Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/9
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The following is a listing of the English-language voice files in Sonic Heroes. These files are located in dvdroot\bgm\SH_VOICE_E.afs.
Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/9 |
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Filename (.ahx) | Character | Contents | Notes |
sky01_e00_om | Omega | “Total destruction for all Eggman ships.” | |
sky01_e00_rg | Rouge | “But why so many?” | |
sky01_e00_sd | Shadow | “Eggman's armada... What an amazing sight!” | |
sky01_e00_sn | Sonic | “Sure are lots of battleships!” | |
sky01_e00_tl | Tails | “Where'd they get so many?” | |
sky01_e00_vc | Vector | “They're all controlled by robots. Guess the Doc is pretty lonely.” | |
sky01_e01_am | Amy | “We're flying so high!” | |
sky01_e01_bg | Big | “I see nothing but clouds. Better not fall off.” | |
sky01_e01_ch | Charmy | “Flying this high makes me dizzy!” | |
sky01_e01_cr | Cream | “It's kind of scary!” | |
sky01_e01_es | Espio | “How could we have reached this altitude already?” | |
sky01_e01_kn | Knuckles | “Wow! We're flying way high!” | |
sky01_e01_rg | Rouge | “We're flying very high... We might even be at the edge of space!” | |
sky01_e01_sd | Shadow | “Space... Did you say space?” | |
sky01_e01_sn | Sonic | “Come on, this is nothing! Let's keep moving!” | |
sky01_e01_tl | Tails | “Better not fall!” | |
sky01_e01_vc | Vector | “You're a bee! You're supposed to be used to flying, aren't ya?” | |
sky01_e02_ch | Charmy | “Yeahhh!!” | |
sky01_e02_es | Espio | “Here we go!” | |
sky01_e02_kn | Knuckles | “Here we go!” | |
sky01_e02_om | Omega | “Destroy all!” | |
sky01_e02_rg | Rouge | “Alright!” | |
sky01_e02_sd | Shadow | “Let's take this bridge down.” | |
sky01_e02_sn | Sonic | “Charge!!!” | |
sky01_e02_tl | Tails | “Yeah!” | |
sky01_e02_vc | Vector | “All right!” | |
sky01_e03_ch | Charmy | “Take that, you bad man!” | |
sky01_e03_es | Espio | “We got him.” | |
sky01_e03_kn | Knuckles | “Way to go, guys!” | |
sky01_e03_om | Omega | “Target destroyed!” | |
sky01_e03_rg | Rouge | “We got him!” | |
sky01_e03_sd | Shadow | “Is that it?” | |
sky01_e03_sn | Sonic | “One down!” | |
sky01_e03_tl | Tails | “All right!” | |
sky01_e03_vc | Vector | “They weren't as tough as they looked.” | |
sky01_h00_am | Amy | “The cannons are aimed at those markers at your feet!” | |
sky01_h00_bg | Big | “That circle marked by your feet means that you're in danger.” | |
sky01_h00_ch | Charmy | “(whispering) We haven't been noticed; Let's keep it that way!” | |
sky01_h00_cr | Cream | “Stay away from those markers! Those are where the cannons aim!” | |
sky01_h00_es | Espio | “They haven't been activated yet. Keep our distance, and move out.” | |
sky01_h00_kn | Knuckles | “The cannons are aiming our way; Watch for those target markers!” | |
sky01_h00_om | Omega | “Confirmed cannons attack. Get away from the target marker.” | |
sky01_h00_rg | Rouge | “Here it comes! Ge away from the target marker!” | |
sky01_h00_sd | Shadow | “Don't panic! As long as you stay clear of those markers you're okay.” | |
sky01_h00_sn | Sonic | “Those cannons are about to fire! Get away from those target markers!” | |
sky01_h00_tl | Tails | “Get away from the markers! The cannons are aiming this way!” | |
sky01_h00_vc | Vector | “Keep our distance from the cannons. Good job, boys.” | |
sky01_h01_am | Amy | “Cream, fry those cannons with Thunder Shoot!” | |
sky01_h01_bg | Big | “Use Thunder Shoot to stop those cannons.” | |
sky01_h01_cr | Cream | “We can shock those cannons with Thunder Shoot!” | |
sky01_h01_kn | Knuckles | “Destroy those cannons with Thunder Shoot, Tails!” | |
sky01_h01_om | Omega | “Short-circuit the cannons with Thunder Shoot, Rouge.” | |
sky01_h01_rg | Rouge | “Take those cannons out with Thunder Shoot!” | |
sky01_h01_sd | Shadow | “Rouge, shut those cannons down with Thunder Shoot.” | |
sky01_h01_sn | Sonic | “Tails, destroy those cannons with Thunder Shoot!” | |
sky01_h01_tl | Tails | “We can stop those cannons from firing by using Thunder Shoot!” | |
sky01_h02_am | Amy | “Big, make those cannons stop!” | |
sky01_h02_bg | Big | “That cannon is trying to hurt us! Can I hurt them back?” | |
sky01_h02_cr | Cream | “Can you destroy those cannons, Mr. Big?” | |
sky01_h02_kn | Knuckles | “I'll break those cannons into pieces! Let me handle this!” | |
sky01_h02_om | Omega | “Affirmative. Eliminate all Eggman's fleet weapons.” | |
sky01_h02_rg | Rouge | “Omega, take out those cannons!” | |
sky01_h02_sd | Shadow | “Destroy those cannons, Omega.” | |
sky01_h02_sn | Sonic | “Knuckles! Think you can destroy those cannons by punching them?” | |
sky01_h02_tl | Tails | “Knuckles! Can you punch out those cannons?” | |
sky01_h03_am | Amy | “Hey – Think Big can destroy that giant cannon?” | |
