

Chris Highwind

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 10:54, 27 September 2008 by Chris Highwind (talk | contribs) (Removed "Unintended Acts of Douchery")

<forumuser name="Chris Highwind" /> Chris Highwind is a relatively new member here at Sonic Retro, and tries not to be a douche, but sometimes fails. He's very self-conscious, and won't post something if he feels like he can't write it in a way that doesn't make him look dumb. He has no hacking skills, and very low art skills. He has been told that he has plenty of writing skills, however. Most of his stories are fan-fictions, so he's decided not to share his writings for fear of negative criticism (Seriously)

Little-Known Facts

  • Chris Highwind never cusses (or at least says stuff he thinks are cuss words. He'll still say "douche" even if it's censored by some stuff.) He will tolerate cussing, though (except in music for some reason, unless there's little of it).
  • Chris has a girlfriend who is currently a Pending Member here in Sonic Retro, named "Trisha Aurora." She's cool, guys, really. She's more likely to be on the receiving end of flames than on the giving end. (No offense to Trishy if she reads this ^^; ) She needs a place where half the people won't flame her, so, yeah, let her at least be a trial member, ok? [/message to any admin who reads this][/douchery]
  • Sometimes he'll be in the IRC, sometimes he won't.
  • Chris Highwind managed to download a large collection of the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics, which contain 190 Main Sonic Issues (1-190), the Sonic Miniseries, the Tails Miniseries, the Knuckles comics, the Knuckles Miniseries, and the Sally miniseries (may need to check if I'm missing some). It took about 2 GB, and he went crazy trying to find a new laptop charger afterwards, but hey, what're you gonna do? PM him if you want to know where he got it (It's a torrent ;) )