

Sonic the Hedgehog CD/Art Editing/Collision Chaos MMDs

From Sonic Retro

SCHG: Sonic the Hedgehog CD
Main Article
File Locations
File Locations
Art Editing
Editing Art
Nemesis Format Art
Palmtree Panic MMDs
Collision Chaos MMDs
Tidal Tempest MMDs
Quartz Quadrant MMDs
Wacky Workbench MMDs
Stardust Speedway MMDs
Metallic Madness MMDs
MMD Tweaking
Tweaking MMDs
Maximum rings allowed
Minimum rings for Giant Ring
Rings given by ring
Rings given by Ring Monitor
Invincibility duration
Super Sneakers duration
Regular speed stats
Super Sneakers speed stats
RAM Editing
RAM Editing

R31A__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 1 Present

Offset Description
$00DCDE Giant ring flash
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Large metal platform
$034D3A Retracting spikes
$034EAC 4x4 block
$034F90 Retracting metal block
$03504A Thin metal platform
$0350C6 Retracting flame jets
$035246 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$035452 Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$0357F0 Spikes
$035BD6 Flying enemy
$0360D6 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$0363EC Spike bombs
$0364AE unused slot object
$0365C6 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$036678 2x4 metal block
$036702 Moving bouncer platform
$0367D6 Smashed spheres
$0368A2 Rotating spike balls
$03697A Destroyed and aged teleporter
$036AC6 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$036C76 16x16 mappings
$037BEE Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03AAD8 Metal Sonic
$03B486 Amy Rose
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R31B__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 1 Past

Offset Description
$00DB40 Giant ring flash
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Large metal platform
$034D3A Retracting spikes
$034EAC 4x4 block
$034F90 Retracting metal block
$03504A Thin metal platform
$0350C6 Retracting flame jets
$035246 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$035452 Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$0357F0 Spikes (PPZ)
$035B52 Flying enemy
$036052 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$036368 Spike bombs
$03642A unused slot object
$036542 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$036606 2x4 metal block
$036690 Moving bouncer platform
$036764 Smashed spheres
$036854 Rotating spike balls
$03692C Active and destroyed teleporter
$036ADE Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$036C8E Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Canary & Rabbit)
$036E3A Metal Sonic projector
$03723A 16x16 mappings
$03824C Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03B486 Amy Rose
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R31C__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 1 Good Future

Offset Description
$00DC6E Giant ring flash
$01D600 Large metal platform
$01D726 Retracting spikes
$01D898 4x4 block
$01D97C Retracting metal block
$01DA36 Thin metal platform
$01DAB2 Retracting flame jets
$01DC32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DE3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01E1DC Spikes
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Flying enemy
$035114 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$03542A Spike bombs
$0354EC unused slot object
$035604 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$0356C8 2x4 metal block
$035752 Sections of pinball-esque boss arena
$0359B8 Moving bouncer platform
$035AA2 Smashed spheres
$035BD8 Rotating spike balls
$035CB0 2x4 metal block
$035D3A Bomb dropper platform & Robotnik
$036832 Robotnik in ship
$036F78 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$037128 Lower section of bomb dropper platform
$039A24 16x16 mappings
$03A990 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R31D__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 1 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00DC1E Giant ring flash
$01D600 Large metal platform
$01D726 Retracting spikes
$01D898 4x4 block
$01D97C Retracting metal block
$01DA36 Thin metal platform
$01DAB2 Retracting flame jets
$01DC32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DE3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01E1DC Spikes (PPZ)
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Flying enemy
$035114 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$03542A Spike bombs
$0354EC unused slot object
$035604 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$0356B4 2x4 metal block
$03573E Sections of pinball-esque boss arena
$035992 Moving bouncer platform
$035A54 Smashed spheres
$035B36 Rotating spike balls
$035C0E 2x4 metal block
$035C98 Bomb dropper platform & Robotnik
$036790 Robotnik in ship
$036ED6 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$037086 Lower section of bomb dropper platform
$039982 16x16 mappings
$03A912 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R32A__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 2 Present

Offset Description
$00B4B0 Giant ring flash
$01D600 Large metal platform
$01D726 Retracting spikes
$01D898 4x4 block
$01D97C Retracting metal block
$01DA36 Thin metal platform
$01DAB2 Retracting flame jets
$01DC32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DE3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01E1DC Spikes
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Large metal platform
$034D3A Retracting spikes
$034EAC 4x4 block
$034F90 Retracting metal block
$03504A Thin metal platform
$0350C6 Retracting flame jets
$035246 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$035452 Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$0357F0 Spikes
$035BD6 Flying enemy
$0360D6 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$0363EC Spike bombs
$0364AE unused slot object
$0365C6 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$036678 2x4 metal block
$036702 Moving bouncer platform
$0367D6 Smashed spheres
$0368A2 Rotating spike balls
$03697A Destroyed and aged teleporter
$036AC6 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$03937E 16x16 mappings
$03A2F4 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R32B__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 2 Past

