

Sonic the Hedgehog CD/Art Editing/Palmtree Panic MMDs

From Sonic Retro

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SCHG: Sonic the Hedgehog CD
Main Article
File Locations
File Locations
Art Editing
Editing Art
Nemesis Format Art
Palmtree Panic MMDs
Collision Chaos MMDs
Tidal Tempest MMDs
Quartz Quadrant MMDs
Wacky Workbench MMDs
Stardust Speedway MMDs
Metallic Madness MMDs
MMD Tweaking
Tweaking MMDs
Maximum rings allowed
Minimum rings for Giant Ring
Rings given by ring
Rings given by Ring Monitor
Invincibility duration
Super Sneakers duration
Regular speed stats
Super Sneakers speed stats
RAM Editing
RAM Editing

R11A__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 1 Present

Offset Description
$00DB4A Giant ring flash
$0315C4 Points
$031628 Seed Pod
$031CD0 Giant ring
$0320DA Goal post
$03229A End sign
$032876 Clear screen
$033580 Main title card patterns
$03460C Diagonal spring
$034918 Vertical and horizontal springs
$034B3A Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$03513E Explosions
$035626 Rings
$035C9A HUD
$035DC6 Continue post
$035E9A Unused
$035EC0 Unused
$035F4E Flower
$0361D4 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$0362FE Collapsing platform
$0364C2 Boulder
$0365D0 Hidden platform
$0366B6 Wheel
$03676C Rotating platform
$036812 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$03695A More water splashes from speed tunnel
$036AFE Spin tube doors
$036B98 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$036E46 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$03702A Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037378 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$037642 Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$037950 Motorized beetle enemy
$037DC6 Spring pole
$037EFE Button
$038018 Spikes
$03806E Swinging platform
$0381C0 Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03837E Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$03846C Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03AC08 Sonic shaped hole from speed tunnel exit
$03AC7A Star shaped bush
$03AE02 Large fan
$03B0A8 16x16 mappings
$03C4EE Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F2A6 Amy Rose

R11B__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 1 Past

Offset Description
$00DB94 Giant ring flash
$032180 Points
$0321E4 Seed pod
$03288C Giant ring
$032C96 Goal post
$032E56 End sign
$033432 Clear Screen
$03413C Main title card patterns
$0351C8 Diagonal spring
$0354D4 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0356F6 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$035CFA Explosions
$0361E2 Rings
$036856 HUD
$036982 Continue post
$036A56 Unused
$036A7C Unused
$036B0A Flower
$036D90 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$036EBA Collapsing platform
$03707E Boulder
$03718C Hidden platform
$037272 Wheel
$037328 Rotating platform
$0373CE Water splashes from speed tunnel
$037516 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$0376BA Spin tube doors
$037754 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$037A02 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$037BE6 Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037F34 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$0381FE Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$03850C Motorized beetle enemy
$038982 Spring pole
$038ABA Button
$038BD4 Spikes
$038C2A Swinging platform
$038D7C Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$038F3A Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$039028 Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03B896 Sonic shaped hole from speed tunnel exit
$03B908 Tree branches
$03BA3A 16x16 mappings
$03CABE Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F2AC Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F45E Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03F610 Metal Sonic projector

R11C__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 1 Good Future

Offset Description
$00D702 Giant ring flash
$032180 Points
$0321E3 Seed pod
$03288C Giant ring
$032C96 Goal post
$032E56 End sign
$033432 Clear Screen
$03413C Main title card patterns
$0351C8 Diagonal spring
$0354D4 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0356F6 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$035CFA Explosions
$0361E2 Rings
$036856 HUD
$036982 Continue post
$036A56 Unused
$036A7C Unused
$036B0A Flower
$036D90 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$036EBA Collapsing platform
$03707E Boulder
$03718C Hidden platform
$037272 Wheel
$037328 Rotating platform
$0373CE Water splashes from speed tunnel
$037516 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$0376BA Spin tube doors
$037754 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$037A02 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$037BE6 Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037F34 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$0381FE Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$03850C Motorized beetle enemy
$038982 Spring pole
$038ABA Button
$038BD4 Spikes
$038C2A Swinging platform
$038D7C Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$038F3A Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$039028 Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03B89E Flower stem
$03B8EE 16x16 mappings
$03CADC Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F610 Metal Sonic projector