sky01_h03_bg | Big | “I'll break that giant cannon before someone gets hurt.” | |
sky01_h03_cr | Cream | “You should be able to destroy that giant cannon, right Mr. Big?” | |
sky01_h03_kn | Knuckles | “I'll take care of that giant cannon!” | |
sky01_h03_om | Omega | “Affirmative. Giant cannon can be destroyed.” | |
sky01_h03_rg | Rouge | “Omega's attack will knock out that giant cannon!” | |
sky01_h03_sd | Shadow | “Omega, destroy that giant cannon.” | |
sky01_h03_sn | Sonic | “I'll leave that giant cannon to you, Knuckles!” | |
sky01_h03_tl | Tails | “Knuckles should be able to destroy that giant cannon!” | |
sky01_h04_am | Amy | “We should be able to pull out the propeller with a tornado.” | |
sky01_h04_bg | Big | “The propeller is stuck in the dirt! Maybe we can use the wind here.” | |
sky01_h04_cr | Cream | “Amy, we should be able to pull out the propeller with a tornado!” | |
sky01_h04_kn | Knuckles | “Sonic! Pull out that propeller using a tornado!” | |
sky01_h04_om | Omega | “Most effective maneuver is to use a tornado on the propeller.” | |
sky01_h04_rg | Rouge | “Shadow, use a tornado to pull out the propeller.” | |
sky01_h04_sd | Shadow | “We should be able to pull out the propeller with a tornado.” | |
sky01_h04_sn | Sonic | “Maybe we can use that propeller if we stir up the wind here.” | |
sky01_h04_tl | Tails | “Sonic, we can pull out that propeller using a tornado!” | |
sky01_h05_am | Amy | “They're shooting at us! Dodge the bullets by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h05_bg | Big | “Watch out! Get out of the way of the bullets!” | |
sky01_h05_cr | Cream | “We're being shot at! Move up and down to dodge the bullets!” | |
sky01_h05_kn | Knuckles | “They're firing at us! Dodge the bullets by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h05_om | Omega | “Gunfire from fleet detected. Prepare for evasive action.” | |
sky01_h05_rg | Rouge | “They're firing at us! Dodge the bullets by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h05_sd | Shadow | “They're firing at us! Dodge the bullets by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h05_sn | Sonic | “They're firing at us! Dodge the bullets by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h05_tl | Tails | “They're aiming right at us! Dodge the bullets by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h06_am | Amy | “Let's get up there!” | |
sky01_h06_bg | Big | “Please, move up!” | |
sky01_h06_cr | Cream | “Move up!!” | |
sky01_h06_kn | Knuckles | “Let's go up!” | |
sky01_h06_om | Omega | “Ascend.” | |
sky01_h06_rg | Rouge | “Move up!” | |
sky01_h06_sd | Shadow | “Go up!” | |
sky01_h06_sn | Sonic | “Move up!” | |
sky01_h06_tl | Tails | “Go up!” | |
sky01_h07_kn | Knuckles | “Those look more challenging.” | |
sky01_h07_om | Omega | “The E-2000. So, they're in production. I'll destroy them.” | |
sky01_h07_rg | Rouge | “Those guys look pretty tough. Careful now!” | |
sky01_h07_sd | Shadow | “Who do they think they are?” | |
sky01_h07_sn | Sonic | “They're blocking our way!” | |
sky01_h07_tl | Tails | “A new type of robot. Look out everyone!” | |
sky01_h08_ch | Charmy | “Espio, time to rock and roll!” | |
sky01_h08_es | Espio | “Leave this to me. I'll charge it with Rocket Accel.” | |
sky01_h08_kn | Knuckles | “Sonic, let's charge it, using your Rocket Accel!” | |
sky01_h08_om | Omega | “Shadow's Rocket Accel required to blast through.” | |
sky01_h08_rg | Rouge | “Shadow! We need you and the Rocket Accel!” | |
sky01_h08_sd | Shadow | “I'll take care of this with Rocket Accel.” | |
sky01_h08_sn | Sonic | “I'll handle this! Let me charge it using Rocket Accel!” | |
sky01_h08_tl | Tails | “Sonic! Charge it using Rocket Accel!” | |
sky01_h08_vc | Vector | “Espio, we're countin' on you and your Rocket Accel.” | |
sky01_h09_am | Amy | “There's a switch on top of this cannon! Big, slam it down!” | |
sky01_h09_bg | Big | “Let me slam the switch down.” | |
sky01_h09_ch | Charmy | “Hey Vector, hit the switch, it's on top of the cannon!” | |
sky01_h09_cr | Cream | “Slam down the switch to activate it! It's on top of the cannon!” | |
sky01_h09_es | Espio | “The switch is there, Vector.” | |
sky01_h09_vc | Vector | “Let me hit the switch on the cannon.” | |
sky01_h10_am | Amy | “They're firing at us again! Dodge 'em by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h10_bg | Big | “They're shooting again... Must dodge the bullets – Up and down!” | |
sky01_h10_cr | Cream | “Here we go again. Just dodge them by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h10_kn | Knuckles | “They're firing at us again! Do they think they can hit us?” | |
sky01_h10_om | Omega | “Gunfire from the fleet detected. Prepare evasive actions again.” | |
sky01_h10_rg | Rouge | “They just don't give up, do they? Just dodge 'em by moving up and down.” | |
