
Moto Bug (Sonic the Hedgehog 16-bit)

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 09:19, 5 May 2020 by Pecky (talk | contribs) (Names in other languages)
Sonic Retro emblem.svg Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)
Moto Bug (Sonic the Hedgehog 16-bit)
For appearances in other games and media, see Moto Bug.
Moto Bug (Sonic the Hedgehog 16-bit)
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)
Hits to defeat: 1
Points: 100

Moto Bug is an enemy (Badnik) found in the video game, Sonic the Hedgehog. Moto Bugs are robots modelled after ladybirds - they simply move forwards along the ground, stopping and reversing should they hit a cliff or obstacle. They can be defeated with a spin attack, freeing the animal trapped inside.

Names in other languages

Also known as
Language Localised Name English Translation
English Moto BugMedia:Sonic1 MD US SonicJam manual.pdf[1]Media:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[2] Moto BugMedia:Sonic1 MD US SonicJam manual.pdf[1]Media:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[2]
Japanese モトラMedia:Sonic1 MD JP manual.pdf[3] Motora
French La Puce MécaniqueMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[2]
German Moto BugMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[2]
Spanish La Cucaracha MecánicaMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[2]
Italian Cimice MeccanicoMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[4]
Portuguese Pulga MecânicaMedia:Sonic the Hedgehog MD PT Manual.pdf[5]
Dutch Moto KeverMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[4]
Swedish Moto BugMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[4]
Finnish Moto HyönteinenMedia:Sonic1 MD EU manual.pdf[4]



Technical information

Object ID # Code offset Mappings offset Compressed art offset Subparameters
$40 $F61A $F7AE $37582 (Nemesis Format, 29 blocks) $00


Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)
Sonic1 title.png

Main page (Gen|2013|3D|Ages)
Comparisons (Gen) (2013)
Maps (2013)

Promotional material
Magazine articles (Gen)
Video coverage
Reception (Gen)

Hidden content (Gen) (2013)
Bugs (Gen)
Region coding
Hacking guide