From Sonic Retro
Revision as of 13:44, 10 October 2019 by Black Squirrel (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "date=August ([0-9][0-9]), ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" to "date=$2-08-$1")
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This page describes an obsolete hacking tool that should not be used for new hacks/projects or with new disassemblies/tools.
This page (and associated files) is being kept for historical purposes only, as it documents and archives the history of the Sonic scene.
Category: Level editor |
Version: 34.2 |
Status: Inactive |
System: Microsoft Windows |
Supported Games: Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut PC |
Credits: MainMemory |
SADXLVL is a tool for editing level layouts and other level-specific data in the PC version of Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It was written by MainMemory in Visual Basic .NET. It requires the .NET Framework 3.5 and the DirectX Runtimes to run.
- 1 Features
- 2 Version History
- 2.1 v34.2
- 2.2 v34.11
- 2.3 v34.1
- 2.4 v34.0
- 2.5 v5.73
- 2.6 v5.72
- 2.7 v5.714
- 2.8 v5.713
- 2.9 v5.712
- 2.10 v5.711
- 2.11 v5.71
- 2.12 v5.7
- 2.13 v5.611
- 2.14 v5.5
- 2.15 v5.41
- 2.16 v5.4
- 2.17 v5.31
- 2.18 v5.3
- 2.19 v5.25
- 2.20 v5.24
- 2.21 v5.2
- 2.22 v5.1
- 2.23 v5.04
- 2.24 v5.02
- 2.25 v5.01
- 2.26 v5.0
- 2.27 v4.9
- 2.28 v4.88
- 2.29 v4.87
- 2.30 v4.8
- 2.31 v4.671
- 2.32 v4.67
- 2.33 v4.66
- 2.34 v4.63
- 2.35 v4.61
- 2.36 v4.6
- 2.37 v4.33
- 2.38 v4.318
- 2.39 v4.311
- 2.40 v4.3
- 2.41 v4.26
- 2.42 v4.25
- 2.43 v4.2
- 2.44 v4.01
- 2.45 v3.8
- 3 Download
- 4 External Links
- Has (optional) automatic updates on startup.
- Allows you to move and rotate level models.
- Allows you to move many models at once by holding control while clicking.
- Allows you to move death planes.
- Allows you to import .vt files over a selected model.
- Allows you to import new .nj files over a selected model.
- Allows you to import new .obj files over a selected model.
- Allows you to view a path file recorded with SADXPath.
- Contains a material editor to edit the material data for models.
- Contains SETedit to edit object layouts with SADXLVL's 3D view. Most of the information on that page applies here as well.
- Contains a start position editor.
- Contains an importer for autoloop paths.
- Has support for levels in DLL files.
- Uses customizable addresses and names in Addresses.ini
Version History
This is not complete as MainMemory didn't save a changelog anywhere except in a text file that was overwritten with each new version.
Updated 08/23/2012
- Removed automatic updating and "Sonic Retro" splash screen.
- Added a new error message so that people will stop bugging me about "Group with name "503C0" does not exist!" errors.
- Added a new error message so that people will stop bugging me about "Group with name "503C0" does not exist!" errors.
- Fixed: obj2nj reversed the order of colors (ARGB became BGRA).
- Added: clicking on the color preview for diffuse or specular in the Material Editor displays the Microsoft color picker dialog. (Ported from SADXMDL)
- Fixed out-of-range values for start position rotation.
- Fixed material changes not showing up on instances.
- Fixed material changes not saving for instanced models.
- Fixed cam point 2 not showing up.
- Fixed Copy button not copying all attributes of a camera.
- Added file address display to SETedit and CAMedit, at request of Dude :P
- Added mouse picking/moving for cameras.
- Fixed title of CAMedit window.
- Increased size of boxes for camera type, flags, pan speed, and priority.
- Added "Import .nj" and "Import .obj" buttons to the Empty Models list.
- Added more error info to landtable loading.
- Fixed freespace finding.
- Fixed negative rotations.
- Added stack trace to NodeTable error message, now automatically copies message to clipboard.
- Fixed INI parsing crash.
- Rotation now uses the full 4 bytes.
- Fixed NodeTable importing crash if nodetable has more entries than the current level.
Updated 12/04/2010
- Fixed update check for non-English systems.
Updated 11/28/2010
- Added more helpful error message to Nodetable import.
- More correct .nj export.
Updated 09/26/2010
- Fixed Degrees -> BAMS conversion when degrees >= 359.5.
- Made invisible models always show up in white.
- Added CAMedit.
Updated 09/13/2010
- Added list of Empty Models, and an option to make any of them an instance of a selected model.
