
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart

From Sonic Retro

(Redirected from SRB2Kart)
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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
Latest version: 1.6
Latest release date: 2022-11-04
Original release date: 2018-11-16
Engine: Doom Legacy
Credits: Kart Krew Dev
Operating system: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, abbreviated as SRB2Kart, is a fan game for Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms. It is a kart racing spinoff of the fangame Sonic Robo Blast 2 developed by a group called Kart Krew, using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart was originally based on the "Mario Kart" mode of SRB2 Riders, a mod of SRB2, before becoming its own game.

In 2024 the game was followed by a sequel, Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart's gameplay follows the standard of a typical kart racer, in that players drive around in karts with the ability to drift around corners and achieve speed boosts, as well as using items obtained from Item Boxes to help themselves or hinder others, and many other staples from the genre. However, SRB2Kart differs itself from other kart racers in that it focuses on momentum and skill. Drifting for long enough will build up sparks that grow stronger the longer the player maintains a drift, and these sparks will grant a speed boost when the player stops drifting. In addition, the game incorporates elements of Sonic the Hedgehog games into gameplay, such as skimming across water, bouncing off of Springs to clear jumps, and using the Drop Dash by accelerating while respawning for a quick burst of speed.

The only single player mode available is Record Attack, in which the player races on a single course either alone or against staff ghosts and aims to achieve the fastest possible time to earn medals. Beating a course's best time will award a silver medal, while beating the course's top staff ghost will award a gold medal. Collecting enough medals from playing Record Attack or by playing a set number of races will unlock extra features, such as extra courses to play on. If cheats are enabled or any game-modifying add-ons are loaded (i.e. different mechanics, extra game modes, level replacements or a character with an additional Lua script), Record Attack cannot be played until the user restarts the game.

SRB2Kart's most important feature is its multiplayer, which can be played offline for up to four players on one computer via split-screen, or via a local area network or the Internet for up to 16 players. Split-screen may also be used for LAN/online play, with up to four players able to join on each client. A variety of add-ons can be loaded by the host to add extra characters and levels or change the gameplay in various ways, and if any add-ons are required to join a game, then they will be downloaded and automatically loaded upon requesting to join, providing the server has enabled file downloading. Two gameplay types are available for multiplayer:

  • Race: The standard gameplay type in which players race a number of laps around a course and aim to come in first place. After each race, each player is awarded points based on their finishing position - the higher they place, the more points they'll score.
  • Battle: Players compete in enclosed battle arenas to destroy/steal each others' bumpers in order to score points and aim to be the last player standing (or to score the most points if playing with a time limit). When a player loses all of their bumpers, they are eliminated, but have a chance to come back into the game by becoming a Self-Propelled Bomb or an Item Box to harm/help any remaining players. Players are periodically marked as "Wanted", and hitting a wanted player will award more points.

Replays of races played in any mode can be saved and viewed in the Replay Hut. Attempting to watch replays made in older versions of SRB2Kart or without the necessary add-ons available will cause problems such as desynchs.


Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart features five characters to choose from by default. The number of characters available can be increased by loading add-ons, up to a maximum of 255 characters (versions before 1.6 would allow up to 128 characters). Each character's driving ability is determined by two stats, ranging from values 1 to 9:

  • Speed: The character's top speed. A higher value will allow the character to reach higher speeds, while a lower value will increase their acceleration.
  • Weight: The character's weight. A higher value will allow the character to push lighter characters around, while a lower value will increase handling.

The combination of a character's stats will also affect how quickly a character can build up sparks while drifting. For example, a slower, heavier character (e.g. Dr. Eggman) can build drift sparks more quickly than a faster, lighter character (e.g. Sonic).