sky01_h10_sd | Shadow | “Here they go again. Just keep dodging 'em by moving up and down!” | |
sky01_h10_sn | Sonic | “Here they go again! They just don't give up, do they?” | |
sky01_h10_tl | Tails | “They're firing at us again! Watch out everyone!” | |
sky01_h11_am | Amy | “Let's land on that battleship!” | |
sky01_h11_bg | Big | “I wonder if Froggy is on that giant ship?” | |
sky01_h11_cr | Cream | “Let's try landing on that giant battleship.” | |
sky01_h11_kn | Knuckles | “Ready to land on the battleship!” | |
sky01_h11_om | Omega | “Securing landing on giant battleship ahead.” | |
sky01_h11_rg | Rouge | “Get ready to land on that giant battleship!” | |
sky01_h11_sd | Shadow | “Secure landing on craft!” | |
sky01_h11_sn | Sonic | “Time to land on that battleship!” | |
sky01_h11_tl | Tails | “Time to land on that giant battleship!” | |
sky01_h12_am | Amy | “Let's land on that giant battleship!” | |
sky01_h12_bg | Big | “I wonder if Froggy is on that ship...” | |
sky01_h12_cr | Cream | “Landing on next battleship.” | |
sky01_h12_kn | Knuckles | “More battleships! Time to destroy the next one!” | |
sky01_h12_om | Omega | “Securing and preparing to land on next battleship.” | |
sky01_h12_rg | Rouge | “That giant battleship, up ahead!” | |
sky01_h12_sd | Shadow | “More giant battleships. Ready to take 'em down!” | |
sky01_h12_sn | Sonic | “Bring on the next battleship!” | |
sky01_h12_tl | Tails | “Coming in for a landing on the next giant battleship!” | |
sky01_h13_ch | Charmy | “Come out, come out wherever you are!” | |
sky01_h13_es | Espio | “I sense... the enemy!” | |
sky01_h13_vc | Vector | “Here they come. Watch out!” | |
sky01_h14_am | Amy | “Move down!” | |
sky01_h14_bg | Big | “You gotta move down or else.” | |
sky01_h14_cr | Cream | “Move down!!” | |
sky01_h14_kn | Knuckles | “Here it comes! Move down!” | |
sky01_h14_om | Omega | “Descend.” | |
sky01_h14_rg | Rouge | “Move down!” | |
sky01_h14_sd | Shadow | “Move down!” | |
sky01_h14_sn | Sonic | “Move down!” | |
sky01_h14_tl | Tails | “Go down!” | |
sky01_m00_eg | Eggman (over radio) | “Infiltrate the fleet's whale-shark flagship. Be careful not to get detected by the enemies.” | |
sky01_m01_eg | Eggman (over radio) | “You know which ship is the flagship, right? Infiltrate the flagship within the time limit without being detected by the enemies.” | |
sky01_w00_am | Amy | “I wonder if Sonic is here too?” | |
sky01_w00_bg | Big | “Fish-shaped ships make me wanna go fishing.” | |
sky01_w00_ch | Charmy | “Look at all those ships! I wonder if we can take one?” | |
sky01_w00_cr | Cream | “I wonder if Eggman will give Chocola back?” | |
sky01_w00_es | Espio | “Flying ships... How mysterious.” | |
sky01_w00_kn | Knuckles | “Let's find Eggman's flagship.” | |
sky01_w00_om | Omega | “Eggman's presence has been detected. Commencing pursuit.” | |
sky01_w00_rg | Rouge | “According to our intel, Eggman's somewhere on this ship.” | |
sky01_w00_sd | Shadow | “There's no doubt now.” | |
sky01_w00_sn | Sonic | “Look at all those ships... All fleets must have been called out.” | |
sky01_w00_tl | Tails | “It's impossible to destroy them all. We have to find the command flagship.” | |
sky01_w00_vc | Vector | “Eggman must be really rich. Wonder if he'd hire us?” | |
sky02_e00_am | Amy | “Here we are...” | |
sky02_e00_bg | Big | “Froggy.” | |
sky02_e00_ch | Charmy | “We'll meet our client soon – And collect a reward!” | |
sky02_e00_cr | Cream | “It's quite overwhelming. I've gotta pull myself together!” | |
sky02_e00_es | Espio | “This is the core of the base.” | |
sky02_e00_kn | Knuckles | “How does this thing stay afloat? Doesn't matter; let's take it down!” | |
sky02_e00_om | Omega | “Eggman's headquarters detected. Destruction mode engaged.” | |
sky02_e00_rg | Rouge | “I thought that battleship was big, but this is enormous!” | |
sky02_e00_sd | Shadow | “I'm feeling a bit uneasy. Time to attack!” | |
sky02_e00_sn | Sonic | “This must be Eggman's headquarters!” | |
sky02_e00_tl | Tails | “The airbase!” | |
sky02_e00_vc | Vector | “Yeah, the client – We should probably find him!” | |
sky02_e01_am | Amy | “This weather reminds me of our last attack on the Egg Carrier.” | |
sky02_e01_bg | Big | “Fro-ggy!” | |
sky02_e01_ch | Charmy | “Evil? Who're you talking about?” | |
sky02_e01_cr | Cream | “You've been in battle before? What!? You too, Mr. Big?” | |
sky02_e01_es | Espio | “Evil prefers this kind of weather.” | |
sky02_e01_kn | Knuckles | “You think you can handle it, Tails?” | |
sky02_e01_om | Omega | “Sensing strong magnetic field. Magnitude off the scale.” | |
sky02_e01_rg | Rouge | “You're thinking too much Shadow. What, you too Omega?” | |
sky02_e01_sd | Shadow | “This weather... could be an omen.” | |
sky02_e01_sn | Sonic | “It's covered by dark clouds now!” | |
