
Sonic Retro

Sonic Retro IRC channel

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 17:03, 6 October 2005 by Ss is testing (talk | contribs)

#SWS2B is the un-official IRC channel for Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta website. Its current location is on the AfterNET IRC Network and is registered under Voice's name.

SWS2B's Tech Members are automatically given ops status within the channel (despite assertations by Simon and voice that SWS2B and #sws2b are entirely seperate and autonomous), a power structure which often results in more admins than 'ordinary' members; people who have shown exceptional ability in modifying a binary ROM are assumed to be also able to manage an IRC channel and its users.

  1. sws2b also holds a more 'informal' nature than the SWS2B forums, leading to things that would not be tolerated on the forums being accepted in IRC chat: frequent meme usage, 1337 h@xxor ch4t!, admin abuse, and so on.

The IRC channel can be accessed by pointing your IRC client program to For those without installed client software, #sws2b can also be accessed by visiting the IRC channel's offical webpage, which contains a Java-powered IRC applet. Obviously, a Java-enabled browser is required using this method.