- Forced all models to have 1,1,1 scale on saving, fixes Level clear function.
- Added support for nodetable 1.5.
- Fixed nodetable support.
- Fixed flags not being reset for instances in nodetable import.
Updated 09/08/2010
- Added diffuse transparency viewing for models with textures.
- Fixed obj import adding every material in the mtl file to the model even if it's not used.
- Added support for orbit cam in object editing mode.
- Added support for loading models from files other than the exe. This will require you to copy sonic.exe.ini from the SADXLVL folder again.
- Added models for Past objects, and some Station Square.
- Added "Drop to ground" buttons for both objects and start points.
- Added approximately 25% chance of Metal Sonic replacing Sonic on start points.
Updated 09/05/2010
- Added vcolor saving to obj export.
- Added diffuse transparency support to obj import/export.
- Added texid saving to obj export.
Updated 09/05/2010
- Fixed import after using Level clear function
- Added nodetable import
- Added diffuse material color display
- Added texture list to material editor
- Added vertex color support to obj import
- Changed solid cube, sphere and cylinder objects to use models from SADX
- Added orbit camera mode (press X)
Updated 08/25/2010
- Doubled default SET object clip distance.
- Added Object clip multiplier setting to the options. Increase it to see objects from farther away, at the cost of speed.
- Fixed bug that caused crashes on some systems.
Updated 08/22/2010
- Added mass .nj export to a folder with numbered files (0.nj, 1.nj etc).
- Added mass .nj/.obj import from a folder with numbered files.
- Added menu option to clear all model data from the level.
- Fixed line drawing for SET objects.
- Added clipping for SET objects. They will now only be drawn if they are within a specific distance from the camera, these values can be changed with SADXTweaker.
- Added support for opening Sky Chase levels for SET editing (no level geometry). Copy from default INI to add them to the level list.
- Added models for Sky Chase objects.
- Added untested support for objf files to obj import.
Updated 08/13/2010
- Fixed UVs for character start point models.
- Improved mouse picking.
- Added model for swinging spike ball.
- Added rocket model to open rocket platform objects.
- .obj export now exports only the level textures, instead of all the loaded textures.
- Added option for .obj export to not export textures.
- Exporting all to .obj will now also export animated models if they are visible.
Updated 08/05/2010
- Fixed a bug with opening empty/nonexistent files in SETedit.
- Added models for most objects in Twinkle Park, Chaos 2 and Perfect Chaos levels.
- Added model for Froggy.
- Fixed a bug in the default INI that made Emerald Coast 3 not load the correct textures. To fix this yourself, change the LevelID for the level to 0102.
Updated 07/28/2010
- Loop Editor now has buttons that move the entire path.
- Objects for Icecap and Windy Valley.
- Start positions now save with everything else, instead of when the editor window is closed.
- Material Editor now updates the level view immediately when something is changed.
- Added Open From and Save As buttons to SETedit.
- Made .nj export actually usable.
- Added .obj import.
Updated 07/24/2010
- Inactive editing windows will now become transparent.
- Added much more information for Emerald Coast's objects, thanks to igorseabra4.
- Most of Emerald Coast's objects now show models.
- Added collision cube/sphere/cylinder viewing.
- Removed "About" button from SETedit.
- Added checkbox to switch SETedit from BAMS to degrees.
- SETedit now creates new objects 20 units in front of the camera, instead of at 0,0,0.
- Added display of debug names to SETedit.
- Removed open/save dialogs from SETedit. Now SADXLVL tells it where the SET file is using the system path and the LevelID or SETName parameters for each level.
Updated 07/23/2010
- More models for Emerald Coast, thanks to Dude.
- Fixed a bug with keyboard camera control.
- Reversed mouse camera controls.
- Camera can be rotated by holding the middle mouse button.
Updated 07/23/2010
- Fixed bug with loop saving.
- Fixed bug with death area saving.
- Fixed obj export.
Updated 07/22/2010
- Loop editor can now import loops of any length.
- Loop editor can now import/export rotation data as well.
- Made selected loop use inverted color.
- Added ability to move death areas with the mouse (press Z twice).
Updated 07/22/2010
- Object List read from EXE file instead of INI files.
- Some objects display using their models.
- Now uses INI files with EXE-specific information instead of loading and saving EXEs directly (like SonED2).
- Removed manual address entry for level geometry.
- Automatically loads all textures for the level without prompting the user.
- Displays character models at start points.
- Now edits rotation for start points.
- Loop editor added.
- Increased rotation boxes in level editor to increment by 0x100.
- Fixed bug with rotation boxes in level editor.
- SETedit now displays rotation values in hex, instead of degrees.
