
Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers

From Sonic Retro

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RingRacers FanGame Title.png
Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
Latest version: 2.3
Latest release date: 2024-05-21
Original release date: 2024-04-24
Engine: Doom Legacy
Credits: Kart Krew Dev
Operating system: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers is a fan game for Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms. It is the sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, and was originally developed as version 2 of its predecessor before being branded as a sequel.


Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers is set after the events of Sonic Adventure 2. After having learned that Professor Gerald Robotnik wanted to destroy the world, Dr. Eggman reconsidered his evil deeds and decided to work with Miles "Tails" Prower, one of his former enemies, to develop a brand new power source called the High Voltage Ring. Created by combining over 80,000 Rings, the High Voltage Ring has a lot of potential, but is unstable and potentially dangerous. To test the reliability of the High Voltage Ring, Eggman and Tails invent a special type of go-kart, the Ring Racer, to tap into the High Voltage Ring's power and host a racing tournament using these karts.

When the game is launched for the first time, it opens with a long prologue presented from Metal Sonic's point of view. Eggman and Tails have finished repairs on Metal Sonic after stopping him from going rogue, and explain to him their project as well as playing back their testing data for him in the form of a tutorial. When the tutorial is completed, Eggman restores Metal's autonomy so long as he keeps his violence to the race track.


Much like its predecessor, Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers's gameplay follows the standard of a typical kart racer, in that players drive around in karts with the ability to drift around corners and achieve speed boosts, as well as using items obtained from Item Boxes to help themselves or hinder others, and many other staples from the genre. Most of the gameplay is like its predecessor, however Ring Racers has a greater focus on momentum in that karts are now more affected by the terrain - going uphill will gradually reduce a kart's speed, while driving downhill will increase speed.

New to Ring Racers are Rings, which can be collected up to a maximum of 20 Rings. When collected, Rings can be used to receive boosts by holding the L button which can help the kart gain speed up slopes, however Rings are also lost from being attacked, bumping into other racers or falling off the track. If a player has no Rings, they will enter a "Ring Debt" state in that they are more vulnerable to attacks. Collisions with other racers will make a player spin out from "Ring Sting", and further attacks can decrease the player's Ring count into negative values. While in Ring Debt, players can perform an Insta-Whip to defend themselves against other racers and attacks, however charging it too long will further decrease their Ring count. If a player is bumped or attacked at -20 Rings, their kart explodes.

Item Boxes function differently from SRB2Kart in that they present players with a predetermined assortment of items, and a player can stop the roulette to get the item they want. Item Boxes that have been picked up will respawn as Ring Boxes that will instead award a number of Rings depending on what symbol a player stops the reel on. Excess Rings obtained from Ring Boxes will be automatically consumed for Ring Boosts without having to press L.

Another new feature to Ring Racers is for the ability for karts to perform a Spin Dash at a standstill by holding the C button for a few seconds, then releasing for a burst of speed, however charging for too long will make the kart spin out. While in the air, karts are capable of fast-falling by pressing C, though doing so will make the player's kart bounce upon landing. Some springs will make the player perform Tricks, which are done so by holding a specific direction and pressing A, launching the player in the given direction (Up to launch forward, Down to launch upwards, Left or Right to launch in those directions). Successfully performing Tricks will award bonus Rings and Voltage, which will power up a player's drift boosts, though the player can immediately fast-fall right after a Trick to perform a "Voltage Drop" for a quick burst of speed.


Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers has a larger variety of modes than SRB2Kart. Some of them are played by only a single player, while others can be played offline for up to four players on one computer via split-screen, or via a local area network or the Internet for up to 16 players. Split-screen may also be used for LAN/online play, with up to four players able to join on each client. A variety of add-ons can be loaded to add extra characters, skin colours and levels or change the gameplay in various ways, and if any add-ons are required to join an online game, then they will be downloaded and automatically loaded upon requesting to join, providing the server has enabled file downloading.

To play online and use add-ons, a player must complete the Ring Cup in Grand Prix mode, successfully skip the tutorial, or enter certain passwords.

