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Act 1
A lot of the scenery in Green Hill Zone was adjusted for the Game Gear. Flowers are slightly different, trees are shorter, and ring placements differ for reasons unknown.
The background mountains are different colours.
This totem pole has five "heads" high on the Master System, but only two on the Game Gear.
The Game Gear version is keen on adding lots of little signs to guide players. This one helpfully points out Green Hill has hills.
Also new to the Game Gear version are signs warning players of spike pits. The spikes themselves are also smaller in the Game Gear version.
Master System version
Game Gear version
Act 2
The Game Gear warns you in advance of falling into the hole.
More signs, this time telling you to go down.
Enemy placements differ between the two versions. On the Game Gear, there are Crabmeats underwater.
On the Master System, the arrow monitor is below ground. This tunnel is removed on the Game Gear.
Master System version
Game Gear version
Act 3
The Game Gear plays host to the worst Sonic the Hedgehog boss in history. Eggman's vertical position is reduced, so while on the Master System you're forced to wait until Eggman starts attacking to hit him, on the Game Gear he's always within range, so you just need to jump. This is the opposite of most Game Gear bosses throughout the series, where the reduced space usually means quicker reaction times are needed.
Master System version
Game Gear version