
SCHG How-to

Speed Up Ring Loss Process (With Underwater)

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 05:53, 6 May 2012 by KingofHarts (talk | contribs) (Created another wiki for RHS' guides. This is only PART 1. Will add other parts in due time.)
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(Guide written by redhotsonic.)
NOTE - This guide is written for Sonic 2, using the Xenowhirl 2007 disassembly. For Sonic 1, and/or other disassemblies, it shouldn't be too hard still if you follow this guide.

ALSO, before using this guide, you may want to try the following guide first: Underwater Physics Fix (Sonic 2)

Now, after following the above guide, your rings should behave properly underwater. Now to fix another problem. When losing rings (especially when underwater...) it can cause considerable lag. This guide will now walk you through removing this lag, and speeding up the ring loss process considerably.

Part 1

The following code below is part of the scattered rings code. This code repeats itself a maximum of 32 times; each time for each ring (As it will make you scatter a max of 32 rings, but still set your counter to 0). What this code does, is works out how high and how far to scatter a ring, then then whether to make it fly left or right. Once it's done that, it does it again for another ring, and another... up to 32. Whilst it's doing this, nothing else can be done. It's not much of a problem when there's not much about, but if you lose a lot of rings when there's so many other objects about, and/or while you are in the water, it can noticeably lag. Anyway, look below:

<asm> loc_120BA:

       _move.b #$37,0(a1) ; load obj37
       addq.b  #2,routine(a1)
       move.b  #8,y_radius(a1)
       move.b  #8,x_radius(a1)
       move.w  x_pos(a0),x_pos(a1)
       move.w  y_pos(a0),y_pos(a1)
       move.l  #Obj25_MapUnc_12382,mappings(a1)
       move.w  #$26BC,art_tile(a1)
       bsr.w   Adjust2PArtPointer2
       move.b  #$84,render_flags(a1)
       move.b  #3,priority(a1)
       move.b  #$47,collision_flags(a1)
       move.b  #8,width_pixels(a1)
       move.b  #-1,(Ring_spill_anim_counter).w
       tst.w   d4
       bmi.s   loc_12132
       move.w  d4,d0
       bsr.w   JmpTo4_CalcSine
       move.w  d4,d2
       lsr.w   #8,d2
       asl.w   d2,d0
       asl.w   d2,d1
       move.w  d0,d2
       move.w  d1,d3
       addi.b  #$10,d4
       bcc.s   loc_12132
       subi.w  #$80,d4
       bcc.s   loc_12132
       move.w  #$288,d4


       move.w  d2,x_vel(a1)
       move.w  d3,y_vel(a1)
       neg.w   d2
       neg.w   d4
       dbf     d5,loc_120B2


Anyway, This is quite big and slow, and now, let's show you how to reduce it significantly; speeding the ring loss process, thus freeing the processor for other work. Instead of doing lots of calculations on the fly over and over, we will use a pre-made table to insert how high, how far and which way we want our rings to go. This will be a lot quicker as we already have the calculations done this way. BUT how do we come up with our table? Well, I'm about to show you. But first, in this guide, I will be using two pre-made tables myself. These are for a max of 20 rings above water, and 8 rings below water. Also, the ring spill underwater will be using the effect from my other guide. If you're happy to do the same as me, you may skip ahead to step 4 (although you might want to read the first couple of steps so you know what's going on).

Step 1

(Change the max amount of rings to spill)

In the scattered rings object, go to "loc_120A2:" and the first line you should see is this: <asm>

       moveq   #$20,d0


This is hexadecimal for 32, this is the max number of rings it will spill. Take the $ sign out (so it's not hexadecimal anymore), and then change the number to the amount of rings you want it to spill at maximum. If you want it to lose a max of 44 rings for example, then simply change the 20 to 44. If you want to change the number of max rings spill for when underwater (as things get slower underwater) we can add a check to see if underwater and if so, to change the number. Say you want to lose 20 rings over water but only 8 when in the water, you would do this:

<asm> loc_120A2:

       moveq   #20,d0                  ; lose a max of 20 rings
       lea     (MainCharacter).w,a2    ; a2=character
       btst    #6,status(a2)           ; is Sonic underwater?
       beq.s   +                       ; if not, branch
       moveq   #8,d0                   ; lose a max of 8 rings when underwater


       cmp.w   d0,d5
       bcs.s   loc_120AA
       move.w  d0,d5


Make sure MainCharacter is loaded to a2, otherwise it may interrupt with the rest of our work or the original code.

You DON'T have to change the max for underwater, but it is advisable, because things get very slow underwater. The more rings there are, the slower things will get, because more processing power goes in to making them bounce and etc. That's purely the only reason.