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1 (Local)
How to unlock:
Played when starting a new game.
When starting the game for the first time, the player is required to play through a tutorial sequence in which Dr. Eggman and Tails will explain the various mechanics in the game across five sections of Sunbeam Paradise Zone. However, the player may attempt to skip the tutorial by entering a certain door at the beginning, which will pit them in a race against seven Eggrobos. If they place 4th or higher, they will successfully skip the tutorial, otherwise they must continue with the tutorial.

After the tutorial has been completed or skipped, the player may replay it at any time via the Extras menu.

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Grand Prix
1-4 (Local)
How to unlock:
Complete (or successfully skip) the tutorial.
One or more players compete in a series of five races against several computer opponents to score the most points and win the cup. To be able to qualify for the next race, at least one player has to place within the top half of the rankings, and in addition to finishing in good standing players will need to accumulate Lap Bonuses by finishing laps in good standing as well as finish with a lot of Rings. Players who place in the bottom half of the rankings will lose a life and have their Lap and Ring Bonuses voided. If all participating human players fail to qualify, the round must be restarted. Extra lives are awarded for every 20 Rings accumulated across all rounds, and finishing positions, Lap Bonuses and Rings contribute to the final rank awarded at the end.

From time to time the player(s) will play a bonus round of Prison Break in which they must drive around battle arenas and break as many Prison Eggs as they can without running out of time, with the time limit increased for each Prison Egg broken. If the player(s) successfully break all of the Prison Eggs, an extra life is awarded for all players. Breaking Prison Eggs will also contribute towards the final rank.

In this mode, at least three of the computer opponents will be predetermined based on the player's character choice. These are the player character's rivals. After the first round, the character with the highest score out of these characters will be designated as the "Rival", which gives them rubberbanding, higher item odds and a 10% speed increase to make them considerably stronger than other computer opponents. The designated rival will also change if other computer opponents rank higher than the current rival in the overall standings. In multiplayer, the game will select rivals from all human players' characters. The total number of racers will vary depending on the number of participating human players - 8 racers with one or two players, 12 racers with three players, and 16 racers with four players.

If the necessary conditions are met, the player(s) will have a chance at attempting a Sealed Star at the end of a cup. In a Sealed Star, the player(s) must chase a UFO Catcher that is carrying a Chaos Emerald, and destroy the glass barrier with items or by driving into it at high speed before it reaches the end of the stage. If the Emerald escapes, the player falls off the stage or their kart explodes, they can retry the Sealed Star as long as they have continues remaining.

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Match Race
1-4 (Local), 1-16 (Online)
How to unlock:
Complete (or successfully skip) the tutorial.
One or more players can race in a single race with customisable rules. In these races, the host player can set up game speed, how many racers can participate (up to a maximum of 16 at a time), whether or not computer players will fill the remaining player slots and what difficulty level they're at, which kinds of items can be obtained from Item Boxes, and whether or not to play in Encore Mode if unlocked.

In online play, Match Race is the default race mode, with the server host deciding the rules. Level progression can be set up to automatically proceed to the next level in order, play a random level, or have all players vote on which level to play on next out of a selection of four random levels.

When only one human player participates in a Match Race with no computer opponents, the race will be set to "Free Play" mode in which the player is able to drive around freely without the pressure of another opponent, which is useful for finding secrets. Item Boxes in "Free Play" will contain all items as set in the item toggle.

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Time Attack
1 (Local)
How to unlock:
Complete a race, or skip the tutorial.
In this mode, the player drives alone at Gear 3 and aims to achieve the fastest possible time. All Item Boxes are Ring Boxes that will always award Rings for extra speed. Bronze, silver and gold medals are awarded for fast race times that vary with each level, and beating all of the staff ghosts in a level will award a platinum medal.
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SPB Attack
1 (Local)
How to unlock:
Unlock Encore Mode and collect 500 medals.
SPB Attack is an alternate Time Attack mode that, once unlocked, can be accessed by pressing the Drift button when selecting a level in Time Attack. In this mode, the player races on the Encore Mode version of the level and must complete the race while constantly being chased by a Self-Propelled Bomb. All Rings are removed from the track, and Item Boxes will only provide Super Rings to replenish the player's Ring supply, or Drop Targets that only hinder the player. Getting caught by the SPB results in failure.
RingRacers FanGame Gameplay Battle.png
2-4 (Local), 2-16 (Online)
Players compete in enclosed battle arenas to destroy/steal each others' bumpers in order to score points. To win, a player must reach a set score, then KO another player, however they may also win the game by collecting all seven Chaos Emeralds. When a player is attacked without any bumpers, their kart will explode and they will lose 2 points. To get items, players must attack giant monitors. From time to time a Combat UFO will spawn in a random location. If a player attacks the Combat UFO with an item or an Insta-Whip, it will drop a special item.

