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Revision as of 09:32, 20 November 2024 by SonicUnleashedPS2 (talk | contribs) (Bottom Level : Dark Gaia Cauldron)
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Sonic Retro emblem.svg Sonic Unleashed
For Eggman's overarching objective and political body, see Eggman Empire. For the location in Sonic Labyrinth referred to as "Eggmanland" in Japanese, see Super Labyrinth.
Final level, Sonic Unleashed
Number of Acts: 1 (Xbox 360/PS3) or 6 (Wii/PS2)
Level themes: industrial, lava/volcano, carnival/casino
Sub-boss: Egg Dragoon
Boss: Dark Gaia
Jungle Joyride

Eggmanland is the final level of Sonic Unleashed and belongs to the Seventh Continent. A dark, cyberpunk-ish city ruled by Dr. Eggman, Eggmanland is suspended over magma, and contains elements of an amusement park. In the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, Sonic switches between normal and Werehog forms during the extra-long stage itself to reach the end, using special hourglass objects.


Welcome to Eggmanland, the brainchild of my heart and soul!

— Dr. Eggman

After restoring six of the seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic and Chip return to Professor Pickle's lab in Shamar to hear that the final Temple of Gaia is right under Eggman's base. Hopping in Tails' Tornado to get there via Tornado Defense 2, Sonic dives into his fat nemesis' latest machine city to finish the job of restoring the planet.

After finally clearing the gargantuan level and restoring the grey Chaos Emerald, Sonic and Chip are ambushed right outside the Temple by Eggman's Egg Dragoon, beginning the lengthy trial of 3 last boss fights.

Earlier iterations

Unleashed is not the first time we have heard of Eggmanland. This place has been Eggman's supposed dream base, and has been referenced in many titles before Sonic Unleashed, all the way back to Sonic Adventure where the Doctor first declared his intention to build Eggmanland upon the ruins of Station Square, as well as having a mention in Sonic Rush. Eggmanland was also the name for Eggman's base in the Japanese version of the Sonic OVA; in English it was called "Robotropolis".

Later iterations

In the final prequel comic for Sonic Forces, Rise of Infinite, an illusion of Eggmanland appears before Dr. Eggman when he picks up the Phantom Ruby.

Hub - Eggmanland

Flag of Eggmanland
A maniacal metropolis of machinery built by Dr. Eggman and his mad ambitions.

— World Map description

In the PS3 / 360 versions of the game, Eggmanland's hub is not visited during the main plot, but can be accessed after defeating Perfect Dark Gaia. The Egg Fighter citizens prove remarkably accomodating to their creator's number one enemy, and somehow, Don Fachio's has set up a hot dog franchise even in this dystopic machine hell.

The hub world of Eggmanland is unique from others, in the way that it is the only hub world to also be an entrance stage (which is ironic, due to the fact it is the smallest hub world in the game). Sonic and Chip actually walk through the hub world in just the opening cutscene for Eggmanland, and it also has the statue and large gate in the shape of Eggman's head.


EF-MD1991: Originally among the oldest of the Egg Fighters, he now mans one of Eggmanland's shops. His work ethic and loyalty to Eggman are unrivaled, but the years have made their work on his AI. These days, you never know what's going out of his mouth next.

EF-DC1998: Once a model mainstay of the Egg Fighter force, this robot's gotten tired of working, and often does his best to sneak off and avoid his duties these days.

EF-XB2006: As one of the newest additions to the Egg Fighters, he still lacks real world experience, and spends most of his time studying.

Hot Dog Vendor: The manager of Don Fachio's Eggmanland location. Beating his missions nets you the coveted Doggone Dog.

Vendor shopping

 Food  Poppin' Eggcorn Egg Candy Egg Dog Egg Puff Egg-squisite lunch
 Souveniers  Miniature Flag Photo frame Egg balloon Eggman poster Egg goggles

(Chip has a "hatred" for all the food in Eggmanland)

Act - Eggmanland (360/PS3)

In the PS3 / 360 version, Eggmanland has only one, vast, combined day / night act, with Entrance Stage hourglasses inside the level itself to morph between Sonic the Werehog and Sonic the Hedgehog. The level is by far the most difficult in the game, and seemingly goes on forever. Use all the skills you've accrued over the rest of the game to succeed!

If Sonic completes the level, but dies whilst facing one of the three bosses near the end, you will start off at the battle for the Egg Dragoon, instead of at the beginning of Eggmanland itself.

