


From Sonic Retro

< User:LilShootDawg
Revision as of 13:37, 31 December 2024 by LilShootDawg (talk | contribs) (removed Fangame from infobox to remove this page from the Fan games page.)
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{{ | screen=Sonicbrickstartscreen.png | screenwidth=340px | date=1997 | engine=Kilk & Play | credits=Johan Leion }} LilShootDawg/Sandbox/ is an early Sonic fan game made in Kilk & Play by Johan Leion in 1997.


Like the most of you know, the Death Egg was destroyed in Sonic's third big adventure and Robotnik hasn't enough of resources to build a new one or even a new Badnik army. So he takes what he haves and builds the Brick Egg it's a smaller version of the Death Egg and it makes little stone bricks out of rocks that it bombs the ground with. Now Sonic and Tails have to stop this machine before it's too late.[1]


Its gameplay is a simple Breakout clone where the player moves Tails, who is in place of the paddle, with the mouse to bounce Sonic, in place of the ball, to hit the bricks and continue to the next level. Powerups will sometimes appear when you destroy blocks. One of them will have Knuckles show up and help the player by destroying bricks, another has Eggman showing up to place more bricks for the player to destroy, and the last one will make Mecha Sonic appear placing non-destroyable bricks that the player has to bounce around.


Stage Password
1 5984
2 2334
3 1354
4 3792
5 6740
6 7621
7 4315
8 5982
9 9687
10 0320
11 6754
12 5129
Ending THE END



Download.svg Download LilShootDawg/Sandbox/
File: Sonic_Brick.7z (2.53 MB) (info)


  1. sonic_brick.txt