Collecting blue spheres will increase a player's speed and acceleration as well as allow them to put up a defensive shield when using the e-brake. The shield will block item attacks as well as reflect Insta-Whip attacks, however will be broken if an opponent drives into the shield directly, resulting in damage to the shield user.

Battles normally have a time limit of 3 minutes. If time runs out, the game will go into Overtime, and laser beams will gradually enclose the arena, reducing the amount of space to battle in. At this point, all players must make their way towards an Overtime Kiosk that will begin dispensing items and Chaos Emeralds. Any players who end up outside the laser barriers will be eliminated, and the last player standing will win.

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Prison Break
1 (Local)
How to unlock:
Play a bonus round for the first time in Grand Prix.
This mode serves as a time attack mode based on the bonus rounds from Grand Prix mode. There is no time limit, and the objective is to destroy all the Prison Eggs as quickly as possible. Medals are awarded for fast clear times in the same way as Time Attack.
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1 (Local)
How to unlock:
Collect all seven Chaos Emeralds.
In this mode, the player can replay any of the Sealed Stars from Grand Prix mode and compete for the fastest time akin to the Time Attack and Prison Break modes. However, there are no medals to earn in this mode, and multiplayer is not available.

Replays of races played in any mode can be saved and viewed in Egg TV, selectable from the Extras menu.


Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers features nine characters to choose from by default. An additional 54 characters can be unlocked by completing challenges, and the number of characters available can be increased further by loading add-ons. Each character's driving ability is determined by two stats, ranging from values 1 to 9:

  • Speed: The character's top speed. A higher value will allow the character to reach higher speeds, while a lower value will increase their acceleration.
  • Weight: The character's weight. A higher value will allow the character to push lighter characters around, while a lower value will increase handling.

Characters are categorised by engine classes based on the combination of their stats (e.g. Tails is a Class A character). The combination will also affect other attributes, such as the strength of Ring Boosts, how long and fast-acting tethering is, how effective Boost Stacking is, and how quickly a character can build up sparks while drifting. For example, a slower, heavier character (e.g. Dr. Eggman) can build drift sparks more quickly than a faster, lighter character (e.g. Sonic).

Starting characters

Character Class Speed Weight Rivals
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Sonic C 8 2 Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic, Knuckles
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Tails A 2 2 Dr. Eggman, Sonic, Battle Kukku XV
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Knuckles E 5 5 Mecha Sonic, Eggrobo, Sonic
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Dr. Eggman G 2 8 Tails, Sonic, Knuckles
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Metal Sonic I 8 8 Sonic, Amy, Dr. Eggman
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Amy B 5 2 Metal Sonic, Sonic, Dr. Eggman
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Mighty H 5 8 Ray, Sonic, Knuckles
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Fang F 8 5 Knuckles, Bean, Bark
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Motobug D 2 5 Sonic, Caterkiller, Cluckoid

