


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 14:09, 1 October 2010 by Hivebrain (talk | contribs)

SpeedStarTMQ has technically been a member of the Sonic community since about the age of 4, having been playing the games for as long as he can remember being able to. On the web, SpeedStarTMQ has been talking about Sonic since the early part of 2004. Through the years, he's collected a host of Sonic merchandise, from little figures and books, to official Sonic bicycle helmets. He is a firm believer of the singular Sonic game series timeline, and has made it his job to aquire evidence for the community, and play all the games he can get his hands on for the last few years (actually for his own enjoyment). A (shorter) culmination of his findings can be found below, but being frank, the only thing SpeedStarTMQ did was actually play the games and use the information from them, nothing added, nothing taken away.

SpeedStarTMQ uses Nintendo consoles, and as such, feels that he gets the better Sonic games. He enjoys a variety of musical genres and bands, and spends most of his time doing one of four things; travelling and on his iPod Touch, Playing games, Spending time with his Fianceé, or working, providing work is available at that time.

The (short) story

The below article was written in two hours by SpeedStarTMQ for a discussion on the SEGA forums. SpeedStarTMQ felt it was too good to waste, and will forever form the basis for timeline discussions in future. He hopes that the article will provide information for those who have missed games, and also help form an understanding of the workings of the Sonic plot.

The timeline is pretty much self-explanatory, and you can place the games using obvious references. Sit back, relax, and munch on some popcorn or something, this is a gonna take a while...

Sonic The Hedgehog- Sonic's adventure on the mystical ever-shifting South Island, and his first recorded encounter with Dr Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik. Dr Eggman is snatching innocent animals and turning them into evil robots! Sonic fights his enemies, rescues the helpless animals and stops Dr. Robotnik from succeeding with his evil plot. Sonic busts Dr. Robotnik's Eggpod just as he is escaping. The hedgehog then uses the 6 Chaos Emeralds in his possession to restore South Island to its former glory.

Sonic The Hedgehog CD- The Little Planet is a beautiful and tiny world where special stones known as the Time Stones are found. The Time Stones are powerful gems that are capable of controlling the passage of time. The evil Dr Eggman had his eye on these stones all along, ever since the planet appeared on the last month of the year. Upon locating the Little Planet, Dr Eggman and his robot cronies immediately set about converting the world into a giant fortress. But just in time is Sonic, who stops Eggman from taking all the Time Stones that will allow him to manipulate time and conquer the world. Sonic travels through the past, present and future, and also faces Eggman's latest invention- Metal Sonic. Set before Sonic 2. Possibly could have been placed after Sonic and Knuckles, but Sonic 4's confirmation has meant that it has shifted. Not only this, but the style, original creation and development time, as well as hidden images further proves that this game should be set after Sonic 1, and before Sonic 2. Also, Sonic 3 takes place solely after Sonic 2. Amy is introduced, as is Metal Sonic, who is mostly destroyed.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2- Dr Robotnik returns, again bent on world domination. Sonic and his sidekick (Who he met prior to the games events) Miles 'Tails' Prower stop the demented scientist from discovering the Chaos Emeralds and completing the ultimate weapon, the "Death Egg". Another Sonic robot appears, but is also destroyed. This is the first time Sonic finds all 7 Chaos Emeralds, and uses their power to transform into Super Sonic, a near invincible, faster, yellow-glowing version of himself.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles- The end of the Death Egg Saga, and the introduction of Knuckles, the Master Emerald, and Angel Island. Robotnik's Death Egg loses its ability to fly after crash landing on Angel island- a mystical floating island held up by the power of the Master Emerald- and only the power of the Chaos Emeralds can repair his ship. To obtain them, Eggmam tricks the guardian of the Master Emerald (and by proxy, the Chaos Emeralds) Knuckles the Echidna, convincing him that Sonic and Tails are really his enemies. After a long fight through Angel Island, Sonic and Tails make it to the Launch Base, and blast Robotnik's Death Egg to smithereens. Having done so, Sonic is determined to continue his quest, and Knuckles is equally determined to stop him by all means available. Finally, after Sonic is able to power up the Chaos Emeralds into the Super Emeralds using the hidden qualities of the Hidden Palace and the Master Emerald, he witnesses Eggman's betrayal of Knuckles, and the kidnapping of the Master Emerald. The Death Egg launches again, and Sonic and Tails climb onboard, defeating Eggman's mechs at the last minute. When all is thought to be over, Eggman again steals the Master Emerald using his previous Eggbot contraption from Sonic 2, and Hyper Sonic flies through space, destroying the mech once again. He then brings the Master Emerald back to Knuckles, forming a bond of trust between the characters. An enhanced version of the previous Robot Sonic is introduced, which is also defeated by Sonic on his quest. A side story takes place afterwards. Knuckles is relaxing in Mushroom Hill Zone, when a bomb lands next to him, not having time to react at all, the bomb explodes just as Knuckles glances at it. He narrowly avoids being killed, either through his own toughness or just luck. The bomb was dropped by Egg Robo, a remaining robot from Sky Sanctuary which somehow survives the onslaught by Sonic and Tails previously. Knuckles chases Egg Robo through the latter half of Angel Island, in which Egg Robo uses all of his creators previous contraptions to destroy Knuckles. As Knuckles eventually uses a warping point to reach Sky Sanctuary, Egg Robo cleverly grabs him tight using the machine Robotnik used to steal the Master Emerald. Unable to move, Knuckles uses his strength to glide out of the way when Robot Sonic- who survived his fight with Sonic- spins at the Eggpod piloted by Egg Robo. Having missed Knuckles, Robot Sonic slams into Egg Robo and the Eggpod by mistake, obliterating both. During the fight between Robot Sonic and Knuckles, Angel Island is seen unbalanced in the background for some reason. After being knocked down by Knuckles in the brawl, Robot Sonic jumps on the stolen Master Emerald- the reason for the unbalance)and powers up to become super. However, he cannot sustain his super form, and through weak spots, Knuckles is able to defeat him again, restoring peace to Angel Island once and for.. all?