Hot Dog Trials

This mission can be accessed by speaking with the chili dog vendor in Eggmanland after completing the game. Completing the level 1 mission unlocks the level 2 mission and earns 1 Doggone Dog, completing the level 2 mission unlocks the level 3 mission and earns 2 Doggone Dogs, completing the level 3 mission earns 3 Doggone Dogs and completing all of them will unlock the Hard Boiled Achievement. Since the stage has both Sonic and the Werehog on it, only the Time Trial is accessible.

It should be noted that finishing the level within the time limit is trivial; the hard part is not dying once.

  • Level 1 - Finish the stage in 75 Minutes
  • Level 2 - Finish the stage in 65 Minutes
  • Level 3 - Finish the stage in 45 Minutes

Acts - Eggmanland (PS2/Wii)

Day Stages

Head for the goal!

Sonic the Hedgehog
Act title: Head for the goal!
Level number: 1
S-rank requirement:
Under 4 minutes, 30 seconds
A-rank requirement:
Under 5 minutes
B-rank requirement:
Under 6 minutes

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Extra Missions

There are three day missions available for Eggmanland on the PS2/Wii versions. None of them are Secret Missions.

Storymode Missions
  • Gather rings at top speed! - Collect 280 rings!
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Soundtrack 10
  • Reach the goal unscathed! - Reach the goal ring without taking damage!
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Document 35
Optional Mission
  • Time Attack! Race for the goal! - Reach the goal ring within the time limit!

Night Stages

Level 1: Infiltration

Sonic the Werehog
Act title: Infiltration
Level number: 1
S-rank requirement:
Time: Under 7 minutes

Rings: 424 or more
Gaia Force: 4368 or more

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ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 48
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 49
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Movie 20

Level 2: Robot Factory

Sonic the Werehog
Act title: Robot Factory
Level number: 2
S-rank requirement:
Time: Under 8 minutes

Rings: 336 or more
Gaia Force: 2000 or more

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ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 50
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 54
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Movie 21

Level 3: Beyond the Factory

Sonic the Werehog
Act title: Beyond the Factory
Level number: 3
S-rank requirement:
Time: Under 7 minutes

Rings: 184 or more
Gaia Force: 1920 or more

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ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 55
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Document 8
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 14
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 31

Level 4: To Zero Point

Sonic the Werehog
Act title: To Zero Point
Level number: 4
S-rank requirement:
Time: Under 9 minutes

Rings: 168 or more
Gaia Force: 2176 or more

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ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 74
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 29
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Soundtrack 1
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 69

Bottom Level: Dark Gaia Cauldron

Sonic the Werehog
Act title: Dark Gaia Cauldron
Level number: 5
S-rank requirement:
Time: Under 11 minutes

Rings: 672 or more
Gaia Force: 3616 or more

Sonicretro-round.svg This short section needs expansion. You can help Sonic Retro by adding to it.
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 71
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 80
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 5
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Illustration 36

Extra Missions

There are three night missions available for Eggmanland on the PS2/Wii versions. They are all Secret Missions.

ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Document 32
  • Reach the goal ring without getting hit!? - Reach the goal with only a small amount of health!
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Document 34
  • Battle Royale! Take on all comers! - Defeat the entire horde of enemies!
ItemBoxUnleashed.png Secret Document 36

Boss Stages

BOSS [Egg Dragoon]

Sonic the Werehog
Boss: Egg Dragoon
S-rank requirement:
Under 7 minutes

The Egg Dragoon fights Sonic the Werehog in a giant tunnel hole that leads to the planet's core, catching him and Chip on surprise while they were celebrating for having restored the final Chaos Emerald in the Eggmanland's Gaia Temple. The boss will try to hit Sonic with various attacks, and will break the descending platform Sonic is standing on two times when losing certain fractions of it's health bar, then Sonic will fall to the next platform until reaching the third at the planet's core, where Sonic can finally defeat the boss.

BOSS [Dark Gaia]

Sonic the Hedgehog
(also Gaia Colossus/Super Sonic)
Boss: Dark Gaia / Perfect Dark Gaia
S-rank requirement:
Under 7 minutes, 30 seconds

The final battle is against Dark Gaia and later it's perfected form. Sonic fights Dark Gaia to save the world alongside Chip. In the first segment of the battle, the player controls the Gaia Colossus and fights hand-to-hand with Dark Gaia. In the second segment, the player drives Sonic through the Colossus to reach the three green eyes of Dark Gaia and hurt them. In the third and final segment, Sonic becomes Super Sonic and the player has to beat Perfect Dark Gaia by using the Super Sonic Boost to strike all it's eyes.



Sonic Unleashed
SonicUnleashed title.png

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