Unlockable characters

Character Class Speed Weight Rivals
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Flicky C 8 1 Big, Blaze, Honey
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Caterkiller H 6 9 Motobug, Zipp, Charmy
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Redz G 2 7 Zipp, Wonder Boy
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Ray B 4 2 Mighty, Sonic, Dr. Eggman
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Cluckoid H 5 7 Motobug, Caterkiller, Redz
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Eggrobo G 2 8 Knuckles, Mecha Sonic, Tails Doll
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Mecha Sonic I 9 9 Knuckles, Eggrobo, Metal Sonic
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Espio F 8 6 Charmy, Mighty
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Charmy B 6 1 Espio, Bomb
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Heavy G 1 9 Bomb, Knuckles, Dr. Eggman
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Bomb C 9 1 Heavy, Eggman, Knuckles
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Gutbuster D 3 6 Knuckles, Espio, Bomb
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Battle Kukku XV H 6 8 Tails, Dr. Eggman, Flicky
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Bean A 1 3 Bark, Fang, Bomb
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Bark G 1 7 Honey, Sonic, Dr. Eggman
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Honey E 5 6 Azusa Miura, Bark, Bean
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Tails Doll A 2 1 Eggrobo, Metal Knuckles, Metal Sonic
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Metal Knuckles I 7 8 Metal Sonic, Tails Doll, Eggrobo
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Big H 4 9 Chaos Zero, Dr. Eggman, Amy
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Chao A 1 1 Chaos Zero
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Tikal E 6 4 Chaos Zero, Knuckles
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Chaos Zero G 3 8 Tikal, Chao, Sonic
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Shadow C 9 2 Sonic, Maria, Dr. Eggman
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Rouge E 4 4 Knuckles, Shadow
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Maria D 1 4 Shadow, Dr. Eggman, Big
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Cream B 4 1 Amy, Big, Chao
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Emerl E 5 5 Sonic, Amy, Tails
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Blaze C 7 3 Sonic, Silver, Cream
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Jet C 7 2 Sonic, Dr. Eggman, Flicky
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Silver A 1 2 Blaze, Sonic, Espio
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Heavy Magician J[fn 1] ? ? Fang, Bean, Bark
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Whisper B 6 3 Surge, Heavy Magician, Shadow
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Surge C 8 3 Sonic, Shadow, Metal Sonic
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Wonder Boy H 4 7 Redz, Orta, Heavy Magician
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Arle D 3 5 Dr. Eggman, Bean, Mail
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Rappy C 9 3 Mail, Whisper, Arle
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Ecco G 3 7 Silver, Metal Sonic, Sonic
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Pulseman D 2 4 Vectorman, Mail, Headdy
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Headdy A 3 2 Heavy Magician, Zipp, Tails Doll
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Zipp E 4 5 Sonic, Eggrobo, Redz
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Vectorman I 7 9 Motobug, Chaos Zero, Caterkiller
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NiGHTS A 3 3 Sonic, Shadow, Chao
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Sakura Shinguji E 5 4 Eggrobo, Wonder Boy
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ChuChu B 5 1 Big, Blaze, Honey
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Gum E 6 5 Shadow, Jet, Fang
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AiAi F 7 6 Ecco, Rappy, ChuChu
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Orta F 7 5 NiGHTS, Sakura Shinguji, Gum
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Billy Hatcher D 3 4 Battle Kukku XV, Jet, Cluckoid
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Jack Frost B 6 2 Aigis, Rappy, NiGHTS
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Aigis H 6 7 Jack Frost, Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles
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Mail F 8 4 Sonic, Wonder Boy, Heavy Magician
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Azusa Miura F 7 4 Honey, Sakura, Rouge
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Carol B 4 3 Whisper, Surge, Mail
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Ring the Racer A 1 1 Mail, Rouge, Fang
  1. Heavy Magician transforms into a random character presently available in the player/server's roster, so copies the stats of the character she becomes. In races, she transforms at the beginning of each lap. In battles and Prison Break, she transforms each time she takes damage. In Sealed Stars, she transforms each time she hits the UFO Catcher. When not transformed, her default stats are the same as Knuckles and Emerl.


Items acquired from Item Boxes are either used instantaneously, or can be equipped. Items that are normally dropped from behind can be trailed behind the user's kart, however doing so will decrease the user's speed until they drop the item. Driving through an Item Box starts a roulette with a predetermined set of items based on position, and the player must press the Item button to stop it on the item they want. Items may also be instantly obtained from Item Capsules that contain specific items.

