

Chaos Hedgie

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 05:13, 11 September 2008 by Shobiz (talk | contribs) (Wikilinks)

<forumuser name="Chaos Hedgie" /> Chaos Hedgie is one of Retro's black guys, and is known for eating chikkins & watermelon. He weaves cotton to keep the servers' room insulated.

j/k, SonicMario3/Chaos the Hedgehog/Nigtendo/Meta Knigger/Chaos Hedgie is one of the first black guys to join the Sonic scene, and also the most controversial. However, although his hostile personality has garnered him infamy within the Sonic scene, his cool personality garnered a niche within the scene.

The Beginning (2002-2004)

Chaos Hedgie first joined the Sonic 2 Beta ezBoard back in 2002, but lurked for a while, thus rendering his registration lost in time.

His second noted registration was at The Perfect Chaos Gang (TPCG) in March of 2003, under the name "SonicMario3". TPCG soon closed after a month of his registration.

He soon joined the SRB2 forums, and was first introduced to IRC. He was however banned shortly, for not knowing some basic IRC etiquette, such as flooding. However, they managed to teach them the basics, and he pops in from time to time, every now and then.

After jumping around various message boards, such as the Sonic: Time Attacked forum, he finally registered at Sonic CulT. He managed to last for two months before being banned, but not before gaining some internet friendships.

He then proceeded to register at CulT-Soft and Sonic Classic, and thrived for a while. However, in 2004, an argument broke out between Chaos and Dragoon (Cult-Soft's owner) over Dragoon's sexuality, and Chaos was banned a day before Dragoon planned to VIP him.

to be continued....coming up next, Chaos Hedgie's impersonations detailed!.