


From Sonic Retro


Fast Facts on Fangame


This template is to be used on articles about fangames. Place the following at the top of a page. Remove the comment marks <!-- and --> only from the fields you fill in.

| title=
| screen=<!-- Open Sonic title screen.png -->
| screenwidth=<!-- default is 320 -->
| version=<!-- 0.1.3 -->
| date=<!-- February 16, 2010 -->
| engine=<!-- original -->
| credits=
| status=<!-- Planned / Active / Stalled / Unmaintained / Discontinued / etc. -->
<!-- Only if your game's engine is original:
| programming language=<!-- C -->
| operating system=<!-- Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux -->
| platform=<!-- This should normally be blank. See documentation. -->
| modes=<!-- if the game supports both, write: "Single-player, multiplayer" -->
| license=<!-- Freeware / Freeware with source code available / Freeware with open-source code / etc. -->

All fields are optional. Please leave unused fields in place so that someone else can fill them in later.

If title is not specified, it will read the name of the page.

status can be set to "Planned", "Active", "Stalled", "Unmaintained", "Discontinued", or anything else.

If your game's engine is a premade engine, such as the Retro Sonic engine, link to it, and erase the programming language, operating system, and platform parameters from your article's template call. If your game's engine was custom-created specifically for your game, write "original", and try to fill in the the programming language, operating system, and platform fields.

operating system can be, for example, "Windows XP and later", or be "Windows Vista and later", or be "BSD, Linux, Mac OS, and Microsoft Windows", or be "Unix-like", or be anything else.

Only specify platform if necessary. If a game runs on anything which runs "Java" or "Adobe Flash", say so. Do not write vague platitudes like "cross-platform" unless the game runs on a huge list of platforms and the article lists them all.

modes can be either "Single-player" or "Single-player, multiplayer".

license can be "Proprietary commercial software", "Freeware", "Freeware with source code available", "Freeware with open-source code", "Game and media are both fully open-source", or similar. Note that if the sprites are ripped from any Sega games, then the media cannot be considered open-source.


The following example is for illustration purposes only and may not include up-to-date information. You need not update it for the sake of truth.

Open Sonic title screen.png
Open Sonic
Latest version: 0.1.3
Latest release date: February 16, 2010
Engine: original
Credits: Alexandre Martins
Development status: Active
Written in: C
Operating system: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
Mode(s): Single-player
| title=''Open Sonic''
| screen=Open Sonic title screen.png
| screenwidth=
| version=0.1.3
| date=February 16, 2010
| engine=original
| credits=Alexandre Martins
| status=Active
| programming language=C
| operating system=Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
| modes=Single-player
| license=