RingRacers FanGame Sprite Items.png
Super Ring
Gives the user 20 Rings. Excess Rings are automatically consumed for a Ring Boost. This item is more likely to appear if the player has a low amount of Rings or is in Ring Debt.
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Gives the user a short speed boost that can also be used to go offroad. Can also come in a bunch of two or three, and can be stacked with themselves or with Sneaker Panels for more powerful boosts.
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Rocket Sneaker
Allows the user to constantly boost until it runs out of fuel. Fuel will drain over time or as the user boosts, and will run out faster if the user boosts too frequently.
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Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. Players who drive into a banana will spin out while still preserving some momentum. Can also come in bunches of three.
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Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. When a player drives into this fake Item Box, they will drop their current item, and the Eggmark will make the player's kart explode after a 5-second countdown or when the Item button is pressed. Until the explosion happens, the player gets a sudden burst of speed and can pass on the Eggmark to another player by bumping into them, resetting its timer.
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One, three or four spike balls will circle around the user's kart. Can be fired forward or backwards, and will rebound off of walls until it hits a player, making them spin out and come to a stop. When fired backwards, it will roll around in a patrolling circle.
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One or two Jawz will circle around the user's kart. Can be fired forward or backwards, and if fired forward will home in on the player in front, making them spin out and come to a stop. If fired backwards, it will target the user at a reduced speed. The speed of the Jawz is relative to the user's speed when firing, so will be sluggish at lower speeds and much faster at higher speeds.
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Can be fired forward or backwards, or lobbed in the air by holding Up. If a Gachabom successfully hits a target, it will come back to the user for another use, and will wait until the user's item slot is free if they already have a different item. Can also come in a bunch of three.
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Proximity Mine
Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. Shortly after it lands, it will activate, and will detonate if a player drives too close to it. If driven into before it is activated, it will be bounced to a new spot.
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Land Mine
Dropped behind the user's kart, the Land Mine flies into the air and then plants into the ground, and will detonate if a player makes contact with it or is hit on the head with it, sending the victim tumbling.
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Ball Hog
Fires a bouncy ball that bounces until it hits a wall and make players spin out as if they were hit by a banana. Holding the Item button will fire a spreadshot of multiple balls. Typically comes in five.
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Places a Hyudoro behind the user's kart. If another player drives into it, they will have their item stolen and given to the user, however this will also make that player invisible if they are not in 1st, temporarily allowing them to drive offroad and pass through Tripwires. If the Hyudoro user is in 1st place or already has an item, the Hyudoro will hold the stolen item until the player is able to receive it.
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Drop Target
Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. If a player drives into it, they will be rebounded and the Drop Target will tumble away, changing colour with each collision from green to yellow to red before disappearing.
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Pogo Spring
Makes the user jump while also giving them the opportunity to perform a Trick for extra speed. The spring will be left behind on the ground for a while, and will make other racers tumble uncontrollably. This item can only be acquired from Item Capsules, and is never provided by Item Box roulettes outside of "Free Play".
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Makes the user invincible, increasing their speed as well as allowing them to drive offroad. Driving into another player while invincible will send that player tumbling into the air.
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Makes the user larger, increasing their speed and defense as well as making their items bigger, however they will still slow down from going offroad and will still be vulnerable to some hazards.
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Summons Poh-Bees that will swing shrink rays all around the track that will shrink other players. Shrunken players drive more slowly, have weaker items and are vulnerable to being knocked aside by larger players. The shrink rays have the opposite effect for the user, making them grow instead.
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The user rides atop this item and can change direction while riding it using the Drift button. It can then be thrown in an S pattern by pressing the Item button, or thrown harmlessly for a speed boost with Up+Item.
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Lightning Shield
Automatically forms once obtained and allows the user to make a thunderclap by pressing the Item button. This thunderclap can be used to destroy objects or make nearby players spin out, and can even destroy Self-Propelled Bombs. This item will also attract Rings, or make them scatter on the ground if the user cannot carry any more, and also powers up the user's Tether.
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Bubble Shield
Automatically forms once obtained and allows the user to repel items and other racers by expanding the shield with the Item button. Holding the Item button long enough will drop the Bubble Shield behind the user's kart, and any players who drive into it will be trapped and have to escape by mashing Left and Right. Holding Up when dropping the Bubble Shield will shoot it out in front, while holding Down instead will give the user a speed boost. The Bubble Shield can also be used to perform Bounce Attacks by repeatedly fastfalling in the air, but will pop if attempted in first place.
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Flame Shield
Automatically forms once obtained and allows the user to dash forward by holding and releasing the Item button to dash foward, punting away racers and hazards as well as passing through Tripwires, with the gauge's maximum length varying based on the user's position (being near 1st results in a smaller gauge). When at maximum gauge, holding the Item button will overheat the Flame Shield, destroying it in exchange for one final burst of speed.
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Self-Propelled Bomb
Chases after the player in first place and explodes if it manages to catch them. When a Self-Propelled Bomb is right behind its target, the target will be unable to pick up Rings, and "Shockwaves" will be left in their wake to allow other players to catch up by passing through them. To avoid a Self-Propelled Bomb, the race leader must drive well and avoid slowing down. If this item is obtained via Item Capsule, it will be automatically deployed without any input from the player who broke the Item Capsule.
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Kitchen Sink
An extremely rare item. It can be thrown in front of the user, and will instantly kill any player it touches as well as informing all players who was hit by it.


