
Sonic Rush transcript

From Sonic Retro

The following is the script of all the dialog and events in the video game Sonic Rush. It is in chronological order. Entries starting with "S" are only shown in Sonic's story, "B" in Blaze's. "BS" denotes a scene shown in both.


Game script

B: The beginning

Blaze: "Uh oh! What's this? What's happened to me? (Gasp!) The Sol Emeralds! My world will be in trouble without them! That mustached old man... How did he obtain the Sol Emeralds?! I remember now. I followed him... Then I got engulfed by a pure white light. But, where am I? Am I in a different dimension? It shouldn't matter now. I've got to locate the Sol Emeralds! I've got to recover them! Otherwise, my world will be in grave danger. Anyway, I should first look around for clues."

B: Before Blaze fights the Night Carnival Zone boss

Blaze: "Hey you! You mustached old man. I've finally found you."
Eggman: "Ah, the cat girl I saw when I made that small visit. Ha ha ha. I'm surprised that you came to this world to find me."
Blaze: "(He said "this world"... As I suspected, this is another world!) Return the Sol Emeralds! They must return to my world, otherwise..."
Eggman: "Mwa ha ha ha. You mean these pretty little things?"
*Eggman flaunts the Emeralds*
Blaze: "!"
Eggman: "They are my means to ultimate power! Now scat, cat!"
Blaze: "Hmm, it seems you like to play with fire. Let me light up your fingers then!"

B: After Blaze defeats the Night Carnival Zone boss

Blaze: "Now, if you return them quietly, I won't need to raise any more flames!"
Eggman: "Hmph, your little parlor tricks don't impress me! The emeralds are mine!"
Blaze: "Don't be such a poor loser..."

Note: the following exchange is repeated after most boss battles from now on, and will no longer be mentioned here. Only the number of emeralds retrieved changes.

*Blaze kicks Eggman's Eggmobile.*
Blaze: "Give me back..."
*Blaze hits Eggman*
Blaze: "The Sol Emeralds!"
Eggman: "Whha! I won't forget this!"
Blaze: "Hmph!"
*Eggman's Eggmobile drops a Sol Emerald as he escapes into the distance. Blaze grabs it.*
Blaze: "1st Emerald retrieved!"

End of repeated exchange.

B: Before Blaze enters Leaf Storm Zone

Blaze: "But how am I suppose to find the other six? And where on earth am I!? I need to find the emeralds, but I'm lost! Huh? What's that?"
*Cream and her chao companion Cheese are hiding in a bush*
Cream: "(Shh! Be quiet or she'll spot us, Cheese!) (When we get a little more closer to her, let's talk to her!)"
Blaze: "What? Who are you?"
Cream: "Uh oh! She spotted us. Hi, it's really nice to meet you!"
*Cream bows*
Cream: "My name is Cream. May I ask what your name is?"
Blaze: "(What?! Who is this girl?)"
Cream: "I've never seen you before. Would you like to be friends?"
Blaze: "(Boy, she's really friendly! She should be more cautious.)"
Cream: "... ... ..."
Blaze: "H-Hey! Don't get so close to me!"
Cream: "I'm glad you finally spoke to me. Could you tell me your name, please?"
Blaze: "...Blaze."
Cream: "So you're Blaze. That's a very nice name. Blaze, would you like to come to my house? Come on!"
Blaze: "What?"
Cream: "Okay, let's go!"
Blaze: "W-wait a minute! (Argh!)"
*Cream flies Blaze to her house, where she, Cheese, and her mother Vanilla reside.*
Cream: "Well, here we are. Please come in, Blaze."
Blaze: "(Incredible! How can she just invite me in? After all, she just met me.)
Vanilla: "Is that you, dear? Anything interesting happen today, Cream?"
Cream: "Hi, mom. I've brought a friend home today!"
Blaze: "A friend?!"
Vanilla: "Well, it's nice to meet you."
Cream: "I met my friend Blaze when I was wandering around!"
Vanilla: "Oh Blaze, I hope Cream wasn't bothering you."
Blaze: "Um, no. But I... have an errand to take care of. ...Please excuse me! Unh!"
Vanilla: "Oh dear. Please relax. I insist you have some tea before you leave."
Blaze: "(What, who are these people...!?) ... ... ..."
*Blaze explains her situation to them*
Vanilla: "So, you came here to find your Sol Emeralds..."
Blaze: "(Why...Why am I wasting time here sipping tea?!)"
Cream: "You know, I'd suggest that you talk to Sonic."
Vanilla: "Yes, Sonic should be able to help you."
Blaze: "Please don't worry. This is my problem, so I'll find them myself!"
Vanilla: "Tsk, don't say that. Sonic will be glad to help. Now then, Cream
will show you the way. After all, we don't want Blaze to get lost, do we?"
Cream: "Nope!"
Blaze: "I said, "Don't worry"!"
Cream: "But you're my friend, Blaze. And if a friend's in trouble, you help them!
Blaze: "(sigh) (Well, I am lost. Having a bunny guide me is okay, I suppose.) Have it your way."
Cream: "All right! Okay, mom, I'm going now!"
Vanilla: "Okay, dear. You take care now."