R11D__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 1 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00D6F4 Giant ring flash
$01DF38 Unused
$01DF5E Unused
$01DFEC Flower
$01E272 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$01E39C Collapsing platform
$01E560 Boulder
$01E66E Hidden platform
$01E754 Wheel
$01E80A Rotating platform
$01E8B0 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$01E9F8 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$01EB9C Spin tube doors
$01EC36 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$032180 Points
$0321E4 Seed pod
$03288C Giant ring
$032C96 Goal post
$032E56 End sign
$033432 Clear screen
$03413C Main title card patterns
$0351C8 Diagonal spring
$0354D4 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0356F6 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$035CFA Explosions
$0361E2 Rings
$036856 HUD
$036982 Continue post
$036A56 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$036C3A Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$036F88 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$037252 Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$037560 Motorized beetle enemy
$0379D6 Spring pole
$037B0E Button
$037C28 Spikes
$037C7E Swinging platform
$037DD0 Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$037F8E Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$03807C Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03A8F2 Flower stem
$03A942 16x16 mappings
$03BBA6 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F610 Metal Sonic projector

R12A__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 2 Present

Offset Description
$00D874 Giant ring flash
$01DF38 Unused
$01DF5E Unused
$01DFEC Flower
$01E272 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$01E39C Collapsing platform
$01E560 Boulder
$01E66E Hidden platform
$01E754 Wheel
$01E80A Rotating platform
$01E8B0 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$01E9F8 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$01EB9C Spin tube doors
$01EC36 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$032180 Points
$0321E4 Seed Pod
$03288C Giant ring
$032C96 Goal post
$032E56 End sign
$033432 Clear screen
$03413C Main title card patterns
$0351C8 Diagonal spring
$0354D4 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0356F6 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$035CFA Explosions
$0361E2 Rings
$036856 HUD
$036982 Continue post
$036A56 Unused
$036A7C Unused
$036B0A Flower
$036D90 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$036EBA Collapsing platform
$03707E Boulder
$03718C Hidden platform
$037272 Wheel
$037328 Rotating platform
$0373CE Water splashes from speed tunnel
$037516 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$0376BA Spin tube doors
$037754 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$037A02 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$037BE6 Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037F34 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$0381FE Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$03850C Motorized beetle enemy
$038982 Spring pole
$038ABA Button
$038BD4 Spikes
$038C2A Swinging platform
$038D7C Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$038F3A Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$039028 Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03B8FA 16x16 mappings
$03CAF2 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F610 Metal Sonic Projector

R12B__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 2 Past

Offset Description
$00D800 Giant ring flash
$01DF38 Unused
$01DF5E Unused
$01DFEC Flower
$01E272 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$01E39C Collapsing platform
$01E560 Boulder
$01E66E Hidden platform
$01E754 Wheel
$01E80A Rotating platform
$01E8B0 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$01E9F8 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$01EB9C Spin tube doors
$01EC36 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$032180 Points
$0321E4 Seed pod
$03288C Giant ring
$032C96 Goal post
$032E56 End sign
$033432 Clear Screen
$03413C Main title card patterns
$0351C8 Diagonal spring
$0354D4 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0356F6 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$035CFA Explosions
$0361E2 Rings
$036856 HUD
$036982 Continue post
$036A56 Unused
$036A7C Unused
$036B0A Flower
$036D90 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$036EBA Collapsing platform
$03707E Boulder
$03718C Hidden platform
$037272 Wheel
$037328 Rotating platform
$0373CE Water splashes from speed tunnel
$037516 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$0376BA Spin tube doors
$037754 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$037A02 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$037BE6 Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037F34 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$0381FE Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$03850C Motorized beetle enemy
$038982 Spring pole
$038ABA Button
$038BD4 Spikes
$038C2A Swinging platform
$038D7C Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$038F3A Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$039028 Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03B8FA Tree branches
$03BA2C 16x16 mappings
$03CBA0 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R12C__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 2 Good Future