Offset Description
$00D91C Giant ring flash
$01D600 Large metal platform
$01D726 Retracting spikes
$01D898 4x4 block
$01D97C Retracting metal block
$01DA36 Thin metal platform
$01DAB2 Retracting flame jets
$01DC32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DE3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01E1DC Spikes
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Large metal platform
$034D3A Retracting spikes
$034EAC 4x4 block
$034F90 Retracting metal block
$03504A Thin metal platform
$0350C6 Retracting flame jets
$035246 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$035452 Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$0357F0 Spikes (PPZ)
$035B52 Flying enemy
$036052 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$036368 Spike bombs
$03642A unused slot object
$036542 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$036606 2x4 metal block
$036690 Moving bouncer platform
$036764 Smashed spheres
$036854 Rotating spike balls
$03692C Active and destroyed teleporter
$036ADE Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$036C8E Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Canary & Rabbit)
$036E3A Metal Sonic projector
$039942 16x16 mappings
$03A954 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03B486 Amy Rose
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R32C__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 2 Good Future

Offset Description
$00DA72 Giant ring flash
$01D600 Large metal platform
$01D726 Retracting spikes
$01D898 4x4 block
$01D97C Retracting metal block
$01DA36 Thin metal platform
$01DAB2 Retracting flame jets
$01DC32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DE3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01E1DC Spikes (PPZ)
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Flying enemy
$035114 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$03542A Spike bombs
$0354EC unused slot object
$035604 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$0356C8 2x4 metal block
$035752 Sections of pinball-esque boss arena
$0359B8 Moving bouncer platform
$035AA2 Smashed spheres
$035BD8 Rotating spike balls
$035CB0 2x4 metal block
$035D3A Bomb dropper platform & Robotnik
$036832 Robotnik in ship
$036F78 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$037128 Lower section of bomb dropper platform
$0399F4 16x16 mappings
$03A960 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R32D__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 2 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00DA42 Giant ring flash
$01D600 Large metal platform
$01D726 Retracting spikes
$01D898 4x4 block
$01D97C Retracting metal block
$01DA36 Thin metal platform
$01DAB2 Retracting flame jets
$01DC32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DE3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01E1DC Spikes
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Flying enemy
$035114 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$03542A Spike bombs
$0354EC unused slot object
$035604 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$0356B4 2x4 metal block
$03573E Sections of pinball-esque boss arena
$035992 Moving bouncer platform
$035A54 Smashed spheres
$035B36 Rotating spike balls
$035C0E 2x4 metal block
$035C98 Bomb dropper platform & Robotnik
$036790 Robotnik in ship
$036ED6 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$037086 Lower section of bomb dropper platform
$0399B6 16x16 mappings
$03A948 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R33C__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 3 Good Future

Offset Description
$00D098 Giant ring flash
$01D400 Large metal platform
$01D526 Retracting spikes
$01D698 4x4 block
$01D77C Retracting metal block
$01D836 Thin metal platform
$01D8B2 Retracting flame jets
$01DA32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DC3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01DFDC Spikes (PPZ)
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Flying enemy
$035114 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$03542A Spike bombs
$0354EC unused slot object
$035604 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$0356C8 2x4 metal block
$035752 Sections of pinball-esque boss arena
$0359B8 Moving bouncer platform
$035AA2 Smashed spheres
$035BD8 Rotating spike balls
$035CB0 2x4 metal block
$035D3A Bomb dropper platform & Robotnik
$036832 Robotnik in ship
$036F78 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$037128 Lower section of bomb dropper platform
$03991C 16x16 mappings
$03A6A6 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector

R33D__.mmd - Collision Chaos Zone 3 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00D060 Giant ring flash
$01D400 Large metal platform
$01D526 Retracting spikes
$01D698 4x4 block
$01D77C Retracting metal block
$01D836 Thin metal platform
$01D8B2 Retracting flame jets
$01DA32 Platforms on vertical conveyor belts
$01DC3E Kama-kama/Clawed turtle enemy
$01DFDC Spikes
$02EDE6 Points
$02EE4A Seed pod
$02F4F2 Giant ring
$02F8FC Goal post
$02FABC End sign
$030098 Clear screen
$030DA2 Main title card patterns
$031E2E Diagonal spring
$03213A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03235C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032960 Explosions
$032E48 Rings
$0334BC HUD
$0335E8 Continue post
$033732 Flower
$03398C Collision Chaos title card font patterns
$03479A Flippers
$034A00 Bouncers
$034C14 Flying enemy
$035114 Spike bomb laying ladybird enemy
$03542A Spike bombs
$0354EC unused slot object
$035604 Point slot and Sonic entering/exiting slot
$0356B4 2x4 metal block
$03573E Sections of pinball-esque boss arena
$035992 Moving bouncer platform
$035A54 Smashed spheres
$035B36 Rotating spike balls
$035C0E 2x4 metal block
$035C98 Bomb dropper platform & Robotnik
$036790 Robotnik in ship
$036ED6 Animals (Canary & Rabbit)
$037086 Lower section of bomb dropper platform
$039816 16x16 mappings
$03A5C6 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03F5D2 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03F784 Animals being tortured by Metal Sonic (Bluebird & Squirrel) (Unused)
$03F936 Metal Sonic projector


Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information