
Hidden Island

From Sonic Retro

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Sonic Retro emblem.svg Sonic Rush Adventure
Hidden Island
SRA Hidden Island.PNG
Hidden Island
Extra Zone, Sonic Rush Adventure
Number of Acts: 16 seperate islands
Level themes: tropical island, ocean
Played as: Sonic, Blaze

Hidden Islands are stages in Sonic Rush Adventure, scattered throughout the world map of the Sol Dimension.


These are short levels, some of them required to further progress in the game's story itself. Upon finishing any particular Hidden Island, the player may unlock missions (which can be played through Marine back at the house on Southern Island). Some of these missions reward the player with Sol Emeralds which allow the Last Story to be unlocked also.

The Hidden Islands work in the same way as the main islands in the way that every time the level is completed through stage select, or venturing to the island itself, the player is rewarded some Materials and Rings, which are both used to create and upgrade the watercraft used to travel the sea.

Hidden Island themes

Every Hidden Island has a "theme", which includes the background music, scenery, Badniks, and gimmicks. Many Hidden Islands take their theme from one of the first five stages in the game. Others use the exclusive "Hidden Island" theme, which appears as grassy cliffs with islands in the background. The music playing during this theme is a remix of A New Venture.

The following list also includes what types of Material can be earned for completing them, and whether they are optional or not.

Island Theme Materials Optional?
Hidden Island 1 Hidden Island Blue and Iron Material No
Hidden Island 2 Hidden Island Blue and Iron Material No
Hidden Island 3 Hidden Island Blue and Iron Material No
Hidden Island 4 Coral Cave Red Material No
Hidden Island 5 Hidden Island Blue and Iron Material No
Hidden Island 6 Plant Kingdom Blue and Green Material Yes
Hidden Island 7 Plant Kingdom Iron and Green Material Yes
Hidden Island 8 Coral Cave Blue and Red Material Yes
Hidden Island 9 Machine Labyrinth Iron and Bronze Material Yes
Hidden Island 10 Machine Labyrinth Blue and Bronze Material Yes
Hidden Island 11 Coral Cave Iron and Red Material Yes
Hidden Island 12 Blizzard Peaks Blue and Aqua Material Yes
Hidden Island 13 Blizzard Peaks Iron and Aqua Material Yes
Hidden Island 14 Hidden Island Blue and Iron Material Yes
Hidden Island 15 Haunted Ship Blue and Silver Material Yes
Hidden Island 16 Hidden Island* Blue and Iron Material Yes

* Hidden Island 16 is actually near identical (design-wise) to Leaf Storm Act 1 from Sonic Rush.


While Hidden Islands themed after other stages feature their respective enemies, the following enemies only appear on Hidden Islands which use the generic "Hidden Island" theme:

SonicRushAdventure DS Sprite KaizokuBomb.png
Kaizoku Bomb — Tiny robots that attack by throwing powder kegs.
SonicRushAdventure DS Sprite KaizokuHogan.png
Kaizoku Hogan — Tough mace-swinging robots that take three hits to destroy.
SonicRushAdventure DS Sprite SkyMoonYellow.png
Sky Moon — Floating robots normally seen in Sky Babylon. Only the yellow ones appear on these islands.


Sonic Rush Adventure
SRA title.png

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