Sonic The Hedgehog 4- With the Death Egg destroyed and Angel Island returned to the sky, Sonic decides that it is time to take a break. After parting with Tails, he sets off to explore new territories alone; however, unbeknownst to him, his nemesis Dr. Eggman has survived their last encounter, and has revisited and improved some of his "very best" robotic creations in another attempt to defeat Sonic. Again, Sonic must travel through a variety of zones to defeat Doctor Eggman once again.

Sonic 3D- Sonic travels to Flicky Island only to find that Dr. Robotnik has turned the mysterious birds known as Flickies into vicious robots. Sonic rescues his friends and once again foils the deranged scientists fiendish plot.

Sonic R (If it's applicable)- Sonic and his pals enter a race created by Dr Eggman. Eggman hopes that his enhanced robots- Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and the strange Tails doll- will destroy and humiliate Sonic and his pals once and for all. Eggman and his machines lose, outrun and outwitted by Sonic again, further dampening Robotnik and his machines spirits.

Sonic Adventure- "Sonic's adventure begins just as he is returning home from a long journey". References to his past games are made- Angel Island reappears, we see both Robot and Metal Sonic in Eggman's lair, and this game also begins the 'new look' of the franchise. Chaos is introduced, and the backstory for Angel Island, Knuckles, the Chaos and Master Emeralds is further expanded. Big the Cat and Gamma are also introduced as key characters, with Gamma showing off Eggman’s new robot range- the E-series.

Sonic Adventure 2- Continues where the previous game left off. Shadow is introduced, and we are given a more in-depth look at Eggman's story, and his family. Shadow is feared dead in the end, and all the characters go back to their daily lives.

Sonic Advance- Eggman begins to capture Sonic's animal friends across the globe, and Sonic frees them. A new Metal Knuckles is introduced.

Sonic Advance 2- This time, Eggman captures Sonic's closest pal Tails, and also tricks Knuckles again. Cream is introduced. Eggman is defeated yet again by Super Sonic.

Sonic Heroes- Shadow is found alive and well, but is he the real Shadow or an android? Team Chaotix are introduced (possibly ret conned from Knucles Chaotix). Rouge also awakens Omega, who then vows to destroy Eggman. We find out that Eggman never even had a part in the evil plot at all. Instead, Metal Sonic overthrew Eggman at the last minute, taking control of his empire in a bid to destroy Sonic once and for all.

Shadow The Hedgehog- We find out Shadow is real, and the reasoning behind Prof. Gerald in Adventure 2. The Black Arms make their first and only appearance, with their leader Black Doom having been tied to the creation of Shadow. The plot is mostly tied up.