The following items can only be obtained by destroying Combat UFOs in Battle mode.

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S Monitor
Makes the user invincible and increases their speed for 30 seconds, however they will drop this power-up if Insta-Whipped.
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Mega Barrier
Gives the user a shield for 30 seconds that is active even when not using the e-brake, protecting them from items and Insta-Whips, however they can still take damage from collisions.
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Bumper Restock
Gives the user 5 extra bumpers.
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Rhythm Badge
Powers up the user's Insta-Whips for 30 seconds, allowing them to freely spam Insta-Whips without any charging or cooldown. Being Insta-Whipped themselves will make them drop this power-up.
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Super Flicky
Gives the user four Super Flickies that will automatically attack nearby rivals for 30 seconds. They will drop this power-up if Insta-Whipped, however.
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Gives the user 6 points.


Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers has a total of 30 cups that are gradually unlocked as the player progresses through the game. Each cup typically has 5 Race levels (with the exception of the Egg Cup, which has 4) and 2 Battle levels, and the first 14 cups have an associated Sealed Star. "Lost & Found" contains levels that do not have an associated cup, all of which are unlocked by meeting certain conditions.

There are a total of 152 Race levels, 60 Battle levels, and 14 Sealed Stars, plus Adventure Example. Levels with a link are based on other levels and games (including non-Sonic games).

Ring Cup Sneaker Cup Spring Cup Barrier Cup Invincible Cup Emerald Cup Extra Cup

R1: Robotnik Coaster Zone
R2: Northern District Zone
R3: Panic City Zone
R4: Sonic Speedway Zone
R5: Green Hills Zone

R1: Emerald Coast
R2: Storm Rig Zone
R3: Lucid Pass Zone
R4: Autumn Ring Zone
R5: Withering Chateau Zone

R1: Popcorn Workshop Zone
R2: Sundae Drive Zone
R3: Cadillac Cascade Zone
R4: Rumble Ridge Zone
R5: Opulence Zone

R1: Angel Island Zone
R2: Roasted Ruins Zone
R3: Obsidian Oasis Zone
R4: Mirage Saloon Zone
R5: Regal Ruin

R1: Isolated Island Zone
R2: Gigapolis Zone
R3: Darkvile Castle Zone 1
R4: Bronze Lake Zone
R5: Collision Chaos Zone

R1: Emerald Hill Zone
R2: Azure City Zone
R3: Gust Planet Zone
R4: Mystic Cave Zone
R5: Joypolis Zone

R1: Hill Top Zone
R2: Marble Garden Zone
R3: SilverCloud Island
R4: Sub-Zero Peak Zone
R5: Launch Base Zone

B1: Municipal Meadow Zone
B2: CD Special Stage 1

B1: Tinkerer's Arena Zone
B2: Tricircle Marina Zone

B1: Mystery Gate Zone
B2: Rusty Rig Zone

B1: Marble Foyer Zone
B2: Rock World Zone

B1: World 1 Map
B2: CD Special Stage 8

B1: SEGA Saturn
B2: Electra Clacker Zone

B1: Thunder Top Zone
B2: Tree Ring Zone

SS: Balconies SS: Church SS: Courtyard SS: Villa SS: Venice SS: Spikes SS: Fountain
S.P.B. Cup Rocket Cup Aqua Cup Lightning Cup Flame Cup Super Cup Egg Cup

