
SCHG How-to

Remove the Speed Cap

From Sonic Retro

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(Ground speed cap fix originally by Tweaker; air speed cap fix originally by Puto)

Ground Speed Cap

Removing the speed cap requires taking a look at Sonic 2's version of Sonic_MoveLeft, and Sonic_MoveRight. First off, we should take a look at Sonic_MoveLeft (for example), and look at its code.

Sonic_MoveLeft:		   ; XREF: Sonic_Move
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		beq.s	loc_13086
		bpl.s	loc_130B2

		bset	#0,$22(a0)
		bne.s	loc_1309A
		bclr	#5,$22(a0)
		move.b	#1,$1D(a0)

		sub.w	d5,d0
		move.w	d6,d1
		neg.w	d1
		cmp.w	d1,d0
		bgt.s	loc_130A6
		move.w	d1,d0

		move.w	d0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#0,$1C(a0); use walking animation

This is the section we're looking for. Now, let's look up one of the lines in here until we find a matching pattern in S2.

loc_1C2A4:		   ; CODE XREF: h+515C p
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		beq.s	loc_1C2AC
		bpl.s	loc_1C2DE

loc_1C2AC:		   ; CODE XREF: h+5334 j
		bset	#0,$22(a0)
		bne.s	loc_1C2C0
		bclr	#5,$22(a0)
		move.b	#1,$1D(a0)

loc_1C2C0:		   ; CODE XREF: h+533E j
		sub.w	d5,d0
		move.w	d6,d1
		neg.w	d1
		cmp.w	d1,d0
		bgt.s	loc_1C2D2
		add.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d1,d0
		ble.s	loc_1C2D2
		move.w	d1,d0

loc_1C2D2:		   ; CODE XREF: h+5354 j h+535A j
		move.w	d0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#0,$1C(a0)

Success! Now, let's compare the differences here. You'll notice S2's routine has 3 extra lines in it:

		add.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d1,d0
		ble.s	loc_1C2D2

So, what we want to do is add this code to Sonic 1's routine. Take these 3 lines and modify them to work with S1. You should end up with this:

Sonic_MoveLeft:		   ; XREF: Sonic_Move
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		beq.s	loc_13086
		bpl.s	loc_130B2

		bset	#0,$22(a0)
		bne.s	loc_1309A
		bclr	#5,$22(a0)
		move.b	#1,$1D(a0)

		sub.w	d5,d0
		move.w	d6,d1
		neg.w	d1
		cmp.w	d1,d0
		bgt.s	loc_130A6
		add.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d1,d0
		ble.s	loc_130A6
		move.w	d1,d0

		move.w	d0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#0,$1C(a0); use walking animation

Now, we have to do the same for Sonic_MoveRight. Once again, let's find the S2 equivalent of the routine using Sonic 1's routine.

Sonic 1's:

Sonic_MoveRight:	   ; XREF: Sonic_Move
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		bmi.s	loc_13118
		bclr	#0,$22(a0)
		beq.s	loc_13104
		bclr	#5,$22(a0)
		move.b	#1,$1D(a0)

		add.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d6,d0
		blt.s	loc_1310C
		move.w	d6,d0

		move.w	d0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#0,$1C(a0); use walking animation

And, with the same amount of backsearching, we can find Sonic 2's, which is the following:

loc_1C32A:		   ; CODE XREF: h+5168 p
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		bmi.s	loc_1C35E
		bclr	#0,$22(a0)
		beq.s	loc_1C344
		bclr	#5,$22(a0)
		move.b	#1,$1D(a0)

loc_1C344:		   ; CODE XREF: h+53C2 j
		add.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d6,d0
		blt.s	loc_1C352
		sub.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d6,d0
		bge.s	loc_1C352
		move.w	d6,d0

loc_1C352:		   ; CODE XREF: h+53D4 j h+53DA j
		move.w	d0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#0,$1C(a0)

Now, once again, you'll notice the difference between the two routines is the following lines:

		sub.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d6,d0
		bge.s	loc_1C352

So, once again, let's apply these changes to work with S1, providing our final, result routine for S1:

Sonic_MoveRight:	   ; XREF: Sonic_Move
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		bmi.s	loc_13118
		bclr	#0,$22(a0)
		beq.s	loc_13104
		bclr	#5,$22(a0)
		move.b	#1,$1D(a0)

		add.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d6,d0
		blt.s	loc_1310C
		sub.w	d5,d0
		cmp.w	d6,d0
		bge.s	loc_1310C
		move.w	d6,d0

		move.w	d0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#0,$1C(a0); use walking animation

And that should be it! Build your new ROM, and the infamous (ground) speed cap should be gone!

Air Speed Cap

However, that still keeps the cap in mid-air. So let's adapt that to fix the speed cap in mid-air too.

