
Sonic Frontiers/Achievements

From Sonic Retro

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The following list has been marked as incomplete. If you can, please complete it.

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions

Icon Description Trophy
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement TrophiesCompleted.png Trophies Completed! Platinum
Collected all trophies.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement TheJourneyBegins.png The Journey Begins Silver
Completed the Kronos Island tutorials.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement TheBeginning.png The Beginning Silver
Defeated the Titan and completed the main story on Kronos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement AncientDefiance.png Ancient Defiance Silver
Defeated the Titan and completed the main story on Ares Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement FutileResistance.png Futile Resistance Silver
Defeated the Titan and completed the main story on Chaos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement HopeAcrossAges.png Hope Across Ages Silver
Defeated the Titan and completed the main story on Ouranos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ALandAtPeace.png A Land at Peace Gold
Defeated the final threat and completed the main story.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement KronosIslandExpert.png Kronos Island Expert Bronze
Viewed all Side Stories on Kronos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement AresIslandExpert.png Ares Island Expert Bronze
Viewed all Side Stories on Ares Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ChaosIslandExpert.png Chaos Island Expert Bronze
Viewed all Side Stories on Chaos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement OuranosIslandExpert.png Ouranos Island Expert Bronze
Viewed all Side Stories on Ouranos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ExpertHistorian.png Expert Historian Silver
Viewed all Side Stories.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement KronosIslandExplorer.png Kronos Island Explorer Bronze
Completed all Challenges on Kronos Island and fully revealed the map.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement AresIslandExplorer.png Ares Island Explorer Bronze
Completed all Challenges on Ares Island and fully revealed the map.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ChaosIslandExplorer.png Chaos Island Explorer Bronze
Completed all Challenges on Chaos Island and fully revealed the map.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement OuranosIslandExplorer.png Ouranos Island Explorer Bronze
Completed all Challenges on Ouranos Island and fully revealed the map.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement UnrivaledAptitude.png Unrivaled Aptitude Silver
Unlocked all Skills.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement SpeedDemon.png Speed Demon Bronze
Activated a Power Boost for the first time.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ComboConvert.png Combo Convert Bronze
Performed a Phantom Rush for the first time, outside of the training simulator.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ComboCrackerjack.png Combo Crackerjack Bronze
Performed Phantom Rush 50 times, outside of the training simulator.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement KocoLeader.png Koco Leader Bronze
Gathered 200 Koco.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ElderKocoEncounter.png Elder Koco Encounter Bronze
Spoke with Elder Koco for the first time.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement HermitKocoEncounter.png Hermit Koco Encounter Bronze
Spoke with Hermit Koco for the first time.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement HerculeanHedgehog.png Herculean Hedgehog Bronze
Raised Power Level to MAX.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement HardenedHedgehog.png Hardened Hedgehog Bronze
Raised Defense Level to MAX.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement HeartyHedgehog.png Hearty Hedgehog Bronze
Raised Ring Level to MAX.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement HypersonicHedgehog.png Hypersonic Hedgehog Bronze
Raised Speed Level to MAX.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement EasyPrey.png Easy Prey Bronze
Defeated all enemy types.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement UnknownThreat.png Unknown Threat Silver
Defeated a guardian for the first time.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ThreatsIdentified.png Threats Identified Gold
Defeated all guardian types.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement SwathOfDestruction.png Swath of Destruction Bronze
Destroyed 100 breakable objects.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement CelestialRain.png Celestial Rain Bronze
Encountered a starfall for the first time.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement KronosIslandMemories.png Kronos Island Memories Silver
Repaired all Portals on Kronos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement AresIslandMemories.png Ares Island Memories Silver
Repaired all Portals on Ares Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement ChaosIslandMemories.png Chaos Island Memories Silver
Repaired all Portals on Chaos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement OuranosIslandMemories.png Ouranos Island Memories Silver
Repaired all Portals on Ouranos Island.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement PerfectRun.png Perfect Run Silver
Completed all Missions in one Cyber Space area.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement SuperiorRanking.png Superior Ranking Silver
Achieved Rank S time, for the first time in a Cyber Space area.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement BigEncounter.png Big Encounter Bronze
Completed the fishing tutorial.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement TicketToTranquility.png Ticket to Tranquility Bronze
Earned 100 Purple Coins.
SonicFrontiers PS4 Achievement AnglersClub.png Angler's Club Silver
Landed all catches at one fishing spot.

Total: Bronze×23 Silver×15 Gold×2 Platinum×1 

Xbox One version

Steam version


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