
Hidden Palace Zone Act 1 and 2 (fan game)

From Sonic Retro

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Hidden Palace Zone Act 1 and 2
Latest release date: 2000
Engine: The Games Factory
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Hidden Palace Zone Act 1 and 2 (fan game) is a fan game from 2000 which is based off the scrapped Sonic 2 level, Hidden Palace Zone. This has hilarious typos.


The game has 3 levels (really 2) and the first one is based on the only existing Act of HPZ, while Act 2 is an underwater level since the end of HPZ leads to the water. The last level has Robotnik flying away with Sonic chasing him, and then the game ends.


Download.svg Download Hidden Palace Zone Act 1 and 2 (fan game)
File: Hidden Palace Zone Act 1 and 2 (fan game).7z (577 kB) (info)