R1: Azure Lake Zone
R2: Balloon Park Zone
R3: Chrome Gadget Zone
R4: Desert Palace Zone
R5: Endless Mine Zone 1

R1: Hard-Boiled Stadium Zone
R2: Hardhat Havoc Zone
R3: Press Garden Zone
R4: Pico Park Zone
R5: City Escape

R1: Palmtree Panic Zone
R2: Darkvile Castle Zone 2
R3: Scarlet Gardens Zone
R4: Motobug Motorway Zone
R5: Star Light Zone

R1: Metropolis Zone
R2: Frozen Production Zone
R3: Aqueduct Crystal Zone
R4: Nova Shore Zone
R5: Hydro City Zone

R1: Trap Tower
R2: Diamond Dust Zone
R3: Blue Mountain Zone 1
R4: Blue Mountain Zone 2
R5: Speed Highway

R1: Carnival Night Zone
R2: Virtual Highway Zone
R3: Dark Fortress Zone
R4: Spring Yard Zone
R5: Labyrinth Zone

R1: Hot Shelter
R2: Sky Sanctuary Zone
R3: Lost Colony
R4: Death Egg Zone

B1: Frigid Cove Zone
B2: Gizmo Bastion Zone

B1: Carbon Crucible Zone
B2: Security Hall

B1: Gems Museum Zone
B2: Media Studio

B1: Honeycomb Hollow Zone
B2: Wood Zone

B1: Brawl Fort Zone
B2: Crystal Island Zone

B1: Cyber Arena Zone
B2: Neon Resort Zone

B1: Meteor Herd
B2: Death Egg's Eye

SS: Gallery SS: Alley SS: Steeple SS: Rooftops SS: Roulette SS: Towers SS: Atlantis
Goggles Cup Timer Cup Grow Cup Chao Cup Wing Cup Mega Cup Phantom Cup

R1: 765 Stadium Zone
R2: Skyscraper Leaps Zone
R3: Green Triangle Zone
R4: Zoned City
R5: Sunset Hill Zone

R1: Savannah Citadel
R2: Umbrella Rushwinds Zone
R3: Avant Garden Zone
R4: Bigtime Breakdown Zone
R5: Vantablack Violet Zone

R1: Chaos Chute Zone
R2: Dimension Disaster Zone
R3: Aurora Atoll Zone
R4: Daytona Speedway Zone
R5: Turquoise Hill Zone

R1: Weiss Waterway Zone
R2: Ice Paradise Zone
R3: Sunsplashed Getaway Zone
R4: Fae Falls Zone
R5: Azure Axiom Zone

R1: Hanagumi Hall Zone
R2: Aerial Highlands Zone
R3: Crispy Canyon Zone
R4: Technology Tundra
R5: Operator's Overspace

R1: Mega Green Hill Zone
R2: Mega Bridge Zone
R3: Mega Lava Reef Zone
R4: Mega Ice Cap Zone
R5: Mega Scrap Brain Zone

R1: Wavecrash Dimension 1
R2: Nightfall Dimension 2
R3: Voiddance Dimension 3
R4: Cloudtop Dimension 4
R5: Gravtech Dimension 5

B1: Tails' Lab
B2: Power Plant

B1: City Skyline Zone
B2: Vantablack Atrium Zone

B1: Dead Simple
B2: Martian Matrix Zone

B1: Dark Chao Garden
B2: Hero Chao Garden

B1: Whirl Waters Zone
B2: Deluged Metroplex Zone

B1: Mega Emerald Beach
B2: Mega Labyrinth Zone

B1: Fungal Dimension
B2: Astral Dimension

Flash Cup Swap Cup Shrink Cup Bomb Cup Power Cup Genesis Cup Skate Cup

R1: Espresso Lane Zone
R2: Melty Manor Zone
R3: Leaf Storm Zone
R4: Lake Margorite Zone
R5: Endless Mine Zone 2