sky02_e01_tl | Tails | “I'm not scared! ...much...” | |
sky02_e01_vc | Vector | “We're about to find that out, boys.” | |
sky02_e02_am | Amy | “I can't believe he built that thing. It's huge!” | |
sky02_e02_ch | Charmy | “Boy, it's gonna be tough trying to find a key in there!” | |
sky02_e02_cr | Cream | “Maybe he doesn't like his neighbors much.” | |
sky02_e02_es | Espio | “Amazing piece of aviation engineering.” | |
sky02_e02_kn | Knuckles | “The Egg Carrier is nothing compared to this!” | |
sky02_e02_om | Omega | “That thing isn't enough to stop me. I'll destroy it with my bare hands.” | |
sky02_e02_rg | Rouge | “If you want to conquer the world, you need something that big!” | |
sky02_e02_sd | Shadow | “Enormous engineering feat, I must admit.” | |
sky02_e02_sn | Sonic | “Talk about humongous!” | |
sky02_e02_tl | Tails | “Wow! How'd he manage to build something so big?” | |
sky02_e02_vc | Vector | “Well, it's all part of the job. Gotta work hard for that reward!” | |
sky02_e03_am | Amy | “Eggman's robots are everywhere!” | |
sky02_e03_bg | Big | “Okey-dokey. I'm ready!” | |
sky02_e03_ch | Charmy | “Come on! Bring it on!” | |
sky02_e03_cr | Cream | “What are we gonna do?” | |
sky02_e03_es | Espio | “Their attack is mounting. We have to infiltrate the command center.” | |
sky02_e03_kn | Knuckles | “I'll destroy everything that comes my way!” | |
sky02_e03_om | Omega | “Large numbers detected, but not for long.” | |
sky02_e03_rg | Rouge | “Yeah, right. But they're sure trying hard enough.” | |
sky02_e03_sd | Shadow | “Does he think he can stop us?” | |
sky02_e03_sn | Sonic | “There's robots everywhere! Time to party!” | |
sky02_e03_tl | Tails | “Their attack is mounting! Keep your guard up!” | |
sky02_e03_vc | Vector | “Don't let your guard down! This is where we earn our pay!” | |
sky02_e04_ch | Charmy | “Yeah, that's what they get!” | |
sky02_e04_es | Espio | “Didn't think it would self-destruct. We just barely made it.” | |
sky02_e04_kn | Knuckles | “It's blown to pieces!” | |
sky02_e04_om | Omega | “Target destroyed. Searching for next target.” | |
sky02_e04_rg | Rouge | “But that was pretty close.” | |
sky02_e04_sd | Shadow | “He underestimated us, thinking that would do the job.” | |
sky02_e04_sn | Sonic | “Never thought it would actually self-destruct!” | |
sky02_e04_tl | Tails | “Wonder why it self-destructed?” | |
sky02_e04_vc | Vector | “What an explosion! If we were any slower, we'd be toast for sure!” | |
sky02_h00_am | Amy | “Some sections will fall and explode! Hurry!” | |
sky02_h00_bg | Big | “If we just stand here, the ground may disappear. Better get going.” | |
sky02_h00_ch | Charmy | “When the ground starts to shake, better run like crazy!” | |
sky02_h00_cr | Cream | “Areas are unstable and may detonate! When it starts to shake, get away fast!” | |
sky02_h00_es | Espio | “Let's hurry! The ship is unstable and may detonate!” | |
sky02_h00_kn | Knuckles | “Some of the platforms are unstable! We better keep moving!” | |
sky02_h00_om | Omega | “Sections of the ship are unstable. Keep moving fast.” | |
sky02_h00_rg | Rouge | “The craft is crumbling away and detonating. Better fly!” | |
sky02_h00_sd | Shadow | “Parts of the ship are crumbling and exploding. Hurry, let's go!” | |
sky02_h00_sn | Sonic | “Some areas are unstable! Gotta keep moving, fast!” | |
sky02_h00_tl | Tails | “Some areas are beginning to fall! Keep moving!” | |
sky02_h00_vc | Vector | “The ship is really unstable, so keep running if you wanna live!” | |
sky02_h01_am | Amy | “Watch out for the first wave!” | |
sky02_h01_bg | Big | “Cannonballs are super strong! Watch out for the fire too.” | |
sky02_h01_ch | Charmy | “Stay out of the target markers, and you'll be safe!” | |
sky02_h01_cr | Cream | “The cannon blast is dangerous! Please be very careful!” | |
sky02_h01_es | Espio | “Keep your eyes peeled on the cannons! Dodge attacks and stay clear of the markers!” | |
sky02_h01_kn | Knuckles | “The cannon's blasts are powerful! Watch out, even when blind!” | |
sky02_h01_om | Omega | “The cannon's power is increased. Avoid its blast.” | |
sky02_h01_rg | Rouge | “The cannons are powered up! Watch out, even when airborne!” | |
sky02_h01_sd | Shadow | “The cannon's blast has increased. They must have powered it up!” | |
sky02_h01_sn | Sonic | “The power blasts from the cannons are more powerful now.” | |
sky02_h01_tl | Tails | “Watch out! The cannons have been powered up and are more dangerous!” | |
sky02_h01_vc | Vector | “Cannons are firing! Dodge their attacks and stay clear of the markers!” | |
sky02_h02_ch | Charmy | “Wow! That's what I call a laser!” | |
sky02_h02_es | Espio | “What was that bright light!? Some kind of new weapon!?” | |
sky02_h02_kn | Knuckles | “What was that bright light!? Giant laser cannons?” | |
sky02_h02_om | Omega | “Caution: Large laser weapons detected.” | |