Sonic Battle- Shadow starts to regain is memories. We see that Prof. Gerald was working on more than previously thought. Emerl is a robot called a ‘Gizoid’ that is thousands of years old, created by the 4th great civilization, who seemingly disappeared eons ago in the blink of an eye. Eggman finds Emerl and tries to use him to conquer the galaxy. Emerl falls into the hands of Sonic and his buddies. In the end, Eggman revives his ultimate creation- The Death Egg- in the hope of ensnaring Sonic and his pals. Sonic is forced to destroy Emerl after he loses control on board the Death Egg.

Sonic Advance 3- Eggman finally gets what he's always wanted, and splits the world into 7 pieces via chaos control from the energy of the Master Emerald. He builds Gemerl, a robot bad guy similar in status to Metal Sonic. Gemerl is made from Emerl's pieces, salvaged from the Death Egg. In the end, Gemerl betrays Eggman, and steals the emeralds, transforming into his super form. Super Sonic has to team up with Eggman to defeat his creation. Everyone is relieved when Tail's uses his skills to fix Gemerl, and reprogram’s him to be a kind, loving robot, much as Emerl once was. Gemerl spends the rest of his days living with Cream and her mother.

Sonic Riders- Eggman sets up another Grand Prix in a bid to take the Chaos Emeralds. The Babylon Rogues sign up to rival Sonic and his team. Eggman's plans are yet again foiled, when he realizes the treasure he was after is nothing which would be useful to him in any shape or form.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006- Silver and Blaze arrives from the future to avert a crisis which caused the destruction of their time. The crisis itself was caused by Sonic. We find that Omega was actually programmed to destroy Shadow, and that the whole reason why the crisis occurred was because Sonic was killed, making Princess Elise of the Soleanna region cry, releasing an evil beast-which was sealed within her long ago- capable of destroying time itself. Sonic, Silver and Shadow turn super, and destroy the Iblis. Sonic then blows out the flame at its heart, which erases the memory of the time controlling creature, and all of the events which led up to the game ever occurring. Silver and Blaze's future will now be vastly different, Sonic and Elise will never know each other, and Eggman never even dreams up his crazy scheme.

Sonic Rush- Sonic and Tails find a rip in the fabric of time, in which there is another dimension. Blaze travels to Sonics’ world, and Sonic and Blaze have no recollection of previous events. Eggman and Eggman Nega, Eggman's apparent 'alternate reality self' team up to destroy Blaze and Sonic. Blaze uses the Sol Emeralds- her world equivalent of the Chaos Emeralds- to transform, and Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds. They defeat Eggman and Eggman Nega together, and both go back to their respective worlds.

Sonic And The Secret Rings- Sonic gets sucked into the storybook of Arabian Nights, and has to free the book world.

Sonic Rush Adventure- Sonic and Tails are transported to Blazes world by a freak storm which is apparently causes by the Sol and Chaos Emeralds. Here, they meet Blaze, and a racoon called Marine, who vows to help them on their quest. Eggman and Eggman Nega once again team up to destroy the heroes by creating their own robot pirates to hassle Sonic and the gang. After Sonic and friends find out that the Eggmen are once again behind the games events, they (Sonic and Blaze) team up in their super forms to defeat the Eggmen once again. Afterwards, Sonic and Tails go back to their world.

Sonic Riders; Zero Gravity- Sonic, Tails and Knuckles once again face the Babylon Rogues.

Sonic Rivals- The game begins with Eggman turning Tails, Amy Rose, Rouge, and the Master Emerald into cards with his new device. Sonic and Knuckles arrive on the scene, and find out what has happened. Knuckles, bent on saving the Master Emerald, tells Sonic that teamwork is out of the question and that he needs to get to Eggman first. Sonic snickers and says that he likes a good challenge. Meanwhile, Shadow receives a distress signal from Eggman. Suddenly, a mysterious hedgehog named Silver appears from the future, and tells Shadow he needs to get to Eggman first. As it turns out, Eggman Nega is the main antagonist of the game, who, as he reveals to Shadow, actually hails from the future. After two embarrassing failures alongside Dr. Eggman to create the ultimate Eggmen Utopia, Nega turns on Eggman by trapping him in a card and begins carrying out his own sinister plans. Masquerading as Dr. Eggman in the past, he uses a special camera to turn everyone into cards on Onyx Island, an island he brought along with him from the future which is the future Angel Island. His master plan is to change his destiny by turning the whole planet into a card that he can control. After one final battle with Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, and Metal Sonic, Nega is defeated, everyone is reverted to their original forms, and Silver returns to the future with Eggman Nega.