S: Before Sonic defeats the Leaf Storm Zone boss

Sonic: "Eggman! What are you up to now?"
Eggman: "Sonic, you little pest! Soon, ultimate power will be within my grasp. And I shall be invincible!"
Sonic: "Ha, I may not know what your plan is, but it's never going to work."

BS: After Sonic defeats the Leaf Storm Zone boss

Eggman: "I won't forget this!"
Sonic: "Wait, Eggman!"
*Sonic sees a Sol Emerald Eggman drops*
Sonic: "Un? What's this?"
*A brief scene in which Sonic's and Blaze's faces are shown, then a column of fire engulfs the Sol Emerald, at which point Blaze appears.*
Sonic: "What?!"
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Blaze: "Finally, I've got the second one... Thank you for defeating him."
*Blaze runs away into the forest.*
Sonic: "Who's that?"
Blaze: "Finally, I've got the second one... *looks at Sonic* ..."
*Blaze leaves, and is shown running through a forest*
Blaze: "There are five more I must get, can't waste any time!"

S: Before Sonic enters the Water Palace Zone

*Tails appears*
Sonic: "Hey, what's up? Eggman's got another crazy scheme, and we saw some mysterious girl... Things are starting to get interesting, eh Tails?"
Tails: "Idle hands can be a dangerous thing, Sonic! The ultimate power that Eggman spoke of... I wonder what kind of power he was talking about."
Sonic: "No need to worry! Whatever he decides to do, we'll stop him! Let's go Tails! I know I can always count on you!"
*Sonic runs off*
Tails: "Uh... Hey, Sonic! Wait for me!"
*Tails follows him*

S: Before Sonic fights the Water Palace Zone boss

Sonic: "You won't escape this time, Eggman!"
Eggman Nega: "... ... ... Ha ha ha."
Sonic: "Hey, what's so funny?"
Eggman Nega: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed, but you... You're so cruel... You taunt me by not using my full title. Ha ha ha."
Sonic: "What? Are you out of your mind, Eggman?"
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha. There you go again. But in the end, you will be destroyed by... Dr. Eggman Nega!"

S: After Sonic defeats the Water Palace Zone boss

Note: the following exchange is repeated after most boss battles from now on, and will no longer be mentioned here.

Eggman Nega: "I won't forget this!*
Sonic: "Wait, Eggman Nega!"

End of repeated exchange.

Sonic: "Wh-what? Did he say his name was Eggman Nega?"
Tails: "He looks just like Eggman!"
Sonic: "Maybe Eggman just got some new disguise."
Tails: "Even so, Eggman wouldn't change without a reason. Eggman's speech about "ultimate power"... It's really bugging me. Sonic, let's go to my workshop! There's something I want to check out."
Sonic: "Okay, let's go Tails!"

S: After Sonic arrives at Tails' workshop

Sonic: "So, have you discovered anything interesting Tails?"
Tails: "I-I don't believe it! Sonic! Something's wrong with the space-time continuum!"
Sonic: "What?"
Tails: "There's a tear in the space-time continuum... and it's expanding! If it continues to expand... the fabric of reality will become altered!"
Sonic: "Is this Eggman's work!?"
Tails: "I don't know... It might have something to do with Eggman Nega."
Sonic: "I'm also concerned about that mysterious girl you saw, too."
Tails: "Anyway, we can't leave things as they are now, Sonic!"
Sonic: "Okay, let's go, Tails!"

S: After Sonic defeats the Mirage Road Zone boss

Sonic: "Shoot! Fighting like this isn't really helpful."
Tails: "We need to find out the source of this problem! Sonic, we need more information!"
Sonic: "Sounds like a good idea. Let's go look around!"

S: Sonic and Tails arrive at Cream's House

Tails: "This must be Cream's house. Anyone home?!"
Vanilla: "Oh, what a welcome surprise! Hi Tails. If you're looking for Cream, you just missed her."
Tails: "Hmm. I wonder where she went."
Vanilla: "She's out with a new friend. I don't recall her name, but she had an interesting purple outfit."
Tails: "!"
Sonic: "It's gotta be her!"
Tails: "Ma'am, do you remember which way they were headed?"
Vanilla: "Hmm... I think they were headed toward the town."
Sonic: "Thank you ma'am. Let's go, Tails!"
Tails: "Okay!"
Vanilla: "My, Cream's friends are always so busy."

