
SCHG How-to

Port Knuckles into Sonic 2

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 18:06, 7 February 2013 by MainMemory (talk | contribs)

(Original guide by MainMemory)
Note: this guide is written with the Sonic 2 Hg disassembly in mind.

Getting the Knuckles object and putting it in Sonic 2

First you will need s2k.asm from the Knuckles in Sonic 2 disassembly.
Open s2k.asm, select everything from Obj01: (line 27324) to the end of ArtConvTable (line 30585), and copy it into a new asm file called Knuckles.asm in your S2 disasm folder. This is so we don't accidentally change something in our Sonic 2 disassembly while we're fixing Knuckles.
Open Knuckles.asm and do a Find and Replace operation to replace every instance of "Obj01" (without quotes) with "ObjXX", where XX is the object ID you want Knuckles to use. The following IDs are unused in Sonic 2: 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, 62, D0, D1, and everything from DD to FF. Use that ID whenever I refer to ObjXX.
Next, do the following replacements: "CheckGameOver" to "ObjXX_CheckGameOver", "JmpTo_KillCharacter" to "JmpToK_KillCharacter", "Player_CheckFloor" to "Sonic_CheckFloor".
Find the line <asm> bsr.w Adjust2PArtPointer2_Useless</asm> and change it to <asm> jsr Adjust2PArtPointer2</asm> Now you'll need to copy some more code from s2k.asm. Specifically, sub_3192E6, loc_318FE8, sub_318FF6, loc_319208 and loc_3193D2. Because they're all small routines, I'll paste them here: <asm>; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================

Doesn't exist in S2

sub_3192E6:  ; ... move.b $17(a0),d0 ext.w d0 sub.w d0,d2 eor.w #$F,d2 lea ($FFFFF768).w,a4 move.w #-$10,a3 move.w #$800,d6 bsr.w FindFloor move.b #$80,d2

loc_319306: bra.w loc_318FE8

End of function sub_3192E6

loc_318FE8:  ; ... move.b ($FFFFF768).w,d3 btst #0,d3 beq.s return_318FF4 move.b d2,d3

return_318FF4:  ; ... rts

=============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================

sub_318FF6:  ; ... move.b $17(a0),d0 ext.w d0 add.w d0,d2 lea ($FFFFF768).w,a4 move.w #$10,a3 move.w #0,d6 bsr.w FindFloor move.b #0,d2 bra.s loc_318FE8

End of function sub_318FF6
This doesn't exist in S2...

loc_319208:  ; ... move.b $17(a0),d0 ext.w d0 add.w d0,d3 lea ($FFFFF768).w,a4 move.w #$10,a3 move.w #0,d6 bsr.w FindWall move.b #$C0,d2 bra.w loc_318FE8


loc_3193D2:  ; ... move.b $17(a0),d0 ext.w d0 sub.w d0,d3 eor.w #$F,d3 lea ($FFFFF768).w,a4 move.w #$FFF0,a3 move.w #$400,d6 bsr.w FindWall move.b #$40,d2 bra.w loc_318FE8


Put this code at the end of Knuckles' asm.

Now we're ready to put the code in our S2 disassembly, so open s2.asm. You can place Knuckles' code wherever you want, but the place that seems to cause the fewest errors is right before Obj79. You can either add the line <asm>include "Knuckles.asm"</asm> or just copy and paste his code in.
When you do that, run build.bat in the S2 disassembly. It should tell you there are 14 errors and to check s2.log, so that's what we'll do. Everything in the log will be in this format:

> > >s2.asm(line#): error: jump distance too big
> > > 	bsr.w	label

What you need to do is go to each line and change the bsr.w to jsr. There is one line that's a bra.w instead, change that to jmp.

Importing Knuckles' art and mappings

If you try to build now, you will see three "symbol undefined" errors: SK_Map_Knuckles, SK_PLC_Knuckles and SK_ArtUnc_Knux. So let's fix those.

For SK_Map_Knuckles, you need to take Knuckles' sprite mappings from S&K and convert them to Sonic 2 format. There are two ways to do this:

  • Using SonMapEd, set the Game Format setting to "Sonic 3 & Knuckles", load the mappings file, change the Game Format setting to "Sonic 2", and save the mappings as Knuckles.asm in the mappings/sprite folder of your S2 disasm.
  • Using my mappings converter, load the mappings with input set to Game: "Sonic 3 & Knuckles", Format: ASM and output set to Game: "Sonic 2", Format: ASM, and save the mappings as Knuckles.asm in the mappings/sprite folder of your S2 disasm.
  • If you're using the MapMacros branch of the S2 disassembly as a base, you can also set the output format to "ASM with Macros".

