
Item Box/List of Item Boxes (2007-present)

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Sonic Rush Adventure

English name 5 Ring BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] Random Ring BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] BarrierMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] Magnetic BarrierMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] High SpeedMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] InvincibleMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] 1UPMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] Tension BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] Maximum Tension BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[1] Random Ring BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[2][a 1] RepairMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[2][a 1] Boost UpMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[2][a 1] Score BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[2][a 1] Tension BonusMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[3][a 2] SlowMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[3][a 2] ConfusionMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[3][a 2] AttractMedia:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf[3][a 2]
Japanese name


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 [Sea Stages only Sea Stages only]
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 [Battle Mode only Battle Mode only]

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

English name RingsMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] GP BoostMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] ShieldMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[5][b 1] Magnetic BarrierMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] High SpeedMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] Speed DownMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] ExplosionMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] AttackMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] ColorballMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] Parts LockMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[4] MissileMedia:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf[5][b 1]
Japanese name


  1. 1.0 1.1 [Survival Battle only Survival Battle only]

Sega Superstars Tennis

Render TenRingsSSuperstarsTennis.png ShieldSonicSuperstarsTennis.png SpeedBoostSSuperstarsTennis.png InvincibilitySSuperstarsTennis.png ExtraLifeSSuperstarsTennis.png
English name 10 Rings Shield Speed Boost Invincibility Extra Life
Japanese name

Sonic Unleashed (PlayStation 2/Wii)

Render ItemBoxUnleashed.png SecretMissionBoxUnleashed.png RedOrbsBoxUnleashed.png BlueOrbsBoxUnleashed.png OneUpBoxUnleashed.png
English name Secret ItemMedia:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf[6] Secret MissionMedia:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf[7] Red OrbsMedia:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf[8] Blue OrbsMedia:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf[8] 1-Up ItemMedia:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf[7]
Japanese name

Sonic Unleashed (mobile)

Sonic Unleashed J2ME 5 Rings Monitor.png
Sonic Unleashed J2ME Shield Monitor.png
Sonic Unleashed J2ME Invincible Monitor.png
Sonic Unleashed J2ME 1-Up Monitor.png
Sonic Unleashed J2ME Tension Bonus Monitor.png
English name 5 Rings Shield Invincible 1-UP Tension Bonus
Japanese name

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I

Render SplashHillMonitor.png Sonic4Episode1 Render Shield.png Sonic4Episode1 Render PowerSneakers.png Sonic4Episode1 Render Invincible.png Sonic4Episode1 Render 1UP.png
English name Super RingMedia:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items1.png[9] ShieldMedia:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items2.png[10] Power SneakersMedia:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items1.png[9] InvincibleMedia:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items2.png[10] One-UpMedia:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items2.png[10]
Japanese name Big 10 Ring (ビッグ10リング)Media:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items1.png[11] Barrier (バリア)Media:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png[12] High Speed (ハイスピード)Media:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items1.png[11] Muteki (無敵)Media:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png[12] 1UPMedia:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png[12]

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II

Render Sonic4Episode2 Render SuperRing.png Sonic4Episode2 Render Shield.png Sonic4Episode2 Render PowerSneakers.png Sonic4Episode2 Render Invincible.png Sonic4Episode2 Render 1UP.png Sonic4Episode2 Render SpecialCombination.png
English name Super RingMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items1.png[13] ShieldMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items2.png[14] Power SneakersMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items1.png[13] InvincibleMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items2.png[14] One-UpMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items2.png[14] Special CombinationMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items3.png[15]
Japanese name Big 10 Ring (ビッグ10リング)Media:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items1.png[16] Barrier (バリア)Media:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png[17] High Speed (ハイスピード)Media:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items1.png[16] Muteki (ムテキ)Media:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png[17] 1UPMedia:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png[17] Special Combination (スペシャルコンビネーション)Media:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items3.png[18]

Sonic Free Riders

Sonic Colours (Nintendo DS)

English name 5 Ring BonusMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[19] Random Ring BonusMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[19] 1UPMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[19] "Time"[h 1] Steal BoostMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[20][h 2] Steal WispMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[20][h 2] ReaperMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[20][h 2] SpringMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[20][h 2] Exploding BalloonMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[20][h 2] MineMedia:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf[20][h 2]
Japanese name


  1. [Missions only Missions only]
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 [Versus mode only Versus mode only]

Sonic the Hedgehog CD (2011)

Sonic Generations

In the console/PC versions of Sonic Generations, Item Boxes are found only in Classic Sonic's Acts. Some of these only appear in specific Challenge Acts.