B: After Blaze defeats the Mirage Road Zone boss, at a mountain to the north of Night Carnival Zone

Cream: "Blaze, where would you like to go? The flower garden is really beautiful! Shall we go there?"
Blaze: "No thanks. I don't have time to go sightseeing."
Cream: "Ohhhh!?"
Blaze: "(If the Sol Emeralds are lost, my world shall be as well.) (I sense it's already affecting this world.) (Yet the people I've told here, they don't seem to be very concerned.)"
Cream: "Oh!"
Blaze: "W-What is it?"
Cream: "It's Knuckles! Hey Knuckles, over here! Hmm, I'll go get him and introduce you!"
Blaze: "Uh, w-wait! (Sheesh, I feel like a babysitter.) (Still, I haven't gotten lost, thanks to her.) (I only need to find the last four Sol Emeralds.) (Once I have them, I can let her go.)"
Knuckles: "Hey, Cream. It's been a while."
Blaze: "Uh, who is this guy?"
Cream: "That's Knuckles. He's a tough guy, but he isn't very bright."
Knuckles: "What?!"
Cream: "Aaah!"
Blaze: "(It doesn't look like Cream is too bright herself.)"
Knuckles: "So, aren't you going to introduce me?"
Cream: "This is my friend, Blaze!"
Knuckles: "Hmph! Why do you look so suspicious? What do you have in your hands?"
Blaze: "Hmm...!"
Knuckles: "I sense a familiar power... Do you have Chaos Emeralds?"
Blaze: "(Chaos Emeralds?) (Are there gems here akin to the Sol Emeralds?)"
Knuckles: "How'd you get them anyhow? Regardless, here's some friendly advice. Give them to Sonic for safekeeping."
Blaze: "(Here's another person saying I should find Sonic. Who on earth is he?) I don't have any Chaos Emeralds! Go look elsewhere for them."
Knuckles: "What?! Don't lie to me! You must have Chaos Emeralds. I can sense their power here! Wait!"
*Blaze dashes off, Knuckles gives chase*
Blaze: "(Grr...I've wasted too much time on him, already!)"
Knuckles: "Wh-What's this?!"
*Knuckles is buried under rocks*
Blaze: "Let's go!"
Cream: "Oh! Please wait for me, Blaze!"
Blaze: "(What I have in my hands... determines the fate of my world!)

B: After Blaze defeats the Water Palace Zone boss, at a mountain to the north of Night Carnival Zone

Cream: "Sonic's not here. I wonder where he went."
Blaze: "I've already retrieved some Sol Emeralds. And I did it without Sonic's assistance. I don't need his help. Besides, this "Sonic" sounds like..."
Voice: "Sonic?"
*Amy appears*
Amy: "Are you there, Sonic? Where are you?"
Cream: "Amy!"
Amy: "Oh, hi Cream! Where's Sonic?"
Blaze: "(Sheesh, another person ranting on about Sonic...)"
Cream: "I'm looking for him too, but..."
Amy: "So he's not around? Darn it!"
Blaze: "Um, who is he?"
Cream: "This is Amy. She's a really energetic girl who loves Sonic. But she can be a bit shortsighted in that regard."
Amy: "Cream, we better have a little talk..."
Cream: "Not again!"
*Amy has hammer out, and looks at Cream angrily.*
Amy: "Just wait, please!"
*Amy chases after Cream*
Blaze: "(Everyone sure likes to talk a lot around here.) (But I'm not getting any negative vibes.)
Amy: "So, who's she?"
Cream: "This is Blaze, I just became her friend!"
Amy: "Nice to meet you! Are you looking for Sonic? I'm warning you though, I'm Sonic's girlfriend!"
Blaze: "No, what I'm seeking are the Sol Emeralds. I really couldn't care less about anyone called Sonic."
Amy: "Great! Then, it's okay! I won't let anyone else have Sonic!"
Blaze: "(She really is open about her emotions...) (Something that I'm not allowed to do...)
Amy: "Oh, the time! I can't stick around! I must find Sonic! He's gotta be here somewhere with Tails!
Cream: "Tails is neat. He loves to build things. He also makes all sorts of cool inventions. He also likes to hang around with Sonic."
Amy: "Sonic! Sonic, where are you?!"
*Amy runs off*
Blaze: "What was that?"
Cream: "Come on, Blaze! Let's catch up with Amy!"
Blaze: "?"
Cream: "Amy has "Sonic Radar"! So wherever Amy goes, we'll find Sonic!"
Blaze: "(Heh)"
Cream: "Ohhh! I finally saw you smile, Blaze!"
Blaze: "(W-what...? Me...?)
Cream: "I'm so happy! Now, let's go!"

S: After Sonic defeats the Night Carnival boss, at a mountain to the north

*A pile of rocks is blocking the road.*
Sonic: "What's this?"
Tails: "The road's closed. Sonic, let's turn around and find another way!"
*Voice comes from under rocks*
Voice: "Hey... H-hey!"
Sonic: "Huh? I thought I heard something."
Voice: "H-help me!"
*Knuckles climbs out from other rocks with Sonic and Tails' help*
Tails: "Wha-! Knuckles!"
Knuckles: "I'm not feeling too good."
Tails: "Knuckles, how'd you wind up getting stuck here?"
Knuckles: "(Oh my head!) Wha-? It was because of her!"
Tails: "Who?"
Knuckles: "That feline with an attitude! I didn't recognize her, but she was with Cream when I spoke to her."
Sonic: "!"
Tails: "Where did she go?"
Knuckles: "Man, this makes me so angry. I want to punch something! Arrrgh!"
*Knuckles punches the rocks, then leaves in a huff*
Sonic: "K-Knuckles?"
Tails: "He's gone, Sonic..."
Sonic: "You know, when Knuckles is angry... It's always difficult to talk to him."
Tails: "At least he opened the road for us."
Sonic: "That's true. Let's go!"

