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[Ian Bennett], aka B'man, has been a part of the scene since late 1999.


B'man was originally known as Bennettman - his Ezboard username is still such, and the SFGHQ still knows him as such.

He first joined the short-lived Chao information and competition site Chao Garden Intelligence in late 1999. After CGI became defunct he joined the Hidden Palace as a graphics editor (and a bad one, to be perfectly honest); however, HP also died within a few months. During this time, he made acquaintances with Dreadknux, Webmaster of the Sonic Stadium.

After HP's death, B'man joined the Sonic Fangame Headquarters in mid-summer 2000, initially trying to join a team as a music creator. After failing, he "set up" a one-man team called B'man Games (the first instance of the name "B'man") working on a Quick Timer Event game called QTEzone. Originally called SonicQTEzone, accusations of plagiarism from TGF Team (the creator of Sonic QTE), prompted him to change the name. As it was however, the game died after three engine tests.

During development of B'man's second attempt at a game, Sonic Light (which also died after two engine tests), he joined with Cinos Hedgean to create [Team Infinity Software], which eventually consisted of six members. The team as a whole created a number of hoaxes, The Games Factory libraries and tutorials. Their only game, Shadow Returns, also died after one demo but holds the dubious honour of being the longest demo (in terms of levels), and the flashiest one, released at SAGE March 2002. After this release, the team mostly became inactive.

After leaving SFGHQ due to an unnecessary argument with the staff, B'man left the scene, eventually to come back to the Sonic Stadium sometime in 2003. As a PHP/SQL programmer, he helped Dreadknux with the SSMB forum, gradually going from a member, to staff, to administrator after former admin omega13a was banned. Currently he is technical admin for most of the sites on the Sonic Stadium Network, as the programmer of the script central to tSS' Project Grandslam.


B'man is typically abrasive and childish in chat, prone to insulting those he knows, especially when they make mistakes. However, he is much more mature and tactful on forums; he is often the most lenient and understanding staff member on the SSMB.