
Sonic Universe (graphic novel series)

From Sonic Retro

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Sonic Universe (graphic novel series) is a collection of Sonic Universe comics reprinted into trade paperback format. Each book reprints 4 issues each, with some containing additional mini stories originally printed in the main Archie Sonic book. Sometimes early versions of covers and concept art were also included.

Back issues

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Sonic Universe Book Eight: Scourge: Lockdown
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Sonic Universe Book Five: The Tails Adventure
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Sonic Universe Book Four: Journey to the East
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Sonic Universe Book Nine: Babylon Rising
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Sonic Universe Book One: The Shadow Saga
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Sonic Universe Book Seven: The Silver Saga
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Sonic Universe Book Six: Treasure Team Tango
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Sonic Universe Book Ten: Scrambled
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Sonic Universe Book Three: Knuckles Returns
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Sonic Universe Book Two: 30 Years Later

See also


Sonic Universe
SonicUniverse Comic 01 digital.jpg

Main page (Graphic Novels|Sagas)



  • 2009-2011
  • 2011-2013
  • 2013-2015
  • 2015-2017
  • Graphic Novel Series
  • Unreleased
Archie Comics ongoing series
Stand alone specials
Free Comic Book Day issues
Crossover issues
Digests & Compilations
Single Compilations & Digital Exclusives