sky02_h02_rg | Rouge | “It's the laser cannons! Look out!” | |
sky02_h02_sd | Shadow | “Laser cannons – Watch out everyone!” | |
sky02_h02_sn | Sonic | “Was that a laser? That was huge!” | |
sky02_h02_tl | Tails | “Watch out for large laser blasts from those cannons!” | |
sky02_h02_vc | Vector | “Laser cannons have been fired! Stay on your toes, boys!” | |
sky02_h03_ch | Charmy | “Hey guys! Did you see the red, blue, and yellow lasers? There are three colors of rails too!” | |
sky02_h03_es | Espio | “There are three colored lasers; red, blue, and yellow! Each laser fires at the rail of the same color!” | |
sky02_h03_kn | Knuckles | “There are three laser colors; red, blue and yellow! The color of the laser being fired matches the color of the rail!” | |
sky02_h03_om | Omega | “Three laser color of red, blue and yellow are detected. Each laser color corresponds to a rail color.” | |
sky02_h03_rg | Rouge | “Hey guys, there are three colors of lasers: red, blue, and yellow! Each laser fires at the rail of the same color!” | |
sky02_h03_sd | Shadow | “There are three laser colors: red, blue and yellow. Each laser fires at the same color rail.” | |
sky02_h03_sn | Sonic | “There are three colors of lasers: red, blue and yellow! Each laser fires at the same rail color!” | |
sky02_h03_tl | Tails | “Hey guys! There are three colors of lasers: red, blue and yellow! Each laser fires at the rail of the same color!” | |
sky02_h03_vc | Vector | “It seems there are three laser colors: red, blue, and yellow! The color of the laser being fired matches the color of the rail!” | |
sky02_h04_ch | Charmy | “The cannon flashes before it fires! Stay off the same colored rail!” | |
sky02_h04_es | Espio | “This weapon illuminates right before it fires! Look at the color of the light and stay clear of the same colored rail!” | |
sky02_h04_kn | Knuckles | “The cannon will light up right before it fires! Stay off the rail with the same color, or you'll get burned by the laser!” | |
sky02_h04_om | Omega | “Analyze light emission before the cannon fires. Stay clear of the same colored rail.” | |
sky02_h04_rg | Rouge | “The cannon will light up right before it fires! Stay off the rail with the same color or you'll get burned by the laser!” | |
sky02_h04_sd | Shadow | “The cannon lights up for a split second before it fires. Make sure to stay off the same colored rail.” | |
sky02_h04_sn | Sonic | “The cannon lights up right before it fires. Look at the color of the light, and make sure to stay off the same colored rail!” | |
sky02_h04_tl | Tails | “The cannon lights up briefly before it fires! Look at the color, then make sure to stay off the same colored rail!” | |
sky02_h04_vc | Vector | “See the light from the cannon as it prepared to fire? Stay away from the same colored rail, or you'll get tagged by the laser!” | |
sky02_h05_ch | Charmy | “It's red!” | |
sky02_h05_es | Espio | “Red laser incoming!” | |
sky02_h05_kn | Knuckles | “It's the red laser!” | |
sky02_h05_om | Omega | “Incoming: Red laser.” | |
sky02_h05_rg | Rouge | “It's firing the red laser!” | |
sky02_h05_sd | Shadow | “Look out! Red laser!” | |
sky02_h05_sn | Sonic | “Red laser!” | |
sky02_h05_tl | Tails | “Red laser fired!” | |
sky02_h05_vc | Vector | “Red! I said red laser!” | |
sky02_h06_ch | Charmy | “It's blue!” | |
sky02_h06_es | Espio | “Blue laser incoming!” | |
sky02_h06_kn | Knuckles | “It's the blue laser!” | |
sky02_h06_om | Omega | “Incoming: Blue laser.” | |
sky02_h06_rg | Rouge | “Blue laser!” | |
sky02_h06_sd | Shadow | “Blue laser fired!” | |
sky02_h06_sn | Sonic | “Look out! Blue laser!” | |
sky02_h06_tl | Tails | “Blue laser fired!” | |
sky02_h06_vc | Vector | “Blue! I said blue laser!” | |
sky02_h07_ch | Charmy | “It's yellow!” | |
sky02_h07_es | Espio | “Yellow laser fired!” | |
sky02_h07_kn | Knuckles | “It's the yellow laser!” | |
sky02_h07_om | Omega | “Incoming: Yellow laser.” | |
sky02_h07_rg | Rouge | “Yellow laser fired!” | |
sky02_h07_sd | Shadow | “Yellow laser!” | |
sky02_h07_sn | Sonic | “Yellow laser! Look out!” | |
sky02_h07_tl | Tails | “Yellow laser fired!” | |
sky02_h07_vc | Vector | “Yellow! I said yellow laser!” | |
sky02_h08_ch | Charmy | “The rails light up for some reason! Maybe it's because of that laser!” | |
sky02_h08_es | Espio | “Did you notice that rail lights up before the laser fires?” | |
sky02_h08_kn | Knuckles | “The rail we're on now will light up right before the laser fires!” | |
sky02_h08_om | Omega | “The rail lights up as a reaction to the laser right before it fires.” | |
sky02_h08_rg | Rouge | “The rail lights up right before the laser fires!” | |
sky02_h08_sd | Shadow | “The rail will light up, right before the laser fires.” | |
sky02_h08_sn | Sonic | “The rail lights up right before the laser fires!” | |
