


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 06:21, 1 January 2009 by Commadoo (talk | contribs) (This is the story of commadoo)

<forumuser name="Commadoo" /> Commadoo (formerly known as Psyonicle789) is a longtime scener, having joined Area 51 around 2002.

A self-proclaimed neat guy, he doesn't actually own very many Sonic games, but he has two Genesis games and the two DS games also the gamecube games Sonic Heroes, and Sonic Mega Collection, and the PS2 game Sonic Unleashed. His Roomate owns Sonic 06 and Sonic Unleashed for the X-box 360 Platform. Would rather play Megaman X Collection than play Sonic Labyrinth.

History Before the scene and sonic loves. Finding the scene Joining the scene Being in the scene Losing the scene Leaving the scene Life without the scene Grand return to the scene Outside life

Before The Scene: Commadoo was born Travis Thomas Tallman in Portland OR, on October 17th, 1988, and the world would never be the same (yes it would). His family moved to (tl:dr mode) Fairbanks Alaska, he got a sega and all teh sonic games ever but had to abandon them when he moved back to Oregon in 2000.

Finding the scene: Back in 2001 Commadoo got really ultra fucking bored on the internet and decided to look up sonic on the internet, after getting a copy of Sonic CD from his cousin Glenn. He found SoSTH and it blew his fucking mind apart.

Joining the scene In late 2001 (maybe early 2002), commadoo joined Area 51 boards as Keromega. He wasn't really widely accepted as a bad-dude. Despite finding a few friends in the community he didn't really connect with anyone. Still, he was around when the Sonic 2 Beta rom was cracked the fuck open and all that neat shit was found.

Being In The Scene While Commadoo (Keromega at the time) didn't really get accepted by many, he got invited to daily Area 51 chats on Aim. One night in 2002 he got the grand idea to imitate the imposters that were plaguing Area 51, such names included Rattlewoman, Kurairyucockumei,and other really stupid shit. He confided in Kurairyukakumei who suprizingly enough never ratted him out.

Losing the scene When Are 51 got shut down when Stealth went insane, Commadoo (now Psyonicle789) was mainly on the Sonic Cult message board. He lost internet access when his computer bricked yet again and he decided not to fuck with it anymore.

Leaving the scene in 2004 commadoos computer FINALLY decided not to work at all anymore and he threw it out thusly losing access (and interest) to the Sonic community untill 2008.

Life without the scene Commadoo decided to try to have a normal life, without access to the internet he reverted back to being Travis, and the psudonym Commadoo was born from playing the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Joining up with awesome kids including Makoma he grew up quite a lot and got inter better music than he did before.

Grand Return to the scene To finish the very long story Commadoo bought a computer in May 2008, got internet in June 2008, and in July he found the Retro message board and hit up Tweaker to get accepted. After spilling some past crap he got Oldbie'd the night he joined.

Outside Life Commadoo currently lives in Aloha, OR with Makoma. He works (part time but normally full time) in Northwest Portland making hoses.