

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 15:23, 29 July 2009 by Ds-papoose (talk | contribs) (Technical Information)

Jaws, called Puku-puku (プクプク) in the Japanese Manual, which is a Japanese onomatopoeia for a bubbling noise, is a piranha badnik found in the waters of Labyrinth Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog. They simply swim around back and forth slowly. Since they have no kind of protection, they can be easily destroyed by jumping.

Technical Information

Game Object ID # Code offset Mappings offset Compressed art offset Subparameters
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) $2C $ABDA $AC78 $36DD4 (Nemesis Format, 32 blocks) $00

Template:S1Enemies Note:The Jaws appears in other 2D games but he's never the same.