S: After Sonic defeats the Altitude Limit Zone boss

Tails: "The time-space continuum tear has grown larger. What should we do, Sonic?"
*A voice calls out from the distance*
Voice: "Sonic!"
Sonic: "A-Amy!"
Amy: "Cat got your tongue, Sonic? Still, I'm so glad you came to see me!"
Sonic: "Well... Um, er..."
Amy: "What are you trying to say Sonic?"
Sonic: "Nothing."
Tails: "Sonic, why don't we ask Amy about Eggman and Blaze?"
Sonic: "S-Sure. Amy, have you seen Eggman, or a cat girl called Blaze?"
Amy: "A girl? Please tell me what Sonic needs from this cat girl!"
*Amy clenches her fists and has a horrid look on her face*
Sonic: "Tails, you better help me out here."
Tails: "Oh, Okay! ... ... ..."
Amy: "Okay, so now I understand. I saw her."
Sonic: "What?"
Amy: "She just came this way with Cream."
Sonic: "You should have told us earlier!"
*Sonic runs off*
Amy: "Hmph! You're so mean, Sonic!"
Tails: "Sorry, Amy! We'll see you later, okay?"

BS: After Sonic defeats the Huge Crisis Zone boss, and Blaze defeats the Altitude Limit Zone boss, on a small island

*Blaze and Cream appear*
Sonic: "AH-HA! There you are!"
Cream: "Oh! Sonic! Tails!"
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Blaze: "So... You're Sonic..."
Blaze: "(So, this guy's Sonic...)"
Tails: "Cream, be careful! Come over here!"
Cream: "Why? What are you trying to imply?"
Sonic: "Blaze... So that's your name."
Blaze: "Yes. My name is Blaze the Cat."
Sonic: "Who are you? Do you know anything about Eggman Nega?"
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Blaze: "It's none of your business. This is my responsibility, so I'll deal with it."
Blaze: "(Eggman Nega! He's come to this world, too...?) It's none of your business. This is my responsibility, so I'll deal with it."
Sonic: "Hey, that's not how it works around here."
Tails: "The space-time continuum tear has spread. Does this involve you?"
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Blaze: "um..."
Blaze: "(I didn't expect anyone else to know about this...)"
Sonic: "So, there is a relationship."
Blaze: "I said this is MY problem. Don't bother me!"
*Blaze runs off*
Cream: "Oh! Hey Blaze, wait! Sonic, Tails, I'll see you later!"
*Cream flies off after her*
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Sonic: "Hmm... It looks like there's something odd here."
Tails: "Let's follow her Sonic!"
Blaze: "(Because it's been deprived of the Sol Emeralds, my world is in danger.) (It's also affecting this world, too.) (I'm surprised someone actually went into action. It seemed like no one here really cared!)"
Cream: "Blaze, since we finally found Sonic... Shouldn't you have asked him for help?"
Blaze: "Sonic... Can you tell me what sort of person he is?"
Crean: "Sonic? Well... Hmm... He's like the wind!"
Blaze: "(What does that mean?)"

B: After Blaze defeats the Huge Crisis Zone boss, on a small island

Cream: "You've already collected six of the gems!"
Blaze: "Yes, I only need to recover one more... (If I recover it, everything should be fine, I hope.)"
Amy: "Hi again!"
Cream: "It's nice to see you!"
Blaze: "(Her name was Amy, right?)"
Amy: "Hey, Sonic was trying to find you two. Did you see him?"
Cream: "Yes, we found him, but..."
Blaze: "... I got six of the Sol Emeralds without him. I don't need his help."
Amy: "Hmph. You should learn to be able to ask for help. If you have trouble, just ask Sonic for help! Sonic would be able to help you in a flash!"
Blaze: "No problem. I can take care of this myself..."
Amy: "Boy, you're stubborn! You can rely on your friends, you know."
Blaze: "(Friends...)"
Amy: "Sometimes you can't do things alone. And when you can, it's still better with friends. Got it?"
Blaze: "(...!)
Cream: "Blaze and I agree! Blaze is my friend, and Amy's my friend. A friend of a friend is a friend! So, Sonic and Amy are also Blaze's friends!"
Blaze: "(That can't be true.) (But, it doesn't feel wrong...)"
Amy: "All right then! So, now you don't have to strain yourself!"
Blaze: "I don't have to force myself..."
Knuckles: "There you are! Now I've got you!"
Cream: "It's Knuckles!"
Knuckles: "Hey, you, cat woman! It's payback time!"
Amy: "...What did you do to him?"
Cream: "Well, it really wasn't a big deal, but... Basically, Knuckles got the wrong idea!"
Amy: "Hmm, that's pretty typical of Knuckles... Okay, I'll take care of it. You two can go!"
Blaze: "(...!)"
Amy: "Aren't you in a hurry?"
Cream: "Blaze, let's go! Please hold on tight to me!"
Blaze: "We're going to fly again? Uh, wait a sec. I'm kinda scared of heights... Aaah!"
  • Cream flies Blaze up in the air*
Amy: "Hey dimwit! Wait a minute!"
Knuckles: "This has nothing to do with you, Amy! My business is with that cat woman!"
Amy: "Look, that's why I called you a d-... Why I called you over! Listen to me!"
Knuckles: "Hey, come back here! That's not fair, flying away!
Cream: "We'll be safe up here. Don't take this the wrong way, Blaze. Knuckles is actually a nice guy."
Blaze: "...Thank you."
Cream: "Huh? You don't need to thank me. We're friends, aren't we?"
Blaze: "...Hmm."
Cream: "So now, let's go find the last one!"
Blaze: "(I've never had... such feelings before.) (And they're not so bad...)

