


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 20:56, 23 September 2010 by Hivebrain (talk | contribs)

Eviltaco64 is an active member of Sonic Retro and a fairly inactive member of X-Cult. He's been playing Sonic as long as he can remember, but disowned him after Sega discontinued the Dreamcast and began making Sonic games for Nintendo.

He found the Sonic scene by googling "Sonic 2 track 10" in 2005. He was so intrigued by Sonic 2 Beta that he wanted to sign up for SWS2B back in early 2006. Three failed attempts and a merger later, he was a member of Sonic Retro!

He began fixing computers when he was 8 years old and somehow ended up repairing various video game consoles, such as NES, Xbox 360, Sega Dreamcast, and PS2. He's also good at modding consoles and makes occasional attempts to modify software. He can be found on many homebrew forums such as DCEmu UK and DCEmulation (which is like Dreamcast but after /b/ gets involved).

He only got suspended once for getting involved in a party thread, and has pissed off Tweaker maybe two or three times in the past. :P

He also likes to discuss politics and religion as well. Since he and doc eggfan are almost exact opposites on religion, it makes for some epic spars. It's all in good nature, though!