Render SonicGenerations Render SuperRing.png SonicGenerations Render ThunderShield.png SonicGenerations Render FlameShield.png SonicGenerations Render AquaShield.png SonicGenerations Render PowerSneakers.png SonicGenerations Render Invincibility.png SonicGenerations Render 1UP.png SonicGenerations Render Skateboard.png
English name Super RingMedia:SonicGenerations 360 UK manual.pdf[21] Thunder Shield[j 1] Flame Shield[j 1] Aqua Shield[j 1] Power SneakersMedia:SonicGenerations 360 UK manual.pdf[21] InvincibleMedia:SonicGenerations 360 UK manual.pdf[21] 1-UpMedia:SonicGenerations 360 UK manual.pdf[21] SkateboardMedia:SonicGenerations 360 UK manual.pdf[21][j 2]
Japanese name


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 [Challenge Acts only Challenge Acts only]
  2. City Escape Act 1 only

Sonic Generations (Nintendo 3DS)

In the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, monitors can be found in both Classic and Modern Sonic's Acts. When opening a monitor in this game, an icon of its contents will be displayed briefly underneath the HUD on the top-left corner.

Render SonicGenerations 3DS Render SuperRing.png SonicGenerations 3DS Render Shield.png SonicGenerations 3DS Render MagneticShield.png SonicGenerations 3DS Render Invincible.png SonicGenerations 3DS Render 1UP.png SonicGenerations 3DS Render TimeItem.png
English name Super RingsMedia:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf[22] ShieldMedia:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf[22] Magnetic ShieldMedia:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf[22] InvincibleMedia:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf[22] 1UPMedia:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf[22] Time ItemMedia:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf[22][k 1]
Japanese name


  1. ["Keep the Pace" missions only "Keep the Pace" missions only]

Sonic Jump (2012)

Sonic the Hedgehog (2013)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2013)

Sonic Lost World

Sonic Lost World (Nintendo 3DS)

Sonic Mania

Items in Sonic Mania are contained in Item BoxesMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] although they take the appearance of monitors from other classic games.

SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
SonicMania Sprite Monitors.png
English name Super RingMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Hyper RingMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Blue ShieldMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Lightning ShieldMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Fire ShieldMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Bubble ShieldMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Power SneakersMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] InvincibleMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] 1-UPMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Eggman MarkMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[23] Player SwapMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[24][q 1] RandomMedia:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf[24][q 1] "S"[q 2]
Japanese name Big 10 Ring (ビッグ10リング)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Hyper Ring (ハイパーリング)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Barrier (バリア)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Thunder Barrier (サンダーバリア)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Flame Barrier (フレイムバリア)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Aqua Barrier (アクアバリア)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] High Speed (ハイスピード)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Muteki (無敵)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] 1UPMedia:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Eggman Trap (エッグマントラップ)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[25] Teleporter (テレポーター)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[26] Random (ランダム)Media:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf[26] N/A


  1. 1.0 1.1 [Competition and Encore Mode only Competition and Encore Mode only]
  2. Edit mode only

Sonic Forces

Like in the console/PC versions of Sonic Generations, Item BoxesMedia:SF STEAM MANUAL EN LRv5.pdf[27] in Sonic Forces can only be found in Classic Sonic's stages.

Render BonusRingsSForces.png ShieldSForces.png PowerSneakersSForces.png InvincibleSForces.png
English name RingsMedia:SF STEAM MANUAL EN LRv5.pdf[27] "Shield" Power SneakersMedia:SF STEAM MANUAL EN LRv5.pdf[27] InvincibilityMedia:SF STEAM MANUAL EN LRv5.pdf[27]
Japanese name Ring (リング)Media:SF PS4-Switch-XB1 JP digital manual.pdf[28] High Speed (ハイスピード)Media:SF PS4-Switch-XB1 JP digital manual.pdf[28] Muteki (無敵)Media:SF PS4-Switch-XB1 JP digital manual.pdf[28]

Team Sonic Racing

Item BoxesMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] (アイテムボックスMedia:TSR Switch-PS4 JP digital manual.pdf[30]) in Team Sonic Racing typically placed in strategic locations across each track and can be broken by driving into them, giving drivers random Wisps. Once obtained, they can be used or transferred to teammates. Each track also has a hidden Item Box that contains an Invincibility - these are coloured blue to distinguish them from regular Item Boxes.

English name Orange RocketMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] Crimson EagleMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] White BoostMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] Yellow DrillMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] Pink SpikesMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29][s 1] Ivory LightningMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] Gray QuakeMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] Cyan LaserMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[29] Red BurstMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31][s 2] Violet VoidMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31][s 1] Black BombMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31] Blue CubeMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31] Jade GhostMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31] Magenta RhythmMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31][s 3] InvincibilityMedia:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[31]
Japanese name Orange Rocket (オレンジ・ロケット)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Crimson Eagle (クリムゾン・イーグル)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] White Boost (ホワイト・ブースト)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Yellow Drill (イエロー・ドリル)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Pink Spikes (ピンク・スパイク)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Ivory Lightning (アイボリー・ライトニング)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Gray Quake (グレイ・クエイク)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Cyan Laser (シアン・レーザー)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[32] Red Burst (レッド・バースト)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[33] Violet Void (バイオレット・ボイド)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[33] Black Bomb (ブラック・ボム)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[33] Blue Cube (ブルー・キューブ)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[33] Jade Ghost (ジェイド・ゴースト)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[33] Magenta Rhythm (マゼンタ・リズム)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[33] Muteki Capsule (無敵カプセル)Media:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf[34]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Power Type characters only
  2. Speed Type characters only
  3. [Technique Type characters only Technique Type characters only]

Sonic Superstars

As a Classic-themed game, Sonic Superstars once again uses the monitor design for its Item BoxesMedia:Sonic Superstars Web Manual EN.pdf[35].

