic: Nope, never heard of the place.

Clown: Well, that's okay, cause I'm not going there anyway!

[He laughs, but one of the tires on his car pop. He looks in anger as Tails walks over to beside Sonic with his chili dog.]

Tails: Too bad, hope you got a spare.

[The clown hops out of the car.]

Clown: Don't need a spare, just a patch...

[He grabs a patch from one of his pockets and sticks it to the deflated tire, then brings out an air pump.]

Clown: ...and a pump full of air!

Tails: Ha, ha, he's funny!

Sonic: Yeeah, but what's a clown doing in the middle of nowhere?

[The clown starts inflating his tire, but his nose inflates as well.]

Clown: Big noses run in my family!

[He pulls his tongue, returning his nose to normal. Tails laughs.]

Tails: He cracks me up.

[The clown takes his car and condenses into into a small box.]

Sonic: I've heard of compact cars, but this is ridiculous!

Clown: Well, I better be on my way. Toodle-do!

[He pulls out a unicycle from his pocket. He then reaches over at Tails and grabs his chili dog.]

Tails: Hey, that's not funny, that's my lunch!

[The clown rides off into the distance.]

Sonic: Come on Tails, let's nab him.

[He runs off, removing his chef gear, with Tails following up behind him. They stop at a cave, where they can hear the clown laughing.]]

Sonic: Sounds like that clepto-clown went in there.

[They walk into the cave, unknown to them that Coconuts is following behind them.]

Coconuts: Maybe this is my chance to catch that hedgehog. Yeah, yeah!

[Sonic and Tails stop at a room.]

Sonic: I don't believe it!

[The clown is in a room full of scientific utilities, juggling a number of objects, including the chili dog. A scientist named Von Schlemmer is sitting in a chair with scientific contraption on his head, listening to him tell jokes.]

Clown: He was so dumb, he took a ruler to bed to see how long he slept!

Von Schlemmer: Ha ha, this is funny stuff! Who writes your material?

[Sonic and Tails walk over.]

Sonic: Professor Von Schlemmer? What are you doing here?

Von Schlemmer: The great Von Schlemmer? He's here? Where?! Oh, heh heh, that's me. Oh, I'm just enjoying my dream clown.

Sonic: Dream clown? What do ya mean?

[Von Schlemmer turns a wheel on the machine beside him.]

Von Schlemmer: First, I'll put him away, and then I'll explain.

[The clown gives back the hot dog to Tails, putting away the rest of its juggling objects.]

Tails: Hey, gracias amigo!

[The clown is pulled back into the machine through a horn-like contraption on top of it.]

Sonic: Where'd he go?

Von Schlemmer: Back into my noggin.

[He takes the hat off.]

Von Schlemmer: To my dream world!

Sonic: Professor, you've invented some really nutty contraptions, but this one tops them all!

[Coconuts is peering into the room, spying on them.]

Coconuts: Wow, a dream-gizmo! When I tell Doctor Robotnik about this, he'll give me a promotion! Oh, that means no more bathroom patrol!

[He runs off out of the cave as Von Schlemmer turns the wheel on his dream machine.]

Von Schlemmer: This is my dream-a-majig, patent pending! It's extremely, enormously and unbelievably complicated, took me over fifteen minutes to invent.

Tails: Sounds great, but I don't get it.

Von Schlemmer: It brings characters from one's dreams into the real world.

Sonic: Hey, that's unzippin' believable!

[At Robotnik's lair, Coconuts has returned and is talking to Robotnik. Robotnik is sitting in his chair with Coconuts infront of him.]

Coconuts: As soon as I saw the dream-a-majig, Doctor Robotnik, I knew you'd want to know about it!

Robotnik: Indeed, if I had that machine, I could terrorize all of Mobius.

Coconuts: I guess this means I'm finally getting my promotion, huh?

Robotnik: Promotion?! What for?! You could've swiped the machine and brought it to me, you nimcombot!

Coconuts: But, but...

[Robotnik gives Coconuts a mop and bucket. He sits back down and puts his hand on a lever.]

Robotnik: I'm demoting you to scrub monkey third class. Now go and mop up the dungeon.

[He pulls the lever, opening the floor underneath Coconuts. He falls into the dungeon. Outside the room, Scratch and Grounder fly through the door, falling on the floor.]

Robotnik: Snooping as usual, I see?

Scratch: Not me! I didn't hear nothing about Von Schlemmer's dream-a-majig!

Grounder: Uh, me neither! Especially I didn't hear the part about the clown...

Robotnik: Stop jabbering, you dingbots! I'm formulating a plan to take advantage of this unexpected turn of events.

Grounder: And a brilliant idea it is, Your Sneakiness.

Scratch: It's a work of genius!

Robotnik: 'Idiots! I haven't thought of it yet, you bootlickers!