
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (pre-beta)/Comparisons

From Sonic Retro

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General comparisons

S2b title.png
Nick Arcade—Alpha
S2b4 titlescreen.png
Pre-beta—Beta 4
Sonic2 title.png
Final game

This different title screen continues to be used from previous prototypes, only with the addition of the menu, however there is no options screen to select. There is no introduction, Sonic and Tails are not animated, and the background is borrowed from Emerald Hill Zone, scrolling to the left in a similar manner to the original Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic 2 Simon Wai—Alpha
S2b4 level select.png
Sonic 2 Pre-beta—beta 4
Sonic1 MD LevelSelect REV01.png
Sonic the Hedgehog (REV01)
S2 level select.png
Sonic 2 beta 7-final

The level select screen is similar to earlier prototypes, and uses older names for some of the levels. Sky Chase Zone and Wing Fortress Zone (known here as Sky Fortress Zone) are now listed, while Wood Zone, Genocide City Zone and the second Act of Death Egg Zone have been removed. Hidden Palace Zone is listed, but is not selectable.

Sonic2PreBeta MD EHZ1 TitleCard.png
Sonic2 MD EHZ Act1TitleCard.png
Final game

Title cards comprise of white text on a black background, similar in parts to the original Sonic the Hedgehog. The Act number fades in with the rest of the level. Some Zones use their older names from the level select screen.

Gameplay comparisons

Sonic2B4 MD Comparison SpikeBug.png
Sonic2 MD Comparison SpikeBug.png
Final game

The infamous "spike behavior" is still present in this prototype.

Sonic2PreBeta MD Comparison ActEnd.png
Sonic2 MD Comparison ActEnd.png
Final game

There are no score cards, just an ending jingle similar to earlier prototypes.

Sonic2PreBeta MD Comparison EHZBossEnd.png
Sonic2 MD Comparison Capsule.png
Final game

There are no capsules when defeating bosses. The clear jingle plays at some point after Eggman escapes and the camera scrolls to the right, then the next Zone begins.

2-player mode

Sonic2PreBeta MD 2P EHZ1 Start.png
Sonic2 MD 2PVSMenu.png
Final game

2-player mode is still unfinished. Selecting "2 PLAYER VS" on the title screen begins the game immediately from Emerald Hill Zone, and cycles through to Casino Night Zone and Mystic Cave Zone before resetting.

Sonic2PreBeta MD 2P EHZ1 Start.png
Sonic2 MD 2P EHZ1 Start.png
Final game

The score counter still exists in the HUD, and Tails has the name "SONIC" for his life icon.

Final game

The monitors are not randomised yet. If Tails breaks them, Sonic gains their effects.

Final game

If Tails dies, the camera will follow him on the way down, and he will then be stuck in the absolute top-left corner of the level.

Final game

Only Sonic can clear levels. If Tails gets to the end first, he will prevent the Signpost from loading and make it impossible for Sonic to finish the level, and its graphics will overwrite other sprites in the VRAM on Sonic's screen.

Final game

Bosses can still appear in 2-player mode.

Level comparisons


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (pre-beta), prototype version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)
S2b4 titlescreen.png

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Part of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) development