Offset Description
$00D74E Giant ring flash
$01DFEC Flower
$01E272 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$01E39C Collapsing platform
$01E560 Boulder
$01E66E Hidden platform
$01E754 Wheel
$01E80A Rotating platform
$01E8B0 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$01E9F8 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$01EB9C Spin tube doors
$01EC36 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$0315C4 Points
$031628 Seed pod
$031CD0 Giant ring
$0320DA Goal post
$03229A End sign
$032876 Clear Screen
$033580 Main title card patterns
$03460C Diagonal spring
$034918 Vertical and horizontal springs
$034B3A Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$03513E Explosions
$035626 Rings
$035C9A HUD
$035DC6 Continue post
$035E9A Unused
$035EC0 Unused
$035F4E Flower
$0361D4 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$0362FE Collapsing platform
$0364C2 Boulder
$0365D0 Hidden platform
$0366B6 Wheel
$03676C Rotating platform
$036812 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$03695A More water splashes from speed tunnel
$036AFE Spin tube doors
$036B98 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$036E46 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$03702A Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037378 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$037642 Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$037950 Motorized beetle enemy
$037DC6 Spring pole
$037EFE Button
$038018 Spikes
$03806E Swinging platform
$0381C0 Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03837E Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$03846C Destroyed and aged teleporter
$03AD3E Flower stem
$03AD8E 16x16 mappings
$03C036 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R12D__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 2 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00D746 Giant ring flash
$032180 Points
$0321E4 Seed pod
$03288C Giant ring
$032C96 Goal post
$032E56 End sign
$033432 Clear screen
$03413C Main title card patterns
$0351C8 Diagonal spring
$0354D4 Vertical and horizontal springs
$0356F6 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$035CFA Explosions
$0361E2 Rings
$036856 HUD
$036982 Continue post
$036A56 Unused
$036A7C Unused
$036B0A Flower
$036D90 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$036EBA Collapsing platform
$03707E Boulder
$03718C Hidden platform
$037272 Wheel
$037328 Rotating platform
$0373CE Water splashes from speed tunnel
$037516 More water splashes from speed tunnel
$0376BA Spin tube doors
$037754 Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$037A02 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$037BE6 Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$037F34 Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$0381FE Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$03850C Motorized beetle enemy
$038982 Spring pole
$038ABA Button
$038BD4 Spikes
$038C2A Swinging platform
$038D7C Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$038F3A Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$039028 Destroyed and aged teleporter
$039174 Flower stem
$0391C4 16x16 mappings
$03A49E Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R13C__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 3 Good Future

Offset Description
$00B7E6 Giant ring flash
$01D400 Egg-HVC-001/Bi-pedal bouncer mech
$01DF06 Robotnik in ship and with jetpack
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear Screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$0336BC Unused
$0336E2 Unused
$033770 Flower
$0339F6 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$033B20 Collapsing platform
$033CE4 Boulder
$033DF2 Hidden platform
$033ED8 Wheel
$033F8E Rotating platform
$034034 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$03417C More water splashes from speed tunnel
$034320 Spin tube doors
$0343BA Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$034668 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$03484C Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$034B9A Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$034E64 Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$035172 Motorized beetle enemy
$0355E8 Spring pole
$035720 Button
$03583A Spikes
$035890 Swinging platform
$0359E2 Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$035BA0 Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$035C8E Destroyed and aged teleporter
$038490 16x16 mappings
$039746 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R13D__.mmd - Palmtree Panic Zone 3 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00B7FE Giant ring flash
$01D400 Egg-HVC-001/Bi-pedal bouncer mech
$01DF06 Robotnik in ship and with jetpack
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear Screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$0336BC Unused
$0336E2 Unused
$033770 Flower
$0339F6 Palmtree Panic title card font patterns
$033B20 Collapsing platform
$033CE4 Boulder
$033DF2 Hidden platform
$033ED8 Wheel
$033F8E Rotating platform
$034034 Water splashes from speed tunnel
$03417C More water splashes from speed tunnel
$034320 Spin tube doors
$0343BA Even more water splashes from speed tunnel
$034668 Anton/Motorized ant enemy
$03484C Mosqui/Mosquito enemy
$034B9A Pata-bata/Butterfly enemy
$034E64 Taga-taga/Jumping lobster enemy
$035172 Motorized beetle enemy
$0355E8 Spring pole
$035720 Button
$03583A Spikes
$035890 Swinging platform
$0359E2 Animals (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$035BA0 Rotating platform & what appears to be drill bits or poles
$035C8E Destroyed and aged teleporter
$038490 16x16 mappings
$039734 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector


Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information