
Sonic Retro

Sonic Retro Podcast

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 18:11, 11 April 2018 by Hivebrain (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Cinossu" to "Cinossu")

Retrocast album art.jpg
Sonic Retro Podcast

The Sonic Retro Podcast, dubbed Retrocast, is an occassional internet podcast series for the Sonic Retro community.


(In alphabetical order)


1. Slamma Lamma Ding Dong (1:04:00)
2. (EDIT - Inflammatory - T) (1:24:29)
3. Sonic Retro Retrocast No. 3 (1:08:08)
3.5. Sonic Retro Retrocast Super Bowl Special! (2:08:00)
4. Sonic Retro Podcast #4 (1:14:45)
5. Sonic Retro Podcast May 2012 (0:59:16)