

Fluffy Clouds

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 16:38, 15 August 2008 by Fluffy Clouds (talk | contribs)

I'm part of many forums, but this is the first Sonic forum I've been on, and I know what pretty much goes on here. As a Trial Member, I'm going to try to release my hack of Sonic 2 and S3K before my posts run out, or I will not post until my hack(s) are finished. There are a few bugs in my S3K hack. The one main thing I'm trying to find is the AIZ ripple, but I had no luck. I found a pointer to the intro at AIZ. I changed the music, but most of the banks are D817 (which I might change.)

I'm trying to make a split disassembly of Sonic 3. I just started on it, and I might start working more on it.

My YouTube channel (Which contains videos of my hacks.)