BS: Before Sonic and Blaze fight the Dead Line bosses

Note: This part of the script is more divergent than previous sections. Three transcripts are provided here: Sonic's story, Blaze's story, and a chronological combination of the two.

Sonic's story

Sonic: "We won't let you get away this time, Eggman Nega!"
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha. I don't have time to chat with you right now...
Voice: "But come to think of it, I can just take your time."
*Sonic recognizes the voice.*
Sonic: "Blaze?"
Blaze: "Long time no see, Eggman Nega!"
Eggman Nega: "Oh Blaze, my dear. I didn't expect to see you in this world. It seems Eggman has made a mistake."
Blaze: "... So you guided Eggman to our world."
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha. It's best to get someone else to do the dirty work. I've been waiting for him to return with the gems. I couldn't care less what happens to our world."
Blaze: "... I'll destroy you!"
Sonic: "That's pretty harsh."
Blaze: "He's my opponent, Go away!"
Sonic: "No can do. There's a few things I owe him as well."
Blaze: "I said I would resolve this on my own. I must protect my world! And I don't need anyone's help!"
Sonic: "Hey, chill for a second. You're way too tense."
Blaze: "Why are you still here? If you won't leave..."
Sonic: "Hey, are you going to fight me?"
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha... This world is so entertaining. I think I'm going to like it here.
*Sonic and Blaze fight.*

Blaze's story

Blaze: "The last Sol Emerald... Return it to me!"
Eggman: "Hmm... I never thought a girl could be so tough! But I'll never give up this last Sol Emerald!"
Sonic: "Hey, Eggman. Looks like you're up to no good, as usual."
Eggman: "Sonic! Get in line. I must beat this cat again. Then, when I have the emeralds, I'll have ultimate power..."
Blaze: "... ... ... You stole the Sol Emeralds, and jeopardized my world... Just so you could get "ultimate power"?! I'll destroy you!"
Sonic: "That's pretty harsh."
Blaze: "He's my opponent, Go away!"
Sonic: "No can do. There's a few things I owe him as well."
Blaze: "I said I would resolve this on my own. I must protect my world! And I don't need anyone's help!"
Sonic: "Hey, chill for a second. You're way too tense."
Blaze: "Why are you still here? If you won't leave..."
Sonic: "Hey, are you going to fight me?"
Eggman: "Oh my, what a nice development. Maybe they'll take each other out!"
*Sonic and Blaze fight.*

Chronological Combination (by MK)

Sonic (to Nega): "We won't let you get away this time, Eggman Nega!"
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha. I don't have time to chat with you right now...
Voice: "But come to think of it, I can just take your time."
*Sonic recognizes the voice.*
Sonic: "Blaze?"
Blaze (to Nega): "Long time no see, Eggman Nega!"
Blaze (to Eggman): "The last Sol Emerald... Return it to me!"
Sonic: "Hey, Eggman. Looks like you're up to no good, as usual."
Eggman Nega: "Oh Blaze, my dear. I didn't expect to see you in this world. It seems Eggman has made a mistake."
Eggman: "Hmm... I never thought a girl could be so tough! But I'll never give up this last Sol Emerald!"
Blaze (to Nega): "... So you guided Eggman to our world."
Eggman: "Sonic! Get in line. I must beat this cat again. Then, when I have the emeralds, I'll have ultimate power..."
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha. It's best to get someone else to do the dirty work. I've been waiting for him to return with the gems. I couldn't care less what happens to our world."
Blaze: "... ... ... You stole the Sol Emeralds, and jeopardized my world... Just so you could get "ultimate power"?! I'll destroy you!"
Sonic: "That's pretty harsh."
Blaze: "He's my opponent, Go away!"
Sonic: "No can do. There's a few things I owe him as well."
Blaze: "I said I would resolve this on my own. I must protect my world! And I don't need anyone's help!"
Sonic: "Hey, chill for a second. You're way too tense."
Blaze: "Why are you still here? If you won't leave..."
Sonic: "Hey, are you going to fight me?"
Eggman: "Oh my, what a nice development. Maybe they'll take each other out!"
Eggman Nega: "Ha ha ha... This world is so entertaining. I think I'm going to like it here.
*Sonic and Blaze fight.*