Sonic Rivals 2- The Chao are missing and so the duty of retrieving them falls to Sonic and Tails. As always, the disturbance is due to one Doctor Eggman (actually Eggman Nega in disguise) whom has hidden the stolen Chao in a haunted mansion. With a beast called the Iblis, his evil plot is to feed the chao to the monster so that it may become invincible. Once unbeatable, Doctor Eggman plans to release the Iblis upon the world to cause destruction and eventually destroy the world. For the portal to Iblis' world to be opened, Doctor Eggman must obtain the seven Chaos Emeralds and so hires the services of one Rouge the Bat. However, the Master Emerald is missing and so Rouge is joined by Knuckles in the hunt to find it. Silver the Hedgehog travels from a future decimated by the Iblis. In order to save the future, Silver steals what chaos he can find to safely hide them away. His path leads him to run into Espio the Chameleon who is also looking for the missing Chao and as such they team up in the hope of reaching their common goal, the saving of the world. The real Doctor Eggman sends Metal Sonic to find Shadow the Hedgehog to tell him about Nega's plan. As such, Metal and Shadow set out to find the Chaos Emeralds. All these teams eventually run into each other at the Mystic Haunt Zone, the location of the portal to the other world. Though Rouge only managed to gather six Chaos Emeralds, the portal still opens and Nega sends Metal Sonic Version III to awaken the Iblis. Iblis is ultimately defeated by the heroes. Shadow and Metal Sonic close up the portal and seal themselves, along with Nega in the other dimension. Metal Sonic then reveals he held the seventh Emerald all along and so he and Shadow escape leaving Nega trapped under some rubble. Sonic and Tails return the Chao to the Chao Garden while Knuckles finds the Master Emerald which is then stolen by Rouge. Silver returns to the future and Espio the Chameleon must answer to Vector the Crocodile.

Sonic Unleashed- Sonic is trapped by Eggman, who uses the power of the Chaos Emeralds to split the world into 7 pieces, thus unleashing Dark Gaia, a creature which has long been hidden in the centre of the earth. Sonic turns into a Werehog from the energy Eggman harnesses, and finds Chip, a friendly lil' animal who is actually Light Gaia, albeit with memory loss. In the end, Sonic foils Eggmans plans, and defeats Dark Gaia as Super Sonic, having help from Chip, who uses his mystical powers to transform and build a giant puppet made from the temples throughout the game. The world goes back to normal, and Sonic and Tails once again go on their way.

Sonic and the Black Knight- Sonic gets sucked into the storybook world of King Arthur, and has to free the book world from evil.

Sonic Colours- After apparently developing a sense of remorse for his past indiscretions, Dr. Eggman supposedly turns a new leaf and builds an intergalactic amusement park up in space, made up of several planet sized attractions. However, the true purpose of this amusement park is to capture the alien inhabitants of these planets, known as Wisps, and harness their colored energy for his nefarious plans. A Wisp named Yacker informs Sonic who, accompanied by Tails, embarks on a journey to Dr. Eggman's amusement park to free the imprisoned Wisps inhabiting each planet and thwart Dr. Eggman's plans.

Sonic Chronicles; The Dark Brotherhood- Appears to be set some time in the future. Sonic Chronicles opens by detailing Eggman's defeat, and presumed death, some time ago after the destruction of the Egg Carrier at the hands of Sonic and friends. In the present, Sonic is on vacation when he receives a call from Tails, stating that Knuckles has been kidnapped by a group called the Marauders, who have stolen the Chaos Emeralds. Travelling with Amy Rose to meet Tails, they are escorted by Rouge the Bat to meet the GUN Commander, who informs them that they have been watching the Marauders for some time, and know where to search. Having no luck, they eventually locate the Marauders' base in the Mystic Ruins and with the help of Big the Cat, they find Knuckles, who is found escaping from some robots; leaving the base, they find Angel Island has gone. Devices found in their initial search help them locate Eggman, who claims to be a reformed character, revealing that he survived the crash of the Egg Carrier by anticipating his own defeat and making a robot that would rescue him. He informs the team that Angel Island is being pulled to Metropolis, the location of the Marauders' main base.

