


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 15:06, 4 January 2009 by DimensionWarped (talk | contribs)


DimensionWarped (usually addressed as DW) is primarily part of the fangaming scene. He first entered the scene at the end of 01, but didn't really become prominent in any particular community until he demoed a rather shabby 3D game that turned a few heads. After tinkering with that for a number of years, progress remained too small to justify continuing. When Damizean showed him an early version of Sonic Worlds, what he considered at the time to be the first good freely available 2D engine replicating the originals, he hopped on board to help with programming. While working on Worlds, DW helped Slingerland work on gimmicks for his Multimedia Fusion 1.5 engine of Sonic Nexus. Before SAGE of 2007, the Sonic Nexus project moved to Sonic Worlds and DW became a permanent member of Nexus Team.


3D Modeling - minor Programming

  • C++ - moderate
  • Retro Sonic Script - moderate
  • Java - moderate
  • 3D Level Design - minor
  • 2D Level Design - minor
  • Gimmick/Enemy/Activity Design - high

DW is also known on SFGHQ as a go-to guy for level criticism.