Step 2

(Make our tables for pre-calculated figures)

Go to "loc_120AA:" and change this: <asm> loc_120AA:

       subq.w  #1,d5
       move.w  #$288,d4
       bra.s   loc_120BA


to this: <asm> loc_120AA:

       subq.w  #1,d5
       move.w  #$288,d4
       lea ($FFFFAA00).l,a4    ; Load $FFFFAA00 to a4
       bra.s   loc_120BA


$FFFFAA00 is Nemesis' decompression buffer's RAM. It's not used during gameplay, so we can use this. All we've done is copied the RAM address to a4. Then go to "loc_12132:" and change this: <asm> loc_12132:

       move.w  d2,x_vel(a1)
       move.w  d3,y_vel(a1)
       neg.w   d2
       neg.w   d4
       dbf     d5,loc_120B2


to this: <asm> loc_12132:

       move.w  d2,x_vel(a1)
       move.w  d3,y_vel(a1)
       neg.w   d2
       neg.w   d4
       move.w  d2,(a4)+        ; Move d2 to a4 then increment a4 by a word
       move.w  d3,(a4)+        ; Move d3 to a4 then increment a4 by a word
       dbf     d5,loc_120B2


Just added two lines here. Basically, once one ring has calculated it's x_vel and y_vel when it's going to spill out, it's copied it's values to a4, then a4 has incremented so that the next value can be added. The code repeats itself for the next ring and again, once it's got it's calculations, it's then copied to a4, and keeps doing this for all rings spilled.

Step 3

(Build and test. Let's get our new table!)

Save, build and test. Should be no errors. Now, using your emulator, go to the RAM viewer and go to $FFFFAA00. Load any level up. During level loading, the numbers at this RAM address will go crazy, but once the title cards have gone away, it should stop and not do anything (there will still be numbers there).

Now, collect the max number of rings (or more) and then get hurt and lose your rings. They'll scatter everywhere as usual, but all it's values has just been moved to $FFFFAA00. Ta-dah! There's our new table! What you need to do now is open notepad and write your new values in using words. Give it a label too! Here is a guide on how to do it (mine is a max of 20 rings):


Ring Spawn Array

SpillRingData: dc.w $00C4,$FC14, $FF3C,$FC14, $0238,$FCB0, $FDC8,$FCB0 ; 4

               dc.w    $0350,$FDC8, $FCB0,$FDC8, $03EC,$FF3C, $FC14,$FF3C ; 8
               dc.w    $03EC,$00C4, $FC14,$00C4, $0350,$0238, $FCB0,$0238 ; 12
               dc.w    $0238,$0350, $FDC8,$0350, $00C4,$03EC, $FF3C,$03EC ; 16
               dc.w    $0062,$FE0A, $FF9E,$FE0A, $011C,$FE58, $FEE4,$FE58 ; 20


It goes x_vel, y_vel, x_vel, y_vel, x_vel, y_vel, etc...

REMEMBER, if you're doing less rings for underwater, you need to get the max number of rings again, go underwater then get hurt. You'll get another new table. For my underwater, the max is 8. And again, I'm using the underwater scattered rings guide. Here's a guide for 8 rings. <asm>

Ring Spawn Array Underwater

SpillRingDataU: dc.w $0064,$FE08, $FF9C,$FE08, $011C,$FE58, $FEE4,$FE58 ; 4

               dc.w    $01A8,$FEE4, $FE58,$FEE4, $01F8,$FF9C, $FE08,$FF9C ; 8


Notice I've changed the label for the underwater table. I've just stuck a U after it. You will need to insert these (or your own, whatever) into your ASM file. A good place to put it, find "BranchTo5_DeleteObject" and stick it after <asm> BranchTo5_DeleteObject

       bra.w   DeleteObject


Step 4

(Loading our new tables.)

Now that we've got our new tables, let's use them. Go back to "loc_120A2:". This is where we will make it load our new tables. The tables will load into a3. Change it to make it look like this: <asm> loc_120A2:

       lea     SpillRingData,a3        ; load the address of the array in a3
       moveq   #20,d0                  ; lose a max of 20 rings
       lea     (MainCharacter).w,a2    ; a2=character
       btst    #6,status(a2)           ; is Sonic underwater?
       beq.s   +                       ; if not, branch
       lea    SpillRingDataU,a3        ; load the UNDERWATER address of the array in a3
       moveq   #8,d0                   ; lose a max of 8 rings underwater


       cmp.w   d0,d5
       bcs.s   loc_120AA
       move.w  d0,d5


Basically, it will load the above water table and make 20 the max rings. It then checks if your underwater and if so, load the underwater table and change the max to 8. If not underwater, it will skip doing that bit and carry on with normal. REMEMBER to change the label and max rings to whatever you gave it. It only does this once every time you lose rings, it doesn't repeat itself unlike the calculations below it.

