
Hot Elevator

From Sonic Retro

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Sonic Retro emblem.svg Sonic Heroes
Hot Elevator
SonicHeroes GC 2P HotElevator.png
Hot Elevator
2P Ring Race, third stage, Sonic Heroes
Location: Power Plant
Level theme: industrial
Non-English names:
  • JP: ホットエレベーター
Pinball Match

Hot Elevator is the third stage of the 2-player Ring Race mini-game in Sonic Heroes. Like with the other dedicated stages, players compete to collect the most Rings.


This stage is set in one of the elevator sections seen in Power Plant. The elevator is constantly rising, and both teams must collect the Rings placed about in the air or inside Item Balloons on the way up. There are also fireballs that must be avoided as they can cause damage and make teams drop their Rings. The elevator is constantly rotating, making it difficult to collect the Rings while grounded.

The small design of this stage encourages players to attack each other and steal Rings. The Flight Formation is recommended for this stage as it extends the team's vertical hitbox to make it easier to collect Rings, as well as being able to hit the other team from a distance using Thunder Shoot.

This stage's time limit is 60 seconds, with the elevator reaching the top of the shaft by the time the clock runs out.


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