


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 09:35, 12 November 2008 by Vaiz (talk | contribs)

<forumuser name="Tarheeltim" /> Tarheeltim is a youthful, charismatic member of Sonic Retro. He joined the Sonic scene in April of 2007 at the age of 11, where he posted about his first ROM hack of Sonic 2, which wasn't particularly redeeming in any particular way. He continued to make poor use of his posts until he was eventually placed in Pending Approval, where he would stay for many months following.

During this time, he spent his time at The Glowing Bridge until its demise. He would later join boards such as the SSRG, Sonic Stadium, and others. It was not until later on that Tweaker allowed him back on the forums, at which point he had matured greatly and passed trial membership without too much trouble. He currently exists as a sort of "cliquish" scener, being popular among a particular group of people, but rather obscured to the general public due to his general inactivity.

While not a very active poster, Tim can generally be found in the Sonic Retro IRC channel, various Skype conferences, and in other communities unrelated to the scene. He tends to prefer a comedic approach to situations in many respects, often citing memes created by other sceners such as dust hill resident, Shade, Vaiz, and others. Despite this, he is generally well-liked, and is one of the youngest sceners in the community next to people like Sutter and Sonica.

Despite his young age, Tim is extremely mature and mistaken to be much older than he really is, primarily due to his tone of voice.