

British Gaijin

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 18:08, 18 October 2008 by British Gaijin (talk | contribs)

<forumuser name="British Gaijin" /> British Gaijin (real name Matt Jonas) is of a dying breed of gamer - he doesn't like "money grabbing dweebs and big companies". He attempts to do everything and please everyone, which results in him almost being entirely annoying. Still, without him around, Sonic Retro wouldn't be any different. He is British and proud of it.

His introduction into the Sonic community was through a site he'd rather forget, under a username he'd rather forget. Yes, his introduction into the community was upon on the forums of Sonic CulT, and although he can't recall the year, he doesn't wish to either.

He then joined Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta forums, which has been his main resting place, or rather, lurking place.

His blog, where he writes alongside Stu about things that do not interest anyone, can be found here. It's named "Escape Route" - and is dedicated to absolutely nothing in particular, although most posts are gaming related. Matt is always looking for more readers, plugging his forum regularly and in his signature on forum posts.

British Gaijin is planning to write for 10exp, a video gaming article blog and website. There isn't anything from him yet, but when there is, this page will be updated. For the time being, get to 10exp via this link.

Matt is happy at any time for members of Sonic Retro to add him on Windows Live Messenger for a good old chin-wag about anything and everything. His Windows Live Messenger address is [email protected]

Matt's offerings to the community are few and far between. He has worked on a Sonic 1 hack with Mustapha which never came to fruition. He's made his own rom hacks but never released any. He created a game in 2007 called "Paralaxed", in the space of a weekend. He uploaded the game and posted the link on the forums, but interest in it was minimal.