Here's the original code:

Sonic_ChgJumpDir:		; XREF: Obj01_MdJump; Obj01_MdJump2
		move.w	($FFFFF760).w,d6	
		move.w	($FFFFF762).w,d5	
		asl.w	#1,d5	
		btst	#4,$22(a0)	
		bne.s	Obj01_ResetScr2	
		move.w	$10(a0),d0	
		btst	#2,($FFFFF602).w; is left being pressed?	
		beq.s	loc_13278; if not, branch	
		bset	#0,$22(a0)	
		sub.w	d5,d0	
		move.w	d6,d1	
		neg.w	d1	
		cmp.w	d1,d0	
		bgt.s	loc_13278	
		move.w	d1,d0

		btst	#3,($FFFFF602).w; is right being pressed?	
		beq.s   Obj01_JumpMove; if not, branch	
		bclr	#0,$22(a0)	
		add.w	d5,d0	
		cmp.w	d6,d0	
		blt.s	Obj01_JumpMove	
		move.w	d6,d0

As you can see, it works exactly the same way as the MoveLeft/Right routines. So let's apply the same fix. After bgt.s loc_13278, add the following lines:

		add.w	d5,d0		; +++ remove this frame's acceleration change
		cmp.w	d1,d0		; +++ compare speed with top speed
		ble.s	loc_13278	; +++ if speed was already greater than the maximum, branch

And do a similar thing after blt.s Obj01_JumpMove:

		sub.w	d5,d0		; +++ remove this frame's acceleration change
		cmp.w	d6,d0		; +++ compare speed with top speed
		bge.s	Obj01_JumpMove	; +++ if speed was already greater than the maximum, branch

Final result:

Sonic_ChgJumpDir:		; XREF: Obj01_MdJump; Obj01_MdJump2
		move.w	($FFFFF760).w,d6
		move.w	($FFFFF762).w,d5
		asl.w	#1,d5
		btst	#4,$22(a0)	
		bne.s	Obj01_ResetScr2	
		move.w	$10(a0),d0	
		btst	#2,($FFFFF602).w; is left being pressed?	
		beq.s	loc_13278; if not, branch	
		bset	#0,$22(a0)	
		sub.w	d5,d0	
		move.w	d6,d1	
		neg.w	d1	
		cmp.w	d1,d0	
		bgt.s	loc_13278	
		add.w	d5,d0		; +++ remove this frame's acceleration change
		cmp.w	d1,d0		; +++ compare speed with top speed
		ble.s	loc_13278	; +++ if speed was already greater than the maximum, branch	
		move.w	d1,d0

		btst	#3,($FFFFF602).w; is right being pressed?	
		beq.s	Obj01_JumpMove; if not, branch	
		bclr	#0,$22(a0)	
		add.w	d5,d0	
		cmp.w	d6,d0	
		blt.s	Obj01_JumpMove
		sub.w	d5,d0		; +++ remove this frame's acceleration change
		cmp.w	d6,d0		; +++ compare speed with top speed
		bge.s	Obj01_JumpMove	; +++ if speed was already greater than the maximum, branch
		move.w	d6,d0
SCHG How-To Guide: Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)
Fixing Bugs
Fix Demo Playback | Fix a Race Condition with Pattern Load Cues | Fix the SEGA Sound | Display the Press Start Button Text | Fix the Level Select Menu | Fix the Hidden Points Bug | Fix Accidental Deletion of Scattered Rings | Fix Ring Timers | Fix the Walk-Jump Bug | Correct Drowning Bugs | Fix the Death Boundary Bug | Fix the Camera Follow Bug | Fix Song Restoration Bugs | Fix the HUD Blinking | Fix the Level Select Graphics Bug | Fix a remember sprite related bug
Changing Design Choices
Change Spike Behavior | Collide with Water After Being Hurt | Fix Special Stage Jumping Physics | Improve the Fade In\Fade Out Progression Routines | Fix Scattered Rings' Underwater Physics | Remove the Speed Cap | Port the REV01 Background Effects | Port Sonic 2's Level Art Loader | Retain Rings Between Acts | Add Sonic 2 (Simon Wai Prototype) Level Select | Improve ObjectMove Subroutines | Add Sonic 2 Level Select | Collide with Water After Being Hurt | Smooth Out Rotation in Special Stages
Adding Features
Add Spin Dash ( Part 1 (GitHub)/(Hivebrain) / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 ) | Add Eggman Monitor | Add Super Sonic | Add Extended Camera | Add the Air Roll | Add 6-Button Support
Sound Features
Expand the Sound Index | Play Different Songs Per Act | Port Sonic 2 Final Sound Driver | Port Sonic 3's Sound Driver | Change The SEGA Sound
Extending the Game
Load Chunks From ROM | Add Extra Characters | Make an Alternative Title Screen | Use Dynamic Tilesets | Make GHZ Load Alternate Art | Make Ending Load Alternate Art | Add a New Zone | Set Up the Goggle Monitor | Add New Moves | Add a Dynamic Collision System | Dynamic Special Stage Walls System | Extend Sprite Mappings and Art Limit | Enigma Credits | Use Dynamic Palettes
Convert the Hivebrain 2005 Disassembly to ASM68K
Split Disassembly Guides
Set Up a Split Disassembly | Basic Level Editing | Basic Art Editing | Basic ASM Editing (Spin Dash)

|Remove the Speed Cap]]