Now go to "loc_120AA:" and change this: <asm> loc_120AA:

       subq.w  #1,d5
       move.w  #$288,d4
       lea ($FFFFAA00).l,a4    ; Load $FFFFAA00 to a4
       bra.s   loc_120BA


to this: <asm> loc_120AA:

       subq.w  #1,d5
       bra.s   loc_120BA


The Nemesis RAM bit isn't needed anymore; that was just for creating our tables. The "move.w #$288,d4" isn't needed anymore either as that's part of the calculations of spilling the rings.

Step 5

(Using the data from our new tables)

Go to "loc_120BA:" <asm> loc_120BA:

       _move.b #$37,0(a1) ; load obj37
       addq.b  #2,routine(a1)
       move.b  #8,y_radius(a1)
       move.b  #8,x_radius(a1)
       move.w  x_pos(a0),x_pos(a1)
       move.w  y_pos(a0),y_pos(a1)
       move.l  #Obj25_MapUnc_12382,mappings(a1)
       move.w  #$26BC,art_tile(a1)
       bsr.w   Adjust2PArtPointer2
       move.b  #$84,render_flags(a1)
       move.b  #3,priority(a1)
       move.b  #$47,collision_flags(a1)
       move.b  #8,width_pixels(a1)
       move.b  #-1,(Ring_spill_anim_counter).w
       tst.w   d4              ; DELETE ME
       bmi.s   loc_12132       ; DELETE ME
       move.w  d4,d0           ; DELETE ME
       bsr.w   JmpTo4_CalcSine ; DELETE ME
       move.w  d4,d2           ; DELETE ME
       lsr.w   #8,d2           ; DELETE ME
       asl.w   d2,d0           ; DELETE ME
       asl.w   d2,d1           ; DELETE ME
       move.w  d0,d2           ; DELETE ME
       move.w  d1,d3           ; DELETE ME
       addi.b  #$10,d4         ; DELETE ME
       bcc.s   loc_12132       ; DELETE ME
       subi.w  #$80,d4         ; DELETE ME
       bcc.s   loc_12132       ; DELETE ME
       move.w  #$288,d4        ; DELETE ME

loc_12132:  ; DELETE ME

       move.w  d2,x_vel(a1)    ; DELETE ME
       move.w  d3,y_vel(a1)    ; DELETE ME
       neg.w   d2              ; DELETE ME
       neg.w   d4              ; DELETE ME
       move.w  d2,(a4)+        ; DELETE ME     ; Move d2 to a4 then increment a4 by a word
       move.w  d3,(a4)+        ; DELETE ME     ; Move d3 to a4 then increment a4 by a word
       dbf     d5,loc_120B2


See where it says "DELETE ME"? Do what it says. These are not needed anymore, in fact, they slow the ring loss down! This calculates the ring loss speeds and etc. Instead, we using our tables. Now, where you just deleted that table, insert this instead:


     move.w  (a3)+,x_vel(a1)         ; move the data contained in the array to the x velocity and increment the address in a3
     move.w  (a3)+,y_vel(a1)         ; move the data contained in the array to the y velocity and increment the address in a3


So, you have something looking like this: <asm> loc_120BA:

       _move.b #$37,0(a1) ; load obj37
       addq.b  #2,routine(a1)
       move.b  #8,y_radius(a1)
       move.b  #8,x_radius(a1)
       move.w  x_pos(a0),x_pos(a1)
       move.w  y_pos(a0),y_pos(a1)
       move.l  #Obj25_MapUnc_12382,mappings(a1)
       move.w  #$26BC,art_tile(a1)
       bsr.w   Adjust2PArtPointer2     ; This is only needed for two player
       move.b  #$84,render_flags(a1)
       move.b  #3,priority(a1)
       move.b  #$47,collision_flags(a1)
       move.b  #8,width_pixels(a1)
       move.b  #-1,(Ring_spill_anim_counter).w
       move.w  (a3)+,x_vel(a1)         ; move the data contained in the array to the x velocity and increment the address in a3
       move.w  (a3)+,y_vel(a1)         ; move the data contained in the array to the y velocity and increment the address in a3
       dbf     d5,loc_120B2


ALL DONE! Phew! Let me explain though. What it does now, is load a word from a3 (the table) and inserts it into x_vel, and then increment a3 by a word. Then it loads a word from a3 again (which has been incremented, so it won't be the same word) and inserts it into y_vel, then increment a3 again. Now one ring has it's speeds. It now knows how high to jump, how far to jump and which way to go, a hell of a lot quicker then doing all them calculations!

If you have used my tables I've supplied, then when out of water, you can only lose a max of 20 rings, and when in water, you can only lose a max of 8 rings, and it will act if like they're in water.

The ring loss process will now be much faster! And if in water, it shouldn't slow down (as much). To continue speeding up the process EVEN MORE, continue to Part 2, below.