
SCHG How-to

Difference between revisions of "Add final spindash to Sonic 2 Beta"

From Sonic Retro

(Rewrote parts of the guide to a more concise language)
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Revision as of 23:42, 23 February 2023

(Original guide by Shadow05)

Have you ever played Sonic 2 Beta and have been annoyed about the incomplete Spindash? Well, this guide is for people who can do some basic ASM editing! This guide was inspired by the Sonic 1 Spindash guide.

I will be using Super Egg's disassembly for this guide, but this should work on Esrael's original disassembly. This guide would also work in the Sonic 2 Nick Arcade prototype as well.

Directly copying the object code

First, we'll have to get a slightly modified version of the Sonic 1 Spindash code.

Search for "Sonic_SpinDash:". Replace the entire routine with this:

		tst.b	$39(a0)
		bne.s	loc_1AC8E
		cmpi.b	#8,$1C(a0)
		bne.s	locret_1AC8C
		move.b	($FFFFF603).w,d0
		andi.b	#$70,d0
		beq.w	locret_1AC8C
		move.b	#9,$1C(a0)
		move.w	#$E0,d0
                jsr     (Play_Sfx)
		addq.l	#4,sp
		move.b	#1,$39(a0)
		move.w	#0,$3A(a0)
		cmpi.b	#$C,$28(a0)
		bcs.s	loc_1AC84
		move.b	#2,($FFFFD11C).w
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

		move.b	($FFFFF602).w,d0
		btst	#1,d0
		bne.w	loc_1AD30
		move.b	#$E,$16(a0)
		move.b	#7,$17(a0)
		move.b	#2,$1C(a0)
		addq.w	#5,$C(a0)
		move.b	#0,$39(a0)
		moveq	#0,d0
		move.b	$3A(a0),d0
		add.w	d0,d0
		move.w	Dash_Speeds(pc,d0.w),$14(a0)
		move.w	$14(a0),d0
		subi.w	#$800,d0
		add.w	d0,d0
		andi.w	#$1F00,d0
		neg.w	d0
		addi.w	#$2000,d0
		move.w	d0,($FFFFEED0).w
		btst	#0,$22(a0)
		beq.s	loc_1ACF4
		neg.w	$14(a0)

		bset	#2,$22(a0)
		move.b	#0,($FFFFD11C).w
		move.w	#$BC,d0
		jsr     (Play_Sfx)
		bra.s	loc_1AD78
; ===========================================================================
Dash_Speeds:	dc.w  $800		; 0
		dc.w  $880		; 1
		dc.w  $900		; 2
		dc.w  $980		; 3
		dc.w  $A00		; 4
		dc.w  $A80		; 5
		dc.w  $B00		; 6
		dc.w  $B80		; 7
		dc.w  $C00		; 8
; ===========================================================================

loc_1AD30:				; If still charging the dash...
		tst.w	$3A(a0)
		beq.s	loc_1AD48
		move.w	$3A(a0),d0
		lsr.w	#5,d0
		sub.w	d0,$3A(a0)
		bcc.s	loc_1AD48
		move.w	#0,$3A(a0)

		move.b	($FFFFF603).w,d0
		andi.b	#$70,d0	; 'p'
		beq.w	loc_1AD78
		move.w	#$900,$1C(a0)
		move.w	#$E0,d0  ; changed from #$E0
                jsr     (Play_Sfx)
		addi.w	#$200,$3A(a0)
		cmpi.w	#$800,$3A(a0)
		bcs.s	loc_1AD78
		move.w	#$800,$3A(a0)

		addq.l	#4,sp
		cmpi.w	#$60,($FFFFEED8).w
		beq.s	loc_1AD8C
		bcc.s	loc_1AD88
		addq.w	#4,($FFFFEED8).w

		subq.w	#2,($FFFFEED8).w

; End of subroutine Sonic_SpinDash

Fixing errors

The code is now there. However, when you get to building the ROM, you will most likely encounter an error. To fix this issue, go to line 25863.

        bra     loc_FBF4

See this line above? Delete it!

Note that if you are doing this on the Nick Arcade disassembly (text or split), this error won't happen.


Also, if I was doing a part 2 of this gude, a lot of steps for the Nick Arcade and Simon Wai disassemblies would be the same as in the Sonic 1 tutorial for adding the Spindash, like fixing the Monitor Bug, and adding the sound.

Thanks for reading this guide, and hopefully you'll be less annoyed about the incomplete Spindash.

SCHG How-To Guide: Sonic 2 Beta (16-bit)
Fixing Bugs
Fix EHZ Deformation Bug
Design Choices
Add final spindash to Sonic 2 Beta