


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 21:59, 8 January 2008 by Cy-Fox (talk | contribs) (Non-Sonic Sites and his Role)


Miles the Cy-Fox (aka William, born January 14th, 1990. Nationality: American) is currently a major fanfiction writer and administrator/moderator to many Sonic sites and message boards. He is the founding member of Cyberdyne Systems Mobius. Cy-Fox is proficient in administrating Invision Professional/Power Message Boards, with an emphasis for security, as well as ProBoards systems.

Current Sites/Forums and his Role

  • Cyberdyne Systems Mobius (2006) - Founder and Root Administrator
  • FastFeet Media (2007) - Assistant Administrator and Consultant
  • Sonic Blast (2008) - Security Administrator
  • Sonic Yoda (2007) - Project Co-Editor: The Ultimate Sonic Conclusion
  • Silver's World (2007) - Security Administrator
  • Emerald Guardian (2007) - Security Administrator
  • The Sonic City (2007) - Security Moderator
  • RP Concepts (2003) - Administrator (inactive)
  • Black Hero (2006) - Fan Fiction Reviewer/Moderator
  • Power Rings (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • P1-07 Zenith Project (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • The Sonic Factory (2005) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • Sonic Vegemite (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • Sonic Wrecks Message Boards/Project E-On (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • Shadow Realm Forums (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • Sonic Cage Dome (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • No More Blue (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • Creative Minds (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • Neo South Island (2007) - Fan Fiction Writer
  • (2005) - Writer

Non-Sonic Sites and his Role

  • Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps (2007) - Viper Squadron Commander, Wing XIX, ISD Subjugator (as Commander Miles Prower)


Cy-Fox is a student in Computer Network Systems, and enjoys playing retro games for the PC, to the extent of refusing to upgrade to Windows XP from Windows 98. He emphasizes that his favorite Computer Role Playing Game series is Ultima, and that his favorite online games are StarCraft, DOOM (via ZDaemon) and Quake 2, and that his all time favorite games are System Shock, DOOM, Need for Speed 3, Ultima VII: The Black Gate, Ultima Underworld 2: Labryinth of Worlds, and finally SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor.

He also enjoys reading, primarily detective fiction and science fiction. His favorite authors are Robert B. Parker, Arthur C. Clarke, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Michael Crichton and Robin Cook. His all time favorite novel is 'The Big Sleep' by Raymond Chandler. His favorite movie is the 1987 blockbuster 'RoboCop' and his favorite director is Paul Verhoeven.

The Cy-Fox Series

The Cy-Fox series (where his namesake comes from), refers to his fanfiction crossover series of the 'worlds' of RoboCop, Sonic the Hedgehog and the Terminator, placing Tails as RoboCop's sucessor in a Mobius of the mid-2020s. The series introduces his favorite pairing, Tails and Maria Robotnik.

The Stories:

  • Cy-Fox: The Director's Cut (2007) - Originally Cy-Fox 1, which was removed for redrafting in 2005, the Director's Cut like Cy-Fox 1, parallels the RoboCop movie, but goes more indepth about Tails' change into a cyborg and the decaying future of Mobius. It is currently incomplete.
  • Cy-Fox 2 (2006) - The sequel to the Director's Cut and paradoxically the only story in the series to be completed, paralelling RoboCop 2, putting Tails up against Shadow the Hedgehog.
  • Cy-Fox 3 (2007) - Currently in production. The story revolves around Tails changing the past in favor of the survival of Maria Robotnik and Space Station ARK in what is called the 2016 ARK Massacre.
  • Cy-Fox: Terminator (?) - Originally seperate as Cy-Fox 4: The Serenity Project and Cy-Fox 5: Firestorm, now being replanned and put on hold until the completion of the Director's Cut and Cy-Fox 3.

Short Stories:

  • Sonic Riders: Pursuit - A retelling of Sonic Riders in the Cy-Fox universe
  • Sonic Adventure: Overdrive - A Director's Cut prequel
  • Blood Relations - Cy-Fox: Terminator sequel/teaser

Noted Awards/Nominations for the Series:

  • Sonic Turbine Winter Awards 2006 - Second Place (Fan Fiction)
  • Sonic Stadium Site Awards 2006 - Second Place (Fiction 2006)
  • Sonic Wrecks Awards 2007 - Final Poll Nominee (Creative Award)


Cyberdyne Systems Mobius is the main site where Miles the Cy-Fox resides on. It is currently an MKPortal site integrated with Invision Profession version 1.3. It is currently in 2.0 development stage, still awaiting to be completed. The forum, SkyNET Communications is completed. Cyberdyne also has a Media Team, which produces Cy-Fox series art, sprites, music, animations and audio productions (Podcast series, etc.)