
Sonic Rush BAC Format

From Sonic Retro

Historical document icon.svg This historical hacking document is preserved here for archival purposes.
It has not been revised since its original writing and may be outdated. For an SCHG-equivalent document, see Sonic Rush/Technical information.
Original source:
Sonic Rush BAC Format
By Justin Aquadro (Retriever II)

This document is incomplete and is not 100% accurate
Please send additions, corrections to [email protected]
Last Updated: 7/19/06 @ 2:49AM EDT

Byte Order: Little Endian


                +-------+       +-------+
                |BLOCK 2|+ . . .|BLOCK 1|+
                +-------+|      +-------+|
                 +--|----+       +-------+
                |BLOCK 3|
    |               |               |
+-------+       +-------+       +-------+
|BLOCK 4|       |BLOCK 5|       |BLOCK 6|+
+-------+       +-------+       +-------+|

Header Block
0x0000          4       Header: BAC\x0A
0x0004          4u      Address Block 2
0x0008          4u      Address Block 3
0x000C          4u      Address Block 4
0x0010          4u      Address Block 5
0x0014          4u      Address Block 6
0x0018          4u      Address Block 1? (Constant: 0x1C)

Block 1 (Global Sprite Data? / Animation Sets?)
0x0000          4u      Size of block
0x0004          2u      Number Block 2s, Number SubBlock 1s in Block 1
0x0006          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x0008          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x000A          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x000C          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x000E          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x0010          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x0012          2       Unknown (defaults?)
0x0014          2       Unknown (-1)
0x0016          2       Unknown (always 0?)
0x0018          2       Unknown (always 0?)
0x001A          2       Unknown (always 0?)
| SubBlock 1 (Animation Set?)
| 0x0000        2       Unknown
| 0x0002        2       Unknown
| 0x0004        2       Unknown
| 0x0006        2       Unknown
| 0x0008        2       Unknown
| 0x000A        2       Unknown
| 0x000E        2       Unknown
| 0x000C        2       Unknown
| 0x0010        2       Unknown (always 0?)
| 0x0012        2       Unknown (always 0?)

Block 2 (Animation Set Mappings?)
0x0000          4u      Size of block
| SubBlock 1 (Single Mapping?)
| 0x0000        4u      Offset into Block 3
| 0x0004        4u      Unknown (always 0?)

Block 3 (Animation Frames / Set)
0x0000          4u      Size of block
| SubBlock 1 (Single Frame)*
| 0x0000        2       ID 01: Frame Offsets
| 0x0002        2       Length of Frame Offsets SSB, plus ID
| |
| | SubSubBlock 1 (Frame Offsets)
| | 0x0000      4u      Offset into Block 4 (Frame Data)
| |
| 0x0004        2       ID 02: Image Parts
| 0x0006        2       Length of Image Part SubSubBlocks, plus ID
| |
| | SubSubBlock 2 (Image Parts)
| | 0x0000      4u      Offset into Block 6 (Image Data)
| | 0x0004      4u      Data Size Block 6 / 0x20?
| |
| 0x0008        2       ID 03: Palettes
| 0x000A        2       Length of Palette SubSubBlocks, plus ID
| |
| | SubSubBlock 3 (Palettes)
| | 0x0000      4u      Offset into Block 5 (Palette Data)
| | 0x0004      4u      Number colors in palette?
| |
| 0x000E        2       ID 07: Unknown Purpose
| 0x000C        2       Length of Unknown Purpose SubSubBlocks, plus ID
| |
| | SubSubBlock 4 (Alternate Bounadaries / Collision Masks?  Usually not present)
| | 0x0000      4       Index (for external identification?)
| | 0x0004      2       Alternate Boundary X-Coordinate Left Edge?
| | 0x0006      2       Alternate Boundary Y-Coordinate Top Edge?
| | 0x0008      2       Alternate Boundary X-Coordinate Right Edge?
| | 0x000A      2       Alternate Boundary Y-Coordinate Bottom Edge?
| |
| 0x0010	2	ID 00: Animation Info
| 0x0012	2	Length of Animation Info SubSubBlocks, plus ID
| |
| | SubSubBlock 5 (Animation Info)
| | 0x0000      2       Number frames in Set
| | 0x0002      2       Frame Index
| | 0x0004      4       Duration of frame in time units?
0x0004          2       ID 04: Resting/default frame?
0x0006          2       Length of resting frame data, plus ID?
0x0008          4u      Offset to one of the frame SubBlocks, usually the first (resting frame?)

*  There is no gaurentee that any ID/length pair and its corresponding SSB will be present in a
   given frame.

Block 4 (Frame Assembly)
0x0000          4u      Size of block
| SubBlock 1 (Single Frame Assembly)
| 0x0000        4u      Number image parts in frame (parts specified in animation frame)
| 0x0004        2       X-Coordinate Left Edge
| 0x0006        2       Y-Coordinate Top Edge
| 0x0008        2       X-Coordinate Right Edge
| 0x000A        2       Y-Coordinate Bottom Edge
| 0x000C        2       Hot Spot X-Coordinate
| 0x000E        2       Hot Spot Y-Coordinate
| |
| | SubSubBlock 1 (Image Part Coordinate Offsets)
| | 0x0000      1       Y-Coordinate Offset from Top Edge
| | 0x0001      1       Unknown
| | 0x0002      1       X-Coordinate Offset from Left Edge
| | 0x0003      1       Unknown
| | 0x0004      2       Unknown
| | 0x0006      2       Unknown
Block 5 (Palettes)
0x0000          4u      Size of block
| SubBlock 1 (Single Palette)
| 0x0000        1       Unknown (type?)
| 0x0001        3       Size of palette
| |
| | SubSubBlock 1 (Palette Entry)
| | 0x0000      2       Palette Entry, 4bpp

Block 6 (Image Data)
0x0000          4u      Size of block
| SubBlock 1 (Single Image Part)
| 0x0000        1       Compression? (0x00=Uncompressed, 0x10=LZSS)
| 0x0001        3       Size of data region
| |
| | SubSubBlock 1 (Pixel Pair)
| | 0x0000      1       Pixel Pairs
| |
| 0x0004-7      1-4     Terminator (-1) (Padding? 1-4 bytes?)

To save data, some images with larger regions of empty space are broken apart into multiple images,
and combined after.  These are the frames that have extra long Block 4 sub-blocks.

All frames use a Hot Spot from which the dimentions of the frame are calculated.  Image parts are laid
down according to pixel offsets from the top and left edges of the frame.  It would appear that
image part dimentions are calculated by filling in to the right and bottom until the other frame
edges are encountered or other allocated space is encountered.  This could be problematic for some
placements, but tile constraints could make this possible.


ac_sonic.bac (No palette/data B3:SSBs)
dm_stdm_jpn.bac (Missing some data B3:SSBs)

Contributer             Identifications
Techokami               Compression byte in Image Data