BS: Before the final hit during the Sonic versus Blaze fight

Blaze: "I said I would defeat him! (Note: Blaze's story only)
Sonic: "Stop it, this isn't going to change anything!"
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Blaze: "What do you know? The responsibility is mine to bear alone! I have to do this by myself!"
Sonic: "Carrying the entire world on your shoulders?"
Blaze: "What do you know? I am the guardian of the Sol Emeralds... It is a fate that forces me to live with my curse, my flames... Because of my powers, I have always been alone... It's also why I must do this alone! It is my responsibility!"
Sonic: "I admire you fortitude, but... Carrying the entire world on your shoulders?"
Blaze: "Enough!"
*The fight continues with them trying to push each other off the edge of the platform.*

BS: After the Sonic versus Blaze fight

Sonic's story Blaze's story
*Sonic defeats Blaze*
Sonic: "Can you stand up?"
*Blaze defeats Sonic*
Sonic: "Hey, not bad."
Blaze: "I... I must save the Sol Emeralds. I must..."
Sonic's story Blaze's story
Sonic: "A bit overzealous, aren't we? (But it seems like she's had a rough past.) Listen, don't bite off more than you can chew. And be yourself."
Sonic: "A bit overzealous, aren't we? (But it seems like she's had a rough past.) Hey, don't bite off more than you can chew. And be yourself. Don't need to do everything on your own."
Cream: "Blaze!"
Blaze: "... ... ... Perhaps... Perhaps you're right. I can rely on friends, if I let myself..."
Sonic: "Great! I am Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. It's nice to meet you."
Blaze: "I-I'm Blaze. It's nice to meet you too."

BS: Before Sonic enters the Final Zone

Note: Again, this part of the script is more divergent than previous sections. Three transcripts are provided here: Sonic's story, Blaze's story, and a chronological combination of the two.

Sonic's story

Sonic: "Man, things sure are looking depressing lately."
Blaze: "Led by the Sol Emeralds, my world has begun to enter yours."
Cream: "What will happen to our two worlds?"
Tails: "... I don't know. But I don't think our worlds can co-exist like this. Eventually, everything will disappear."
*Cream is crying*
Cream: "No, that can't be!"
Sonic: "We've got to come up with a solution fast!"
Blaze: "Eggman and Eggman Nega!"
Cream: "The two eggheads, right?"
Sonic: "Blaze, you stay here, In your condition, you..."
Blaze: "But... Okay then."
Sonic: "Leave it to me!"
Blaze: "Yes. I'll... rely on you."
Cream: "Blaze..."
Sonic: "Smart thinking! Okay, let's go, Tails!"
Tails: "Got it, Sonic!"

Blaze's story

Sonic: "Man, things sure are looking depressing lately."
Blaze: "Led by the Sol Emeralds, my world has begun to enter yours. We don't have any time left... Cream, let's go!"
"... ... ..."
Sonic: "Hey, where's Cream?!"
Blaze: "!?"
Tails: "Sonic, I've got bad news!"
Sonic: "What's wrong, Tails?!"
Tails: "Cream's been kidnapped by Eggman!"
Blaze: "How do you know?"
Tails: "I found this letter..."
Blaze: "Let me see it."
Eggman's Letter: "Mwa ha ha ha. This is Dr. Eggman! I have taken Cream. If you want me to return her... Blaze must come to Point W alone!"
Sonic: "Darn Eggman!"
Tails: "It must be a trap. You better not go alone!"
Sonic: "Yeah, We'll get everybody together and..."
Blaze: "No. I appreciate your help, but I've got to do this alone. Because she's my friend... I must rescue Cream by myself."
Sonic: "Hmm... Okay, I understand. We'll leave Cream to you, Blaze!"
Blaze: "Thank you... I'm going now!"
*Blaze leaves*
Tails: "Sonic, are you sure about this?"
Sonic: "Being able to believe in someone... It's also a part of friendship, right?"
Tails: "Yes... You're right!"

Chronological Combination (by MK)