sky02_h08_tl | Tails | “The rail lights up right before the laser fires!” | |
sky02_h08_vc | Vector | “Looks like the rail lights up right before the laser fires!” | |
sky02_h09_ch | Charmy | “This switch blows it up right? Hey, let's give it a try!” | |
sky02_h09_es | Espio | “Is that a self-destruct switch? We should get on top and press it!” | |
sky02_h09_kn | Knuckles | “A self-destruction switch? Maybe we should press it down!” | |
sky02_h09_om | Omega | “Battleship self-destruction switch detected.” | |
sky02_h09_rg | Rouge | “What? A self-destruct switch? We should get on it and press down!” | |
sky02_h09_sd | Shadow | “To activate the switch, get on top and press the button.” | |
sky02_h09_sn | Sonic | “That's a self-destruct switch! Get on it and press down!” | |
sky02_h09_tl | Tails | “Hey, a self-destruct switch! Get on it and press down!” | |
sky02_h09_vc | Vector | “A self-destruct switch. Maybe we can use it somehow.” | |
sky02_h10_am | Amy | “I'll go to that pole and try the Tornado Jump!” | |
sky02_h10_bg | Big | “I wonder if Tornado Jump will work on that pole...” | |
sky02_h10_cr | Cream | “Amy, try the Tornado Jump on that pole.” | |
sky02_h10_kn | Knuckles | “Hey, Sonic! Hop on that pole and do the Tornado Jump!” | |
sky02_h10_om | Omega | “Pole detected. Tornado Jump possible.” | |
sky02_h10_rg | Rouge | “Shadow, go for that pole and use Tornado Jump!” | |
sky02_h10_sd | Shadow | “I'll head for that pole and do the Tornado Jump!” | |
sky02_h10_sn | Sonic | “Head for that pole and do the Tornado Jump!” | |
sky02_h10_tl | Tails | “Sonic, head for that pole and do the Tornado Jump!” | |
sky02_h11_am | Amy | “Big, what d'ya think about using your umbrella to glide?” | |
sky02_h11_bg | Big | “Hmm? Maybe we can use my umbrella to get over to that fan.” | |
sky02_h11_ch | Charmy | “Vector, blow me a big bubble!” | |
sky02_h11_cr | Cream | “Mr. Big, can you make it to that fan using your umbrella?” | |
sky02_h11_es | Espio | “Can we make it over to that fan by floating using your bubble gum?” | |
sky02_h11_kn | Knuckles | “We can reach that fan using Triangle Dive to glide!” | |
sky02_h11_om | Omega | “Attempt gliding with Triangle Dive to reach that fan.” | |
sky02_h11_rg | Rouge | “Omega, glide over to that fan using Triangle Dive!” | |
sky02_h11_sd | Shadow | “Omega, glide to that fan using Triangle Dive!” | |
sky02_h11_sn | Sonic | “Hey, Knuckles! Glide over to the fan using Triangle Dive!” | |
sky02_h11_tl | Tails | “Knuckles! Glide over to that fan using Triangle Dive!” | |
sky02_h11_vc | Vector | “I'm sure we can reach that fan using my bubble gum.” | |
sky02_h12_am | Amy | “We need to turn the switch on to activate the fan.” | |
sky02_h12_bg | Big | “Where's the switch for the fan?” | |
sky02_h12_ch | Charmy | “Where's the fan switch?” | |
sky02_h12_cr | Cream | “The switch must be turned on to activate the fan.” | |
sky02_h12_es | Espio | “The fan isn't moving! There's got to be a switch nearby...” | |
sky02_h12_kn | Knuckles | “The fan isn't working! There's gotta be a switch somewhere!” | |
sky02_h12_om | Omega | “Locate fan switch and activate.” | |
sky02_h12_rg | Rouge | “The switch must be turned on to activate the fan!” | |
sky02_h12_sd | Shadow | “We need to turn the switch on to activate the fan!” | |
sky02_h12_sn | Sonic | “Turn on the switch to activate the fan!” | |
sky02_h12_tl | Tails | “Turn the switch on to activate the fan!” | |
sky02_h12_vc | Vector | “The fan isn't working! There must be a switch somewhere!” | |
sky02_h13_am | Amy | “It's time for Team Blast!” | |
sky02_h13_bg | Big | “Let's get them with Team Blast.” | |
sky02_h13_ch | Charmy | “Let's do it! Secret attack time!” | |
sky02_h13_cr | Cream | “We must attack, using Team Blast!” | |
sky02_h13_es | Espio | “This leaves us with only one option. Are you ready?” | |
sky02_h13_kn | Knuckles | “It's Team Blast time!” | |
sky02_h13_om | Omega | “Activating formation: Team Blast.” | |
sky02_h13_rg | Rouge | “Guys, get ready for Team Blast!” | |
sky02_h13_sd | Shadow | “Team Blast – the ultimate attack!” | |
sky02_h13_sn | Sonic | “Attack using Team Blast here!” | |
sky02_h13_tl | Tails | “Guys, let's attack with Team Blast!” | |
sky02_h13_vc | Vector | “Time to bust out our secret attack!” | |
sky02_h14_ch | Charmy | “One, two, three, four cannons! Guess we better be careful!” | |
sky02_h14_es | Espio | “There are four lasers! Don't let your guard down!” | |
sky02_h14_kn | Knuckles | “Even with four laser cannons, that's still not enough to stop us!” | |
sky02_h14_om | Omega | “Caution: Four laser cannons detected.” | |
sky02_h14_rg | Rouge | “Total of twelve lasers! Better stay frosty!” | |
sky02_h14_sd | Shadow | “Four lasers. What a waste.” | |
sky02_h14_sn | Sonic | “Only four lasers? A hero's welcome.” | |
sky02_h14_tl | Tails | “One, two, three – four laser cannons! We better watch out!” | |