R1: Cyan Belltower Zone
R2: Quartz Quadrant Zone
R3: Aqua Tunnel
R4: Water Palace Zone
R5: Final Fall Zone

R1: Haunted Ship
R2: Robotnik Winter Zone
R3: Dragonspire Sewer Zone 1
R4: Abyss Garden Zone
R5: Blizzard Peaks Zone

R1: Vermilion Vessel Zone
R2: Dragonspire Sewer Zone 2
R3: Chemical Facility Zone
R4: Coastal Temple Zone
R5: Monkey Mall

R1: Ramp Park Zone
R2: Advent Angel Zone
R3: Pestilence Zone
R4: Crimson Core Zone
R5: Las Vegas

R1: Mega Collision Chaos Zone
R2: Mega Star Light Zone
R3: Mega Sandopolis Zone
R4: Mega Aqua Lake Zone
R5: Mega Flying Battery Zone

R1: Sky Babylon Zone
R2: Kodachrome Void Zone
R3: Lavender Shrine Zone
R4: Thunder Piston Zone
R5: Dead Line Zone

B1: Chaos Seraph Zone
B2: Toy Kingdom Zone

B1: Aquatic Cathedral Zone 1
B2: Aquatic Cathedral Zone 2

B1: Frosty Courtyard Zone
B2: Abyss Gate Zone

B1: Sonic's Schoolhouse
B2: Record Attack Zone

B1: Peanut Palace Zone
B2: Hydro Plant Zone

B1: Mega Metropolis Zone
B2: Mega Marble Zone

B1: Thunder Lab Zone
B2: Malign Eggshrine Zone

Recycle A Cup Recycle B Cup Lost & Found

R1: SRB2 Frozen Night
R2: Barren Badlands Zone
R3: Shuffle Square Zone
R4: Blue Mountain Classic
R5: Angel Arrow Classic

R1: Cadillac Canyon Classic
R2: Diamond Dust Classic
R3: Blizzard Peaks Classic
R4: Launch Base Classic
R5: Lavender Shrine Classic

Test Run Zone
Test Track Zone
Hidden Palace Zone

B1: SRB2 Meadow Match
B2: Armored Armadillo

B1: Clucky Farms Zone
B2: Dried Battledune Zone

Adventure Example


Most of the following passwords are entered in the Extras menu.

Password Effect
gaster Skips the tutorial. This can only be entered by selecting "PASSWORD" before the tutorial at first startup.
chaos zero 64 Activates "Tournament Mode", which temporarily unlocks almost everything and disables saving until the game is restarted.
wi-fi warrior Unlocks online play.
mcdonalds OR mustard gas Unlocks add-ons.
juicebox Unlocks Time Attack, Prison Break and something else...
squish it skew it Unlocks Encore Mode.
speed demon Unlocks Gear 3, Vicious GP and Master GP.
sonic in paynt Unlocks all Spray Can colours.
creature capture Unlocks all followers.
cartridge tilt Unlocks almost all levels.
rouge's gallery Unlocks almost all characters.
play it loud Unlocks all alternate music.
preorder bonus Grants 25 Chao Keys each time it is entered.
barrel Unlocks the Barrel follower.
nnnnnnnn Unlocks the Glyph follower.
red ring rico Unlocks the Mag follower.
idspispopd Unlocks the Cacodemon follower.
let's get fired up! Enables "4th Gear", which is a faster game speed than Gear 3. Its effects are disabled when the game is restarted.
timetolose Sets the CPU players to "True Maximum", which gives all of them the "RIVAL" status from Grand Prix. Its effects are disabled when the game is restarted.
working designs Replaces the goal signpost sprites with crudely-drawn ones. Its effects are disabled when the game is restarted.
mentalsonic Vertically stretches character sprites. Its effects are disabled when the game is restarted.
unironic joker main Removes the cool downs on all voice lines and follower taunts. Its effects are disabled when the game is restarted.
race as a ring One of the required steps to unlocking Ring The Racer.
banana Starts SRB2Kart...?

External links