Sonic: "Man, things sure are looking depressing lately."
Blaze: "Led by the Sol Emeralds, my world has begun to enter yours. We don't have any time left... Cream, let's go!""
Cream: "What will happen to our two worlds?"
Tails: "... I don't know. But I don't think our worlds can co-exist like this. Eventually, everything will disappear."
*Cream is crying*
Cream: "No, that can't be!"
Sonic: "We've got to come up with a solution fast!"
Blaze: "Eggman and Eggman Nega!"
Cream: "The two eggheads, right?"
Sonic: "Blaze, you stay here, In your condition, you..."
Blaze: "But... Okay then."
Sonic: "Leave it to me!"
Blaze: "Yes. I'll... rely on you."
Cream: "Blaze..."
Sonic: "Smart thinking! Okay, let's go, Tails!"
Tails: "Got it, Sonic!"
"... ... ..." (Note: Some time elapses while Sonic prepares to leave)
Sonic: "Hey, where's Cream?!"
Blaze: "!?"
Tails: "Sonic, I've got bad news!"
Sonic: "What's wrong, Tails?!"
Tails: "Cream's been kidnapped by Eggman!"
Blaze: "How do you know?"
Tails: "I found this letter..."
Blaze: "Let me see it."
Eggman's Letter: "Mwa ha ha ha. This is Dr. Eggman! I have taken Cream. If you want me to return her... Blaze must come to Point W alone!"
Sonic: "Darn Eggman!"
Tails: "It must be a trap. You better not go alone!"
Sonic: "Yeah, We'll get everybody together and..."
Blaze: "No. I appreciate your help, but I've got to do this alone. Because she's my friend... I must rescue Cream by myself."
Sonic: "Hmm... Okay, I understand. We'll leave Cream to you, Blaze!"
Blaze: "Thank you... I'm going now!"
*Blaze leaves*
Tails: "Sonic, are you sure about this?"
Sonic: "Being able to believe in someone... It's also a part of friendship, right?"
Tails: "Yes... You're right!"

S: Before Sonic gets the final hit on the Final Zone boss.

Eggman Nega: "I'll crush you Sonic!"
*Nega rams the giant robot into the side of the platform, missing Sonic and allowing him to easily hit it one last time.*

B: Before Blaze gets the final hit on the Final Zone boss.

Eggman : "This is the end for you, Blaze!"
*Eggman rams the giant robot into the side of the platform, missing Blaze and allowing her to easily hit it one last time.*

S: After Sonic defeats the Final Zone boss

*Pictures. Sonic is looking at the large robot in ruins.*
Sonic: "That was easy!"
*Tails and a lot of small animals appear*
Tails: "Sonic, good job!"
Sonic: "Hey, everyone!"
*Scene changes to Sonic looking a little worried, or at least into the background, Cream and Blaze hugging in the background*
Tails: "What's the matter?"
Sonic: "Uh, nothing."
*Knuckles appears*
Knuckles: "Hey Sonic, I think you better split now."
*Amy is running toward him*
Sonic: "Eh? Amy!"
*Sonic runs away from Amy who now has her hammer out while Tails and Knuckles watch."
Sonic: "Tails, Knuckles! You take care of things here!"
Amy: "Sonic! Where are you going? Don't leave me!"
Tails: "At least things are back to normal."

B: After Blaze defeats the Final Zone boss

*Pictures. Blaze is looking at the large robot in ruins.*
Blaze: "So, it comes down to this! We'll, I'm ready."
*Blaze searching through wreckage*
Blaze: "Cream! Do you hear me, Cream? ... She's not here."
*Blaze looks up*
Blaze: "Un?"
*Cream falling from sky*
Cream: "Blaze!"
*Cream about to hug Blaze*
Cream: "Thank you for saving me!"
Blaze: "Don't mention it, W-We're..."
Cream: "Friends! Right?"
Blaze: "...Yes. We're friends.

During the credits roll

Sonic's story

*In Sonic Advance style sprites, Amy chases Sonic with the hammer in behind the rolling credits; Sonic stops, thinking he has lost her, turns around and, with a horrified look on his face, spin dashes away when he sees Amy wielding her giant hammer from Sonic Advance 3*

If you did not collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds:

Eggman Nega: "Collect all the Chaos Emeralds!"

Blaze's story

*In Sonic Advance style sprites, Cream happily runs after Blaze behind the rolling credits, but can't quite keep up. Blaze stops in the end to let Cream catch up with her.*

