E-Series Robots
From Sonic Retro
E-1013 Rook
What exactly is a Rook? I don't recall ever seeing this robot during Sonic Heroes. Is it even real? What does it look like? --ソニックエンジェル948 23:55, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
- I was going to ask the same question. User:0r4ng3 has got the Heroes Official Guide Book, though, so he'll be able to tell us whether it actually exists or not! Frozen Nitrogen (Talk) 00:26, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
- There is no Rook enemy named in the official guide. The guides never go into enemies that deeply though. This one either names them superficially ("lance-wielding Egg Pawns", "flapper") or lists them in the end (the list is very incomplete, it lists no flapper besides the bomb flapper). These guides are also riddled with errors (it even mentions a Socio pawn, which is a red and black pawn as far as I can tell). The guide doesn't mention Hard Mode however, so it might be found going that route, but since 1013 is an outlier number, I think it's fake. Someone should check Hard Mode to be sure though. And I can't believe none of you have the guide. The digital version can be found easily on the internet. :psyduck: 0r4ng3
Greek alphabet characters
Do we really need to have the pages for the E-Series robots use the Greek alphabet characters in their titles? While the Greek characters are used in the boss cards in Sonic Adventure (as well as the character select for Gamma), the robots generally have their names printed out in full in the subtitles. In the case of E-123 Omega, there is no official source that I can find that prints his name as "E-123 Ω" as standard; every source I can find (such as his page on the Sonic Channel page) always prints his name as "E-123 Omega" or "E-123 オメガ" as his standard depending on language.
It'd also make the pages easier to find on search engines and the likes if we used the full English names for them, too. --BSonirachi (talk) 11:33, 14 October 2019 (EDT)
- I think it's fine for the Sonic Adventure bosses, but if Omega is never referred to with the omega symbol, that'll be worth changing -Black Squirrel (talk) 12:14, 14 October 2019 (EDT)