
SCHG How-to

Restore Hidden Palace pulsing orb

From Sonic Retro

(Original guide by lavagaming1)

Files You Need Before Starting

Before you start, download this file and place it your disassembly. Media:HPZ.rar


Hidden Palace Zone was removed from the final (and pre-release builds) of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 however some of Hidden Palace object items are still present within the game code.

Restoring The Green Orbs

To restore the pulsing orbs, go to your S2.asm and search for object 71. You will find this code.

; ===========================================================================
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Object 71 - Bridge stake and pulsing orb from Hidden Palace Zone
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sprite_112F0:
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	routine(a0),d0
	move.w	Obj71_Index(pc,d0.w),d1
	jmp	Obj71_Index(pc,d1.w)
; ===========================================================================
; off_112FE:
Obj71_Index:	offsetTable
		offsetTableEntry.w Obj71_Init	; 0
		offsetTableEntry.w Obj71_Main	; 2
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; dword_11302:
	objsubdecl 3, Obj11_MapUnc_FC28,  make_art_tile(ArtTile_ArtNem_HPZ_Bridge,3,0), 4, 1		; Hidden Palace bridge
	objsubdecl 0, Obj71_MapUnc_11396, make_art_tile(ArtTile_ArtNem_HPZOrb,3,1), $10, 1		; Hidden Palace pulsing orb
	objsubdecl 0, Obj71_MapUnc_11576, make_art_tile(ArtTile_ArtNem_MtzLavaBubble,2,0), $10, 1	; MTZ lava bubble
; ===========================================================================
; loc_1131A:
	addq.b	#2,routine(a0)
	move.b	subtype(a0),d0
	andi.w	#$F,d0
	lsl.w	#3,d0
	lea	Obj71_InitData(pc),a1
	lea	(a1,d0.w),a1
	move.b	(a1),mapping_frame(a0)
	move.l	(a1)+,mappings(a0)
	move.w	(a1)+,art_tile(a0)
	bsr.w	Adjust2PArtPointer
	ori.b	#4,render_flags(a0)
	move.b	(a1)+,width_pixels(a0)
	move.b	(a1)+,priority(a0)
	move.b	subtype(a0),d0
	andi.w	#$F0,d0
	lsr.b	#4,d0
	move.b	d0,anim(a0)
; loc_1135C:
	lea	(Ani_obj71).l,a1
	bsr.w	AnimateSprite
	bra.w	MarkObjGone
; ===========================================================================
; off_1136A:
Ani_obj71:	offsetTable
		offsetTableEntry.w byte_11372	; 0
		offsetTableEntry.w byte_1137A	; 1
		offsetTableEntry.w byte_11389	; 2
		offsetTableEntry.w byte_11392	; 3
byte_11372:	dc.b   8,  3,  3,  4,  5,  5,  4,$FF
byte_1137A:	dc.b   5,  0,  0,  0,  1,  2,  3,  3,  2,  1,  2,  3,  3,  1,$FF
byte_11389:	dc.b  $B,  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,$FD,  3
byte_11392:	dc.b $7F,  6,$FD,  2

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; sprite mappings
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj71_MapUnc_11396:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj71_a.bin"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Unknown sprite mappings
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj1C_MapUnc_113D6:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj1C_a.bin"
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Unknown sprite mappings
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj1C_MapUnc_113EE:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj1C_b.bin"
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; sprite mappings
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj1C_MapUnc_11406:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj1C_c.bin"
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; sprite mappings
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj1C_MapUnc_114AE:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj1C_d.bin"
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; sprite mappings
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj1C_MapUnc_11552:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj1C_e.bin"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; sprite mappings
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obj71_MapUnc_11576:	BINCLUDE "mappings/sprite/obj71_b.bin"
; ===========================================================================

    if gameRevision<2

copy this line ArtNem_HPZ_Bridge search for this code

; Nemesis compressed art (16 blocks)
; Button			ArtNem_78DAC:
ArtNem_Button:	           BINCLUDE	"art/nemesis/Button.bin"
and paste below it this line  
ArtNem_HPZOrb:             BINCLUDE       "HPZ/Orbs.bin"

Now making the game load the art

in sonic 2 final hidden palace uses the same PlrList as oil ocean if you dont know what is the(PlrList) its basically what tells the game what object that it has to load for each zone so if you didnt make a PlrList for hidden palace just use oil ocean PlrList paste this line in oil ocean PlrList

plreq ArtTile_ArtNem_HPZOrb,ArtNem_HPZOrb

now you should have the pulsing orb working in hidden palace

the results


and there you have it happy hacking

SCHG How-To Guide: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)
Fixing Bugs
Fix Demo Playback | Fix a Race Condition with Pattern Load Cues | Fix Super Sonic Bugs | Use Correct Height When Roll Jumping | Fix Jump Height Bug When Exiting Water | Fix Screen Boundary Spin Dash Bug | Correct Drowning Bugs | Fix Camera Y Position for Tails | Fix Tails Subanimation Error | Fix Tails' Respawn Speeds | Fix Accidental Deletion of Scattered Rings | Fix Ring Timers | Fix Rexon Crash | Fix Monitor Collision Bug | Fix EHZ Deformation Bug | Correct CPZ Boss Attack Behavior | Fix Bug in ARZ Boss Arrow's Platform Behavior | Fix ARZ Boss Walking on Air Glitch | Fix ARZ Boss Sprite Behavior | Fix Multiple CNZ Boss Bugs | Fix HTZ Background Scrolling Mountains | Fix OOZ Launcher Speed Up Glitch | Fix DEZ Giant Mech Collision Glitch | Fix Boss Deconstruction Behavior | Fix Speed Bugs | Fix 14 Continues Cheat | Fix Debug Mode Crash | Fix 99+ Lives | Fix Sonic 2's Sega Screen
Design Choices
Remove the Air Speed Cap | Disable Floor Collision While Dying | Modify Super Sonic Transformation Methods & Behavior | Enable/Disable Tails in Certain Levels | Collide with Water After Being Hurt | Retain Rings When Returning at a Star Post | Improve the Fade In\Fade Out Progression Routines | Fix Scattered Rings' Underwater Physics | Insert LZ Water Ripple Effect | Restore Lost CPZ Boss Feature | Prevent SCZ Tornado Spin Dash Death | Improve ObjectMove Subroutines | Port S3K Rings Manager | Port S3K Object Manager | Port S3K Priority Manager | Edit Level Order with ASM‎ | Alter Ring Requirements in Special Stages | Make Special Stage Characters Use Normal DPLCs | Speed Up Ring Loss Process | Change spike behaviour in Sonic 2
Adding Features
Create Insta-kill and High Jump Monitors | Create Clone and Special Stage Monitors | Port Knuckles
Sound Features
Expand Music Index to Start at $00 | Port Sonic 1 Sound Driver | Port Sonic 2 Clone Driver | Port Sonic 3 Sound Driver | Port Flamewing's Sonic 3 & Knuckles Sound Driver | Expand the Music Index to Start at $00 (Sonic 2 Clone Driver Version) | Play Different Songs Per Act
Extending the Game
Extend the Level Index Past $10 | Extend the Level Select | Extend Water Tables | Add Extra Characters | Free Up 2 Universal SSTs