sky02_h14_vc | Vector | “There's four of those lasers! Guess they're expecting us.” | |
sky02_h15_ch | Charmy | “Hey, guys! I think I saw a key somewhere around here!” | |
sky02_h15_es | Espio | “Hmm... There must be a key near...” | |
sky02_h15_vc | Vector | “Wait a second, boys! The key might be around here!” | |
sky02_m00_eg | Eggman (over radio) | “So far so good! Here's your final mission: I've been captured, and I'm being held captive in one of the rooms on this flagship. Find the keys to this room and rescue me. There are a total of five keys. Good luck.” | |
sky02_m01_eg | Eggman (over radio) | “Here's your next mission. Find the 10 jail keys on this flagship. I'm counting on you.” | |
sky02_w00_am | Amy | “I can't be a hundred percent certain, but I feel Sonic is here... somewhere...” | |
sky02_w00_bg | Big | “I feel Froggy is near. I'm coming little buddy!” | |
sky02_w00_ch | Charmy | “Let's get the keys and rescue the client!” | |
sky02_w00_cr | Cream | “Chocola – I think we're getting very close!” | |
sky02_w00_es | Espio | “For the sake of all ninjas, it's my duty to rescue our client.” | |
sky02_w00_kn | Knuckles | “Your trickery is unforgivable, Eggman.” | |
sky02_w00_om | Omega | “Eggman detected nearby. Location: Directly ahead.” | |
sky02_w00_rg | Rouge | “I've come all this way and still haven't found any treasure.” | |
sky02_w00_sd | Shadow | “Something intense is about to happen.” | |
sky02_w00_sn | Sonic | “Hm. Eggman seems serious this time.” | |
sky02_w00_tl | Tails | “I wonder what Eggman's intentions are this time? Not knowing makes me nervous...” | |
sky02_w00_vc | Vector | “But why did Eggman kidnap our client?” | |
sys01_h00_oc | Omochao | “This is Single Player mode.” | |
sys01_h01_oc | Omochao | “This is 2P Battle mode.” | |
sys01_h02_oc | Omochao | “In order to play 2P, you need two controllers!” | |
sys01_h03_oc | Omochao | “You can listen to music or watch movies!” | |
sys01_h04_oc | Omochao | “You can change various settings.” | |
sys01_h05_oc | Omochao | “This is Main Story mode.” | |
sys01_h06_oc | Omochao | “You can select a stage or mission to play. Collect all the emblems!” | |
sys01_h07_oc | Omochao | “This is Super Hard mode for the ultimate challenge!” | |
sys01_h08_oc | Omochao | “Clear Super Hard mode and become a true hero!” | |
sys01_h09_oc | Omochao | “I will show you how to play the game!” | |
sys02_h00_oc | Omochao | “Select a team to play in the Story mode!” | |
sys02_h01_oc | Omochao | “Team Sonic features high-speed gameplay, and intense team action!” | |
sys02_h02_oc | Omochao | “Team Dark stages are more difficult, and recommended for the intermediate players!” | |
sys02_h03_oc | Omochao | “Team Rose is recommended for those who are new to action games.” | |
sys02_h04_oc | Omochao | “Team Chaotix offers a very unique mission-based style of gameplay!” | |
sys02_h05_oc | Omochao | “Team Dark is packed full of battles with the enemy!” | |
sys02_h06_oc | Omochao | “This is the Last Story. Oh! That one was hidden!” | |
sys02_h07_oc | Omochao | “I think I see the silhouette of the real villain...” | |
sys02_h08_oc | Omochao | “You need to collect seven Chaos Emeralds to select the last story.” | |
sys02_h09_oc | Omochao | “Clear Special Stages and collect seven Chaos Emeralds!” | |
sys02_h10_oc | Omochao | “You can start from any scene of the story.” | |
sys02_h11_oc | Omochao | “Are you sure?” | |
sys03_h00_oc | Omochao | “Up or Down to select a stage. Left or Right to select a team.” | |
sys03_h01_oc | Omochao | “Select a team and stage you wish to play.” | |
sys03_h02_oc | Omochao | “Select a mission to play!” | |
sys03_h03_oc | Omochao | “You have not collected the emblem and Chaos Emerald for this stage!” | |
sys03_h04_oc | Omochao | “You have not collected the emblem for this stage!” | |
sys03_h05_oc | Omochao | “You have not collected the Chaos Emerald for this stage!” | |
sys03_h06_oc | Omochao | “This mission is not available until you clear the stage with A-Rank!” | |
sys03_h07_oc | Omochao | “Try the Extra Mission!” | |
sys03_h08_oc | Omochao | “Clear the Special Stage!” | |
sys03_h09_oc | Omochao | “Try your best to get A-Rank!” | |
sys04_h00_oc | Omochao | “Are you ready to play Super Hard mode?” | |
sys04_h01_oc | Omochao | “Do you want to play from the beginning, or continue?” | |
sys04_h02_oc | Omochao | “Do you want to start the tutorial?” | |
sys05_h00_oc | Omochao | “This is Action Race! First one to the goal wins!” | |
sys05_h01_oc | Omochao | “This is Team Battle! Win by forcing opponents off the field!” | |
sys05_h02_oc | Omochao | “This is Special Stage Race! First to get the Chaos Emerald wins!” | |
sys05_h03_oc | Omochao | “Collect as many rings as you can within the time limit!” | |
sys05_h04_oc | Omochao | “Take damage and you'll lose rings, so be careful!” | |