- Right click and drag to move models with the mouse.
- Right click and drag with Ctrl held to rotate camera with the mouse.
- .nj exporting added.
- Fixed bug with importing nj files with VColors.
- Added "Flip ZY-axis" and "Flip V coords" options for import/export.
- Camera up/down changed to Shift+Up/Down.
- Press Z to switch between Level and Object mouse modes.
- Disabled Sonic Retro screen on startup.
Updated 06/25/2010
- .nj importing fixed for instanced objects. Options to leave other instances untouched, repoint all instances or null the other instances.
- .obj exporting now has option to not transform the vertices.
- Redid some network/file IO stuff in the updater.
- Fixed culling being reset to counter-clockwise when resizing.
Updated 06/23/2010
- .nj importing no longer requires the model to be keyed to 0.
- Added option to select a model by entering its SEG address (under File).
Updated 06/22/2010
- Importing a .vt file no longer requires reloading the level.
- .nj importing added, for EXE only. Uses same code and fsp file as SADXTweaker to find/create free space.
- Run option added to File menu, allows you to play your game.
- Show Animated option added to View menu.
- Puyo Tools updated to 1.0.7.
Updated 06/01/2010
- Added Texture Picker dialog
- Added checkboxes for common flags to the level editor
- Removed Use Position, Use Rotation checkboxes, SADXLVL will set the flags when saving
- Added option to enable back-face culling by pressing the ; key
- Added .vt export option
- Added (incomplete) .obj export option, to save all visible or the selected models to an obj file for use in various 3d programs
- Added more advanced view options: Visible, Invisible, All, Solid, Nonsolid, toggled by the dropdown menu under View or by pressing the B key
- Added option to open new level from current file by pressing the F3 key
- Added (non-animated) viewing of animated level objects
Updated 05/16/2010
- P2 Path now saves properly.
- Fixed a bug where start locations would render in wireframe if collision viewing was on.
- Made nonexistant start locations uneditable (had no effect on saving).
Updated 05/14/2010
- Added P2 Path editor
- Added col flag editor
Updated 05/02/2010
- Perfect texture coordinates.
- Fixed loading of Adventure Fields.
- Improved load time for Icecap 4.
- SETedit now uses the full 12 bits for object type (supports up to 4096 different types in one level).
- Added invalid version warning when an error occurs during loading, with an option to download the US crack version from my website.
Updated 03/27/2010
- Added viewing of death zones.
- Better texture coordinates.
- Added support for Quads and Triangles.
- Fixed Sand Hill loading.
- 'T' key now allows you to cycle between all the starting positions in the level.
- Added "Editors" menu.
- Added option to hide the level editor.
- Added strip/quad/triangle totals to Advanced Info in the editor window.
- Increased Z-Buffer size to 24-bit.
Updated 03/25/2010
- Fixed saving asking you to load another level.
- Fixed start positions being highlighted when the last object in the list is highlighted.
- Fixed saving start positions.
- Fixed displaying of invisible models.
- "Sonic Retro" screen will now appear in the middle of the SADXLVL window.
Updated 3/19/2010
- Now allows you to open an EXE and a DLL file.
- Now shows you the various starting positions for the characters.
- New Start Position Editor (under View).
- Now picks default DLL and PVM names based on the level you want to open.
- Now loads the correct INI file in SETedit without needing to open a SET file first.
- New "Help" menu.
Updated 01/30/2010
- Objects have transparent borders, rather than blue ones.
- Icecap 2/4 and Final Egg 2 will load now.
Updated 12/13/2009
- Editor properly updates position fields based on the items you have selected.
- Click-to-select fixed for items that use rotation and positioning.
- Pressing Y with nothing selected no longer crashes.
- Hedgehog Hammer no longer crashes.
Updated 12/11/2009
- Fixed bug from v4.3 where clicking on empty space crashed the program.
Updated 12/11/2009
- Hold "Ctrl" while clicking to select multiple models and move them at the same time.
- The option to edit scaling has been removed, as it never worked right anyway.
- Y and U can no longer be used to select models.
Updated 12/11/2009
- readme.txt readded
- *.dll filter option added to save dialog.
- Path loading from SADXPath with F7 added.
Updated 12/10/2009
- Path drawing added.
Updated 12/10/2009
- DLL support added.
Updated 12/09/2009
- Replaced RAR file with self-extracting installer.
- Added Collision Sphere Calculation button.
Updated 12/08/2009
- Automatic Updates
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Download SADXLVL
File: SADXLVL_v34.2.7z (346 kB) (info)
Current version: v34.2 |
Previous Versions
External Links
- YouTube video of v5.21