Base characters

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Sonic the Hedgehog
Characters with Sonic's stat distribution are fast and can take tight turns easily, but are lacking in acceleration and weight, and take the longest to build up drift sparks.
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Miles "Tails" Prower
Characters with Tails' stat distribution aren't very fast and are vulnerable to being pushed around, but can quickly get up to speed and take tight turns. Drift spark rate is average.
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Knuckles the Echidna
Characters with Knuckles' stat distribution have average stats across the board, making them ideal for beginners.
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Dr. Eggman
Characters with Eggman's stat distribution are slow and struggle with handling, but their high acceleration and weight allows them to bully lighter characters and build drift sparks more quickly.
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Metal Sonic
Characters with Metal Sonic's stat distribution can achieve very high speeds with average drift sparks, but make wider turns and struggle with acceleration. Recommended for advanced players.

Bonus characters

Included with the game is a file called "bonuschars.kart", which adds an additional 30 characters created by Kart Krew members as well as members of the community. It is not loaded at startup by default, but users have the option of loading it as an add-on when setting up a game. The characters included in the file are:


Items acquired from Item Boxes are either used instantaneously, or can be equipped. Items that are normally dropped from behind can be trailed behind the user's kart, however doing so will decrease the user's speed until they drop the item.

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Race and Battle
Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. Players who drive into a banana will spin out while still preserving momentum. Can also come in bunches of three or ten.
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Eggman Monitor
Race and Battle
Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. When a player drives into this fake Item Box, they will drop their current item, and the Eggman Monitor will make the player's kart explode after a 3-second countdown or when the Item button is pressed.
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Race and Battle
One, three or four spike balls will circle around the user's kart. Can be fired forward or backwards, and will rebound off of walls until it hits a player, making them spin out and come to a stop.
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Race and Battle
One or two Jawz will circle around the user's kart. Can be fired forward or backwards, and if fired forward will home in on the player in front, making them spin out and come to a stop.
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Race and Battle
Trails behind the user's kart and can be dropped or thrown in front. Shortly after it lands, it will activate, and will detonate if a player drives too close to it. If driven into before it is activated, it will be bounced to a new spot.
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Race and Battle
Gives the user a short speed boost that can also be used to go offroad. In Battle mode, the user can steal a bumper from another player using a Sneaker. Can also come in a bunch of three.
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Race and Battle
Makes the user larger, increasing their speed and allowing them to flatten opponents by driving over them as well as protecting them from attacks, however they will not be able to pick up other items or go offroad. Can be cancelled by holding the Item button for a few seconds.
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Race and Battle
Makes the user invincible, increasing their speed as well as allowing them to drive offroad. Driving into another player while invincible will make that player spin out.
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Ball Hog
Race and Battle
Fires a spreadshot of five bouncy balls that rebound off walls and make players spin out as if they were hit by a banana.
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Race and Battle
Makes the user invisible, allowing them to pass through opponents and objects as well as drive offroad without slowing down. It will also attempt to steal an item from another player and give it to the user. If it is unable to steal an item, there is a 5% chance it may give the user a Kitchen Sink instead.
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Rocket Sneakers
Race only
Allows the user to constantly boost until it runs out of fuel. Fuel will drain over time or as the user boosts, and will run out faster if the user boosts too frequently.
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Self-Propelled Bomb
Race only
Chases after the player in first place and explodes if it manages to catch them. To avoid a Self-Propelled Bomb, the race leader must drive well and avoid slowing down.
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Lightning Shield
Race only
Automatically forms once obtained and allows the user to make a thunderclap by pressing the Item button. This thunderclap can be used to destroy objects or make nearby players spin out, and can even destroy Self-Propelled Bombs.
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Race only
Shrinks all players in front of the user, as well as cancelling out the effects of Grow. Shrunken players drive more slowly and are vulnerable to being flattened by larger players.
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Pogo Spring
Battle only
Makes the user jump, which can be useful for avoiding attacks or to jump over low walls. If the user lands on another player, they will steal a bumper from that player.
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Kitchen Sink
Race and Battle
An extremely rare item. It can be thrown in front of the user, and will instantly kill any player it touches as well as informing all players who was hit by it.


SRB2Kart features a total of 108 levels available in the base game. Levels listed under "Map Hell" are generally hidden from the user - they have a small chance of being selected if a random level has been voted for in multiplayer.


There are 12 Race cups spanning 5 levels each (three of these cups are unlockable) for a total of 60 Race levels, plus 15 Map Hell levels.

