
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball/Magazine articles

From Sonic Retro

This page has a list of articles for Sonic Spinball and covers short magazine articles not deserving of their own page.

File Date Source Title and comments
File:MeanMachinesSega10UK.pdf Logo-pdf.svg "It's Sonic-Mania in Sonic Spinball!"
Two-page article describing Sonic Spinball's appearance at the Summer CES 1993. It is said to be inspired by Sonic 2's Casino Night Zone, and can have up to four players, although when released was in fact a single-player game. Its launch date is expected on "Segamania Day", in November 1993.

Full-length articles

Sonic the Comic

Sonic's Triple Whammy

This clip covers 3 Sonic games, one of which is Sonic Spinball.

Scd Spinball-Chaos-CD-271193.jpg


CES Chicago (July/August 1993)

This clip from the foreign language Megaforce magazine has a preview of Sonic Spinball. The article has prototype screenshots of the game.


Sonic's Back!

A short article talking about Sonic Spinball being the next game in the Sonic series.

Ss Megatech 1993 A.jpg