Then, in s2.asm, somewhere near Mapunc_Sonic, add the line <asm>SK_Map_Knuckles: include "mappings/sprite/Knuckles.asm"</asm>
For SK_PLC_Knuckles, you can simply take Knuckles' DPLCs from S&K and save them as Knuckles.asm in the mappings/spriteDPLC folder of your S2 disasm, since the DPLC format is the same for S3K's players and Sonic 2.
Then, in s2.asm, somewhere near MapRUnc_Sonic, add the line <asm>SK_PLC_Knuckles: include "mappings/spriteDPLC/Knuckles.asm"</asm>
For SK_ArtUnc_Knux, take Knuckles' art from S&K and save it as Knuckles.bin in the art/uncompressed folder of your S2 disasm.
Then, in s2.asm, somewhere near ArtUnc_Sonic, add the lines <asm> align $20 SK_ArtUnc_Knux: BINCLUDE "art/uncompressed/Knuckles.bin"</asm>

Optimizing Knuckles' art loading

This step is optional, but recommended.
You may have noticed that Knuckles' art file is the same file as S3K, even though the two games' palettes are organized differently. This is possible because Knuckles' code dynamically recolors all his sprites in LoadKnucklesDynPLC_Part2. This saves some space in the KiS2 ROM, but for a Sonic 2 hack, it's just wasting CPU, so we'll remove it.
Select everything under the line bmi.w return_31753E in LoadKnucklesDynPLC_Part2 up to (but not including) return_31753E, and delete it. Replace it with this code, modified from LoadSonicDynPLC_Part2: <asm> move.w #tiles_to_bytes(ArtTile_ArtUnc_Sonic),d4


KPLC_ReadEntry: moveq #0,d1 move.w (a2)+,d1 move.w d1,d3 lsr.w #8,d3 andi.w #$F0,d3 addi.w #$10,d3 andi.w #$FFF,d1 lsl.l #5,d1 addi.l #SK_ArtUnc_Knux,d1 move.w d4,d2 add.w d3,d4 add.w d3,d4 jsr (QueueDMATransfer).l dbf d5,KPLC_ReadEntry ; repeat for number of entries</asm> Then you can delete ArtConvTable and the comments above it.
Now you just need Knuckles' art converted to Sonic 2's palette, and replace Knuckles' art file (art/uncompressed/Knuckles.bin) with that.

Getting Knuckles ingame

At this point, you should be getting no errors when building, but you still can't play as Knuckles, because nothing references his code!
Go to Obj_Index in s2.asm, find the line corresponding to the object ID you gave Knuckles' code, and replace it with this: <asm>ObjPtr_Knuckles: dc.l ObjXX ; Knuckles</asm> Now, go to s2.constants.asm, find the end of the ObjID list, and add <asm>ObjID_Knuckles = id(ObjPtr_Knuckles)</asm> Back in s2.asm, under InitPlayers, copy the first two lines under InitPlayers_Alone and paste them under InitPlayers_TailsAlone, changing the label after the bne to InitPlayers_KnucklesAlone. Then add the following lines under the rts at the end of InitPlayers_TailsAlone: <asm>InitPlayers_KnucklesAlone: move.b #ObjID_Knuckles,(MainCharacter+id).w ; load ObjXX Knuckles object at $FFFFB000 move.b #ObjID_SpindashDust,(Sonic_Dust+id).w ; load Obj08 Knuckles' spindash dust/splash object at $FFFFD100 rts</asm> Next go to OptionScreen_Choices and change the 3 to a 4 in the first line. This changes how many characters are available in the character select.
Under off_92D2 and off_92DE add the following line at the end of the list: <asm> dc.l TextOptScr_KnucklesAlone</asm> Then go to TextOptScr_TailsAlone and add the line <asm>TextOptScr_KnucklesAlone: menutxt "KNUCKLES ALONE "</asm> Now build the game, run it, and choose Knuckles in the options menu, and you'll see... Blue Knuckles!