
Sonic Shuffle/Hidden content

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NiGHTS cameo

SonicShuffle DC EU NiGHTS.png

If Sonic Shuffle is played on December 24th (Christmas Eve), NiGHTS will replace Lumina Flowlight during gameplay. However, NiGHTS will still use Lumina's voice lines.

Debug features

Hidden in the SUBPROG directory on the game disc are files for debug tools, including a model viewer, a level viewer, and a character viewer. By replacing TITLE.BIN with these files, it is possible to access these features in-game:[1]

Debug menu


A debug menu that grants access to the programs below can be activated by setting a flag in memory during start up:

  • NTSC-U version: Set the byte at address 8C1A6256 to 1.
  • NTSC-J version: Set the byte at address 8C0FCD63 to 1.
  • PAL retail version: Set the byte at address 8C0FBA97 to 1.

Model Viewer (MDLVIEW.BIN)

SonicShuffle DC MDLVIEW.BIN.png

This tool allows the user to view all the models and textures used in the game, including character models and scenery props. It can crash easily, usually when the user changes the model ID or texture ID and the tool likely can't find it when A is pressed, so the user must be careful. Video.

Level Viewer (TEST_0.BIN)

SonicShuffle DC TEST0.BIN.png

This tool allows the user to freely view each of the boards in the game (as well as their textures) using a Dreamcast Keyboard and Mouse. It includes the Gindows debug system very similar to those used in Rez and the Scud Race SDK sample from the Dreamcast SDK. Video.

High Poly Viewer (HPVIEW.BIN)

SonicShuffle DC HPVIEW.BIN.png

This tool allows the user to view the character models used in cutscenes. The user can cycle through their animations, open or close their mouths using the L and R triggers, and edit the lighting, although only Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Lumina, Illumina and Void can be viewed. Video.

The tool's name, "High Poly Viewer", comes from 1ST_READ.BIN.

PC content

Load the game disc into a Windows PC to access eight 1024x768 BMP wallpapers in the root directory. These have been converted to PNG below:


Sonic Shuffle
Sonicshuffle title.png

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