Sonic Lost World
From Sonic Retro
Badnik Models
So, I know Sonic Retro's done some extracting stuff over the years, and I was wondering if all Badnik models from the game could be extracted. Everything from Bat Brains, Newtrons, Octus, BFBs, Aquis, Octus, Cluckers, Cluckoids, Madmoles, Dragonfly, Uni Unis, Unidasu, Gohla, Spikes, Sonic 2 Spikers, Coconuts, Jaws, Mushmeanies, Bombs, Laser Grabbers, and others like Tornadonaut. Models Resource has tried with Moto Bug, but failed. ([1]) However, you can help these people like robowii achieve their dreams of having perfect Badnik models so everyone can be happy. Hope to hear some good reports! --Spina99 (talk) 19:18, 16 January 2020 (EST)