
Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld (prototype; 1996-07-01)

From Sonic Retro

Gameworld title.png
Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld
(prototype; 1996-07-01)
Prerelease of: Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld
System: Sega Pico
Build date: 1996-07-01
ROM size: 512KB
Source: CD-R disc[1]
Found by: drx
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The Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld 0701 prototype for the Sega Pico was released by drx during the February 23rd, 2008 proto release.


Sonic Retro emblem.svg Main article: Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld (prototype; 1996-07-01)/Comparisons


Download.svg Download Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld (prototype; 1996-07-01)
File: Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld (Pico) (Prototype - Jul 01, 1996, 11.05).rar (225 kB) (info)

External links


Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld
Gameworld title.png

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Prereleases: Prototype 1996-07-01 | 1996-07-19 | 1996-08-02 | 1996-08-08