
Ristar Cluster

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 17:15, 1 March 2008 by Djbrayster (talk | contribs) (External URL)

Quick Information

The Ultimate Ristar Information and Fan site! Maintained by Djbrayster and with the help and support of Jay-Kun, Slade the Raptor and EmeraldGuardian.

Site Description

Ristar Cluster started from a discussion posted on Sonic CulT's forums, an image of the 5th boss Itamor as a cat and not an ice monster was noticed. This one image was the catalyst that started an all out hunt to note the differences between the different versions of the game. Later the site evolved from one page to an information site with info on all the level enemies and a home for the various fan works that have never really had a place to be showcased! There was even exclusive material one prototype leftovers buried in the ROM.

The site has had many URLs ranging from a Sonic CulT hosted site to various other hosts. Unfortunately, it inexplicably died off. The reason for this is unknown, and if it is temporary or permanent has not been disclosed. Please grant our wishes and return, Ristar Cluster...

External URL

Ristar Cluster (Latest URL)