Extra story

Before the Extra Zone boss

*Blaze is looking up at the dark, swirling clouds.*
Blaze: "We beat Eggman and got the Sol Emeralds back. The disruption of the worlds has stopped. But how do we change things back? And I can't seem to go back to my world..."
Eggman: "Mwa ha ha ha! A pity you can not comprehend the power of the Sol Emeralds."
Eggman Nega: "How could she? She's just their Guardian. How could she know they are the key."
Blaze: "What?"
Eggman: "My world..."
Eggman Nega: "and my world..."
Eggman and Eggman Nega: "are in a manner, inextricably linked!"
Blaze: "Like two Eggmans?"
Eggman: "And, the Chaos Emeralds"
Eggman Nega: "and the Sol Emeralds are"
Eggman and Eggman Nega: "in a manner, like the North and South magnetic poles."
Eggman: "They can be used like a pair of magnets and be attracted to each other."
Eggman Nega: "Or they can be used to repel the other!"
Eggman: "In close proximity, these emeralds call out to each other."
Eggman Nega: "And the power this would generate... It could destroy the world!"
Eggman: "However, we merely want to harness the power here."
Eggman Nega: "Now do you understand our pure genius? Ha ha ha."
*A massive robot shows up.*
Eggman Nega: "Uh oh!"
Blaze: "No!"
*Fade to black. Blaze is apparently attacked. The energy of the Sol Emeralds is stolen, but the Emeralds remain physically. Next, Blaze is seen lying on ground.*
Eggman: "Hmph! Once we're at optimal strength, it'll be easy to get the Sol Emeralds back. A pity that Blaze has no idea how to use the emeralds."
Eggman Nega: "Still, I'm puzzled. Though we don't have both sets of emeralds... The Chaos and Sol Emeralds are both here. This should've created explosive results. However, the dimension here seems stable."
Eggman: "The reason is obvious, Nega. It's because he has the 7 Chaos Emeralds!"
Sonic: "Did someone call for me?"
Eggman Nega: "Gaah! Sonic the Hedgehog!"
Eggman: "Hmm, I have the power of the Sol Emeralds. I think I'll first use their power to defeat you!"
Eggman Nega: "Yes, if you defeat him, the Sol and Chaos Emeralds' power will be..."
Eggman: "OURS!"
Eggman Nega: "Then we can create our own dream world. It'll be an Eggman Land beyond this dimension!"
Eggman: "We're ready for you, Sonic! Our ultimate mecha will crush you!"
*The robot leaves. Sonic runs up besides Blaze.*
Sonic: "Eggmen!"
*Blaze tries to get up*
Blaze: "Ughhh..."
Sonic: "Are you all right, Blaze?"
Blaze: "Sorry, Sonic. The Sol Emeralds have lost their power. Look, their lustre... they look like ordinary stones."
Sonic: "It'll be okay!"
Blaze: "?"
Cream: "Blaze-!"
Blaze: "Cream!"
Cream: "Blaze, we know that you saved us!"
Tails: "Yes! Blaze tried to save both our worlds!"
Sonic: "And Blaze, you've learned to open up and trust... To trust your friends!"
Amy: "And you learned that you can rely on others."
Knuckles: "I think that's enough chit chat!"
Blaze: "You guys!"
Sonic: "As long as you have the power of friendship, the Sol Emeralds... will never lose their glow!"
*Sol Emeralds begin to glow again*
Blaze: "! The Sol Emeralds...!"
*Chaos Emeralds also glow*
Sonic: "Ready to do this together? Blaze should be able to use the Sol Emeralds now."
Blaze: "It's so warm! I can feel the power energizing me!"
*Sonic uses the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic, then Blaze uses the Sol Emeralds to transform into Burning Blaze. They go off into space to battle the Extra Zone Boss.*

Immediately after last hit with Sonic

*Sonic and Blaze are floating together looking at the robot.*
Sonic: "I think this is it! Are you ready, Blaze?"
Blaze: "Yes. It's time..."
Eggman Nega: "My incredibly profound plans... It was such a small miscalculation that I made. It shouldn't matter. And it's not over yet. Just give me some time, and I'll..."
Eggman: "Enough of your babbling! See, they're here!"
*Sonic and Blaze hit the robot one last time together.*

After they destroy the robot

*Sonic and Blaze are floating in space looking at each other. Blaze is especially sad during this scene.*
Sonic: "This is it..."
Blaze: "...Yes, it is."
Sonic: "Everything will be back to normal."
Blaze: "I've got to return to my world, as well. The Chaos and Sol Emeralds cannot exist in the same world. It would cause another crisis."
Sonic: "I guess it's time to say... good bye. Cream will really miss you."
Blaze: "...I have no choice."
Sonic: "No words from you?"
Blaze: "It's better this way. I first came here as a stranger out of nowhere. I think it's appropriate I leave the same way. Sonic... thank you for your help. Bye."
Sonic: "Wait. ..."
Blaze: "...!"
Sonic: "This is from me. I'll see you, again!"
Blaze: "Yes... Again..."
*Burning Blaze floats toward Super Sonic, they look at each other a little bit. Blaze extends out her arm. Sonic grabs it. Then a white light starts taking over the screen and they float upward holding hands. Then they are forced apart, with Blaze especially reaching her arm out toward Sonic.*
*The next scene starts with Burning Blaze flying through a green sky.*
Blaze: "I understand now... My inherent power over fire... As princess, it is my duty to protect the Sol Emeralds. But because of my duty, I shut people out, and keep to myself... But trying to make it solely my responsibility, I put my world in danger. But then..."
Sonic (Blaze remembering what he said before she left his world): "You need to be true to yourself!"
Blaze: "Sonic the Hedgehog..."
Sonic: "Both Eggmen knew the secret of the emeralds, right? It's why the world didn't completely fall apart when the emeralds were together. Everything should be fine since I have the seven Chaos Emeralds. As long as the person holding the emeralds can control them... And knows how to use them, nothing can go wrong. And Blaze... Now you have the power. You understand what I mean, right?"
Blaze: "I'll see you again."
*Blaze flies off*

After the credits

*A pictorial cutscene. Sonic lands on ground, finding Cream crying in the desert. Sonic whispers something into her ear. Cream and Cheese now look happy. Sonic stands there and looks away, Cream and Cheese look hopefully to the sky as sun rays shine down on them.*