Ring Cup
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Green Hills Zone
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Dark Race
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Northern District Zone
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Darkvile Garden Zone
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Daytona Speedway Zone
Sneaker Cup
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Egg Zeppelin Zone
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Sonic Speedway Zone
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Hill Top Zone
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Misty Maze Zone
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Grand Metropolis
Water Cup
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Sunbeam Paradise Zone
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Diamond Square Zone
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Midnight Meadow Zone
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Twinkle Cart
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Pleasure Castle
Lightning Cup
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Paradise Hill Zone
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Sub-Zero Peak Zone
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Sapphire Coast Zone
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Sand Valley Zone
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Megablock Castle Zone
Fire Cup
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Canyon Rush Zone
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Casino Resort Zone
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Silvercloud Island Zone
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Blue Mountain Zone
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Petroleum Refinery Zone
Invincible Cup
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Desert Palace Zone
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Aurora Atoll Zone
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Barren Badlands Zone
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Red Barrage Area
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Midnight Channel Zone
Emerald Cup
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Vanilla Hotel Zone
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Toxic Palace Zone
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Ancient Tomb Zone
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Cloud Cradle Zone K
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Volcanic Valley Zone
Egg Cup
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Kodachrome Void Zone
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Boiling Bedrock Zone
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Egg Quarters
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Virtual Highway Zone
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Eggman's Nightclub Zone
Chao Cup
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KKR Ganbare Dochu 2
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CK Chao Circuit 1
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CK Chao Circuit 2
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CK Cloud Tops 2
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CK Regal Raceway
Swap Cup
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SD2 Balloon Panic
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SM Special Stage 3
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MKSC Sky Garden
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MKDS Peach Gardens
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MKSC Rainbow Road
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SMK Donut Plains 1
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SMK Mario Circuit 2
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SMK Ghost Valley 2
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SMK Bowser Castle 3
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SMK Vanilla Lake 2
Community Cup
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Lake Margorite Zone
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Coastal Temple Zone
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Kart Airlines Zone
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Opulence Zone
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Crimson Core Zone
Map Hell
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Crystal Abyss Zone
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Peach's Castle
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Arid Sands
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Volcanic Valley Classic
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Chemical Facility Zone
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3 Color Drive Zone
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CK Cloud Tops
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CK Dungeon Maze
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Diamond Square Classic
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PWR Retro Maze
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SRB2 Frozen Night
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Black Bliss Zone
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FZ Silence
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SMK Rainbow Road
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Blue Mountain Classic


There are 29 Battle levels, plus 3 Map Hell levels.

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Municipal Meadow Zone
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Tricircle Marina Zone
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Tinkerer's Arena Zone
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Clucky Farms Zone
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Techno Hill Zone
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Marble Zone
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Dried Battledune Zone
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Eerie Grove Zone
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Rusty Rig Zone
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Fantastic Tabernacle Zone
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Bad Taste Aquarium
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Spotlight Syndicate Zone
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City Skyline Zone
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Fakery Way
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Bumper Carts
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Death Egg's Eye
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Power Plant
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Tails' Lab
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Armored Armadillo
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Trigger Happy Havoc
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CD Special Stage 1
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SMK Battle Course 1
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SMK Battle Course 2
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SMK Battle Course 3
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SMK Battle Course 4
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MK64 Block Fort
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MK64 Double Deck
Map Hell
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SRB2 Meadow Match
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battal BOWL
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Peach's Castle B


  • Egg Cup: Collect 5 medals, or play 25 matches.
  • Chao Cup: Collect 15 medals, or play 50 matches.
  • SMK Cup: Collect 30 medals, or play 150 matches.
  • Hard Game Speed: Collect 50 medals, or play 200 matches. This will allow the user to select a faster game speed in Multiplayer.
  • Encore Mode: Collect 70 medals, or play 300 matches. This will allow users to play on mirrored tracks (indicated by the Phantom Ruby) in Multiplayer.
  • Hell Attack: Collect 110 medals. This will allow the user to play Map Hell levels in Record Attack.

External links