Render SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox SuperRing.png SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox Shield.png SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox PowerSneakers.png SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox Invincibility.png SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox Magnet.png SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox Random.png SonicSuperstars Render ItemBox Bullet.png
English name "Super Ring" "Shield" "Power Sneakers" "Invincibility" "Magnet" "?"[t 1] "Bullet"[t 1]
Japanese name


  1. 1.0 1.1 [Battle mode only Battle mode only]

Shadow Generations

Render SonicXShadowGenerations 10 Rings Item Box.png SonicXShadowGenerations 20 Rings Item Box.png SonicXShadowGenerations Chaos Control Item Box.png
English name "10 Rings" "20 Rings" "Chaos Control"
Japanese name



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 File:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf, page 24
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 File:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf, page 18
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 File:SonicRushAdventure DS US manual.pdf, page 32
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 File:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf, page 21
  5. 5.0 5.1 File:SRZG Wii UK manual.pdf, page 24
  6. File:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf, page 10
  7. 7.0 7.1 File:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf, page 17
  8. 8.0 8.1 File:SonicUnleashed PS2 US manual.pdf, page 13
  9. 9.0 9.1 File:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items1.png
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 File:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlay Items2.png
  11. 11.0 11.1 File:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items1.png
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 File:Sonic4Episode1 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png
  13. 13.0 13.1 File:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items1.png
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 File:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items2.png
  15. File:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlay Items3.png
  16. 16.0 16.1 File:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items1.png
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 File:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items2.png
  18. File:Sonic4Episode2 PC HowToPlayJP Items3.png
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 File:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf, page 14
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 File:Colours DS EU Manual.pdf, page 23
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 File:SonicGenerations 360 UK manual.pdf, page 12
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 File:SonicGenerations 3DS UK manual.pdf, page 10
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 File:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf, page 17
  24. 24.0 24.1 File:SM PC DIGITAL MANUAL UK V10 LR.pdf, page 21
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 File:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf, page 18
  26. 26.0 26.1 File:SonicMania consoles JP manual.pdf, page 22
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 File:SF STEAM MANUAL EN LRv5.pdf, page 17
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 File:SF PS4-Switch-XB1 JP digital manual.pdf, page 26
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 File:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf, page 12
  30. File:TSR Switch-PS4 JP digital manual.pdf, page 16
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 File:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf, page 13
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.7 File:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf, page 21
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 File:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf, page 22
  34. File:TeamSonicRacing Steam manual.pdf, page 16
  35. File:Sonic Superstars Web Manual EN.pdf, page 9
Items in the Sonic the Hedgehog Game Series
Collectibles   Ring | Super Ring | Special Ring | Rich Ring | Heal Ring | Red Star Ring | Number Ring | Silver Moon Ring | Sonic Medal | Sun Medal | Moon Medal | Sun Tablet | Moon Tablet | Planet Tablet | Secret Item | Secret Mission | Red Orbs | Blue Orbs | Green Orbs | Emblem | Chaos Drives | Special Stage Key | Material | Portal Gear | Memory Token | Vault Key | Red Seed of Power | Blue Seed of Defense | Dream Orb
Power-ups   Shield (Water, Lightning, Fire, Gold, Magnetic) | Invincibility | Power Sneakers | Rocket Shoes | Propeller Shoes | Hyper Heli-Tails | Eggman Mark | Super Ring | Combine Ring | Forcejewel | Power Core | Light Cores | Special Combination
Level Objects   Item Box | Item Panel | Spring | Spring Pole | Crane Lift | Accelerator Gun | Rocket | Bobsled | Buggy | Dash Rail | Spikes | Checkpoint | Time Warp Plate | Signpost | Goal Ring | Hidden Treasure Ring | Giant Ring | Dash Ring | Rainbow Ring | Capsule | Water Barrel | Ice Generator | Fire Generator | Crate | Door | Button | Dark Energy Key | Bumper | Speed Booster | Air bubbles | Chao container | Exploding Balloon
Powerful Items   Chaos Emeralds | Super Emeralds | Master Emerald | Time Stones | Chaos Rings | Precioustone | Sol Emeralds | Jeweled Scepter | World Rings | Excalibur | Phantom Ruby | Reverie | Dream Core
Weapons   Piko Piko Hammer | Chaos Energy Cannon | Caliburn | Wispon
Devices   Remote Robot | Combi Confiner | Mother Computer | Nega's Camera | Arks of the Cosmos | Miles Electric
Other   Chili Dog | Fortune Cards | Speed Down Boots | Chao Egg | Scepter of Darkness | Cacophonic Conch