
User talk


From Sonic Retro

Image uploads

Hiyo, please tag your uploads using the appropriate tags we have available by adding them to the file description on the upload page. For screenshots, we have a variety of tags depending on what system the game is on here. For renders, use this template.

Also, please make sure your screenshots follow the guidelines listed here, as some of the screenshots you uploaded have inappropriate resolutions for Wii and PS2 screenshots (NTSC-U PS2 screenshots are usually 640x448 but may vary by game and TV standard). I would also recommend reading this page so that files are appropriately named (e.g. a file like File:PlanetTablet.jpg could be named "SonicUnleashed WiiPS2 Render PlanetTablet.jpg". --BSonirachi (talk) 18:22, 28 January 2024 (EST)

But the "Sonic Unleashed Renders" category you added to the Tablets not even exists. The only items on that category are the Tablets that you added to it, but other Sonic Unleashed objects would qualify too if the category existed. --SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 20:01, 28 January 2024 (EST)
Because the category has yet to be created, and I didn't make it immediately at first as I had other things to do. Its purpose would be to categorise images that are 3D renders, like everything here. For future reference, if a category generated by a template doesn't exist yet, create it; and there's nothing stopping you from using the template if its category doesn't exist yet. :)
Also, please try to use the preview button and consolidate changes to as few page edits as you can, so that you aren't flooding the recent changes page and #wiki-reporting channel in the Discord server. --BSonirachi (talk) 20:15, 28 January 2024 (EST)

So, let me see if I understand. I can create categories if they don't exist, just leave my images tagged and be sure to see if a category exists before creating one, gotcha. And I may use the new category renders. Next, I don't know what to do if page conflicts like this happen, because I lost what I was writing permanently. Let me just save now for prevention. I'm honestly doing this all in the phone, just if it is relevant for anything (sometimes things work differently). So the last thing, about the screenshots, I have to see if I understand how that works. I'll try to do less saves too next time, probably saving to a txt file (because I do this gradually).

Image tagging isn't done automatically here, so our system is dependent on users manually adding the tags themselves when uploading, basically. --BSonirachi (talk) 20:46, 28 January 2024 (EST)


If you need to have a file deleted, please mark it with Template:Delete instead of replacing/blanking the file. This makes it easier for me and other staff to find it (blanking it means it will get lost in the thousands of files Retro contains). --BSonirachi (talk) 10:52, 20 February 2024 (EST)

As always, thanks for teaching me a new thing! :D --SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 10:55, 20 February 2024 (EST)

Sonic Unleashed items

The Sonic Unleased ring item artwork you have uploaded falls on the line of fanart, which we do not accept. If we kept the files as they are, they could erroneously be mistaken for official renders and end up in a real game or a reference book (the Encyclo-speed-ia even used somebody's fanart of Micky by accident, and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing had used someone's Sonia fanart without permission).

Perhaps a more feasible approach to having images of those items would be to rip the actual models from the game and upload renders of those models. If you can't rip the models, then screenshot clippings can suffice until someone else can do it. --BSonirachi (talk) 21:27, 8 June 2024 (EDT)

Oh, what a sad twist of events. I really gave some work for those edits to be faithful to the game's items by solely joining screenshot cuts and official artworks in on themselves, with the sole purpose to fill the void of official (actually, in most cases, any at all) artworks of those forgotten items :( Guess I wrote their fate when I categorized them as artwork from Sonic Unleashed (which is not true if the classification means they came from the game) and "my" artwork, which I now understand is not a matchup intended for this wiki. I say "my" and not my because I want to note that I never intended to get any credit for them. I was doing it for the sake of creating and making available at least something for those items, so I actually repent for categorizing them as artwork "brought to you by", because that was never intended to be interpreted as something that belongs to me, but rather as my gift to this wiki (in practice to the internet). That was my intention behind that classification, although I also don't think someone should ever profit from artwork of a game that doesn't belong to them, that's why I never agreed to add these artworks to any payable platform such as Pinterest. But I guess I had to learn about this rule sooner or later, so, as always, thanks for teaching me and for trusting me to always try adding quality content to this wiki. Unfortunately, about me not being able to rip the models, you are absolutely correct, so I'll have to come with another solution. Until then, take care and so long! --SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 21:01, 9 June 2024 (EDT)

Item Box information loophole (Sonic Colours DS)

User_talk:BSonirachi#Sonic_Colours_.28Nintendo_DS.29_Item_Boxes (for more information about this issue)

(Item Boxes)

English name "10 Ring Bonus"[h 1] "Generic" 1UP[h 1] "Barrier"[h 1] "Magnetic Barrier"[h 1] "Power Sneakers"[h 1] "Invincible"[h 1]
Japanese name

(Super Rings)

10 Ring Bonus Item Box from Sonic Colors (Nintendo DS)[h 1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 [Under research Under research]

Topic research

If anyone ends up doing the proper research about the presence of the previously listed Item Boxes in Sonic Colors DS before I do, please add here the evidence and results of your research. --SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 08:08, 20 October 2024 (EDT)

I found something else. These things are real hard to find, but I don't know the source and the legitimacy of this. If someone with a virtual machine would like to do the honours please be my guest: [LINK REMOVED]. This could contain the solution this question, I'm sure anyone who opens this will be able to identify if this is legitimate by looking at its contents, but I'm not the right person to do this kind of thing in a safe manner. I do NOT encourage opening potentially unsafe files, please do it only if you know what you are doing and please do it on a safe environment. —SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 07:55, 1 November 2024 (EDT)
If you're unsure of whether a file is safe to download or not, then it's a better idea to not link to it at all. For that reason I have removed the link as a safety precaution. --BSonirachi (talk) 19:25, 1 November 2024 (EDT)
That was why a placed an informed warning before the link, there is nothing that shows it is an unsafe link, I just wanted to inform whoever would be willing to open the link in a virtual machine to take carefulness into consideration, but I guess I won't be lucky with this research as noone is willing to dive deeper into this. This is now only occupying space for the actual research here now so I'm going to cut it back. —SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 07:33, 15 November 2024 (EST)
Finally, something starts showing up! If I could just be sure, and prove these are legit sprites in the files. Sonic Fandom believes these sprites are real
Here you have it, the original source of these sprites: It should be easy now to clarify with the author if they are legitimate or not. From what I saw, I heve reasons to believe they are. —SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 15:00, 1 November 2024 (EDT)
Oh really, did they seriously removed the sprites from the first link? Well, no matter, the original ones are still on the Diviant Art link, those were also on the sprites resource page but have been updated since for unspecified reason. Honestly this is a loophole for me, my area of domain is mostly with Sonic Unleashed PS2/Wii, but I certainly don't even own Sonic Colours DS although it caught my interest on this topic, but I'm not the guy to continue on this research merely based on internet unverifiable/rejected scarce sources. —SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk) 20:13, 16 November 2024 (EST)