With Metropolis as their next destination, they meet Shadow and he joins up in order to find E-123 Omega, but are attacked by Shade and her Marauders. She reveals herself to be an Echidna of the Nocturnus Tribe (the very same tribe of the 4th Great Civilization who created Emerl), leaving Knuckles, supposedly the last of the Echidnas, shocked. After her defeat, the team head to Angel Island to get the Master Emerald before the Marauders, but are shot down; they confront the Nocturnus leader, the Grand Imperator Ix, who reveals his plot to take over the dimension. Shade is shocked, having believed that Ix merely wanted to bring her clan back to Earth, as they had been sealed in an alternate dimension called the Twilight Cage. Tails and Eggman arrive with a non-lethal weapon, using it transport several of the Nocturnus back to the Twilight Cage, but Ix escapes and steals the Master Emerald. This causes Angel Island to fall from the sky, and Knuckles saves Shade as the island crashes into Metropolis.

Tails and Eggman build a vehicle, dubbed the Cyclone, that will transport them to the other dimension, but Eggman claims he must remain to ensure their safe return; as they leave, he reveals that he has a more sinister plan in mind for them. Once in the Twilight Cage, the team encounter the rock-like Kron Colony, who assists them on their journey by providing them with a Chaos Emerald. Next, they meet the N'rrgal Colony, who will give the team their Chaos Emerald if they take a weapon from their enemies, the Zoah. Having gained the Zoah's weapon by defeating their leader in combat, the team discover it is another Chaos Emerald — the two races realise they have been duped by Ix, who gave them the Emeralds to keep each other in check. Two further Emeralds are found in the Voxai Colonies, inhabited by a telepathic race who have been controlled by a group of three Voxai known as the Overmind, whose dominating telepathic power stemmed from the use of Chaos Emeralds. The team defeat them, and the new leader gives them the two Emeralds that had been given to them by Ix. With the remaining two Emeralds on Nocturne, the team gathers the leaders of all encountered colonies and carry out a plan to invade the Nocturnus home world. The Voxai find weaknesses in the force field around the planet, the Zoah fly a spaceship created by the Kron towards it and launch a missile which deploys a small group of N'rrgal to eat a hole in the force field. Splitting into two teams, they defeat two Gizoids (Scylla and Charyb) who each use a Chaos Emerald to wield the elements of fire and water, and also lower the force field surrounding Nocturne in order to allow the invading forces from the other Twilight Cage races to attack. Both Knuckles and Sonic's team then fights Ix, and are victorious; Ix then uses the Master Emerald to achieve a Super Transformation, but Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic, and defeats him. As Nocturne begins to fall, and is nearly destroyed, the team escapes to the Cyclone and heads back to Earth. Once back in Metropolis, they find Eggman waiting for them with a rebuilt Metropolis, and the team take the Cyclone to confront the new Eggman Empire. The game ends at this cliffhanger moment.

The timeline isn't built like Zelda's. Sonic games are generally released in a chronological fashion, with only certain games occuring at a different time. This is usually shown by character development or situation. For example; Shadow's story progresses in such a way which makes the placement of the games he stars in easy. Other games like Dark Brotherhood reference their own timeline placement, using a storytelling method to show that it is in "present time".

Hopefully this helps you all understand the time line a bit better, and dispels a lot of myths that Sonic doesn’t have a coherent or continuous story. It might also make for an interesting read. Make a note also that I haven't assumed things or created events to move the games about, I've relied solely on the information supplied by the games. I’ve even gone to the trouble of often quoting word for word from the most updated official sources on the games I can find. If there's anything you don't understand, or you want further proof from me for something, then I'll elaborate a bit more. I tried to trim the post as much as possible, but obviously re-telling the whole Sonic story will take a bit of time. There are also various instances where SEGA themselves mess the story up through a lack of internal communication and knowledge- an example being the official Sonic 4 story, in which the events described do not make sense whatsoever.

I have also not included the Game Gear games, Sonic The Fighters, SEGA Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic Spinball, Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Sonic Pinball Party or Knuckles Chaotix. SEGA have never really confirmed whether they are relevant, with each of those games having their own plot points or discrepancies, as well as exclusive characters like Fang/Nack. I'm not saying they aren't 100% relevant, but let's not go there right now. These games also vary on the amount of Chaos Emeralds, and are seen to be more of a cash-in on the Sonic franchise for the arcade, Mega Drive, 32X and Sega Game Gear systems. Also, Sonic Pinball Party is just a Sonic themed Pinball game.