sys05_h05_oc | Omochao | “This is Bobsled Race!” | |
sys05_h06_oc | Omochao | “The more rings you collect, the faster you go!” | |
sys05_h07_oc | Omochao | “But if you take damage, the bobsled's ability is decreased!” | |
sys05_h08_oc | Omochao | “This is Quick Race! It's short, but fast!” | |
sys05_h09_oc | Omochao | “One little mistake could cost you the race!” | |
sys05_h10_oc | Omochao | “This is the Expert Race for the experienced players who like long races!” | |
sys05_h11_oc | Omochao | “You need 20 emblems to play this mode.” | |
sys05_h12_oc | Omochao | “You need 40 emblems to play this mode.” | |
sys05_h13_oc | Omochao | “You need 60 emblems to play this mode.” | |
sys05_h14_oc | Omochao | “You need 80 emblems to play this mode.” | |
sys05_h15_oc | Omochao | “You need 100 emblems to play this mode.” | |
sys05_h16_oc | Omochao | “You need 120 emblems to play this mode.” | |
sys05_h17_oc | Omochao | “You can earn emblems by clearing the Story mode, or by clearing extra missions in Challenge mode!” | |
sys05_h18_oc | Omochao | “Left or Right to select your team.” | |
sys05_h19_oc | Omochao | “Select a team you wish to play.” | |
sys05_h20_oc | Omochao | “Select a stage to play.” | |
sys05_h21_oc | Omochao | “Select All, and the team who wins 2 out of 3 wins the match!” | |
sys05_h22_oc | Omochao | “Are you ready to play?” | |
sys06_h00_oc | Omochao | “This mode is for listening to music.” | |
sys06_h01_oc | Omochao | “This mode is for watching the CG movies!” | |
sys06_h02_oc | Omochao | “Select music to listen to.” | |
sys06_h03_oc | Omochao | “Select a movie to watch.” | |
sys06_h04_oc | Omochao | “This is the opening movie.” | |
sys06_h05_oc | Omochao | “This CG movie was played in Team Sonic Story mode.” | |
sys06_h06_oc | Omochao | “This CG movie was played in Team Dark Story mode.” | |
sys06_h07_oc | Omochao | “This CG movie was played in Team Rose Story mode.” | |
sys06_h08_oc | Omochao | “This CG movie was played in Team Chaotix Story mode.” | |
sys06_h09_oc | Omochao | “This CG movie was played during the Final Story.” | |
sys06_h10_oc | Omochao | “You can't select this yet! You must clear the Story mode first.” | |
sys06_h11_oc | Omochao | “Is this okay?” | |
sys07_h00_oc | Omochao | “You can change the speaker output setting here.” | |
sys07_h01ps_oc | Omochao | “You can change the setting for the controller vibration feature!” | |
sys07_h01xb_oc | Omochao | “You can change the setting for the controller vibration feature!” | |
sys07_h01_oc | Omochao | “You can change the setting for the rumble feature!” | |
sys07_h02_oc | Omochao | “You can change the save file!” | |
sys07_h03_oc | Omochao | “You can change the voice language and subtitles!” | |
sys07_h04_oc | Omochao | “Change the language.” | |
sys07_h05_oc | Omochao | “You can change the TV output.” | |
sys07_h06_oc | Omochao | “What are your speakers compatible to?” | |
sys07_h07ps_oc | Omochao | “*giggles* Vibration function makes the controller shake at certain times during the game!” | |
sys07_h07xb_oc | Omochao | “*giggles* Vibration function makes the controller shake at certain times during the game!” | |
sys07_h07_oc | Omochao | “*giggles* Rumble feature makes the controller shake at certain times during the game!” | |
sys07_h08_oc | Omochao | “Select the spoken language of the characters.” | |
sys07_h09_oc | Omochao | “Select the subtitle language that appears on the screen.” | |
sys07_h10_oc | Omochao | “Which language would you like?” | |
sys07_h11_oc | Omochao | “Let's check to see what your TV compatibility is.” | |
sys07_h12_oc | Omochao | “Select a memory card.” | |
sys07_h13_oc | Omochao | “Select either Memory Unit or Hard Disk.” | |
sys07_h14_oc | Omochao | “Select a file to be loaded.” | |
sys07_h15_oc | Omochao | “A new file will be created when New is selected.” | |
sys07_h16_oc | Omochao | “Are you sure you want to use this file?” | |
sys07_h17_oc | Omochao | “Are you sure you want to delete this file?” | |
sys07_h18_oc | Omochao | “Do you want to create a new file?” | |
sys07_h19_oc | Omochao | “Are you sure you want to start the game without saving?” | |
sys07_h20_oc | Omochao | “Are you sure you want to format?” | |
sys07_h21_oc | Omochao | “There's something wrong.” | |
sys07_h22_oc | Omochao | “You can adjust your TV here.” | |
trn01_e00_am | Amy | “Wow, we're way up here!” | |
trn01_e00_bg | Big | “I'm getting diizzy.” | |
trn01_e00_ch | Charmy | “Awesome!” | |
trn01_e00_cr | Cream | “I can't look down!” | |
trn01_e00_es | Espio | “Quite a base.” | |
trn01_e00_kn | Knuckles | “Keep your eyes on the rail, Sonic!” | |
trn01_e00_om | Omega | “We are heading straight for that terminal.” | |
trn01_e00_rg | Rouge | “Amazing.” |
Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/9 |
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