

Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/2

From Sonic Retro

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The following is a listing of the English-language voice files in Sonic Heroes. These files are located in dvdroot\bgm\SH_VOICE_E.afs.

Sonic Heroes/Sound Editing/Voices/2
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Filename (.ahx) Character Contents Notes
act10_p27_ch Charmy “We're gonna blow you away one more time!”
act10_p28_ch Charmy “Ahahaha! We won!”
act10_p29_ch Charmy “What?”
act10_p30_ch Charmy “Now I'm mad!”
act10_p31_ch Charmy “All right! Let's go around one more time!”
act10_p32_ch Charmy “We'll take you on any day!”
act10_p33_ch Charmy “Thanks for the Chaos Emerald!”
act10_p34_ch Charmy “You know who's gonna win!”
act10_p35_ch Charmy “Yeah! We won, we won!”
act10_p36_ch Charmy “Outta the way!”
act10_p37_ch Charmy “What?”
act10_p38_ch Charmy “Zoom! We won!”
act10_p39_ch Charmy “Alright! Let's do it!”
act10_p40_ch Charmy “What? Is it over already?”
act10_p41_ch Charmy “Team Chaotix! Here we go!”
act10_p42_ch Charmy “We're the champs! We're the champs!”
act10_p43_ch Charmy “Yeah, let's go!”
act10_p44_ch Charmy “Ready for some more?”
act10_p45_ch Charmy “Yeah!”
act10_p46_ch Charmy “Awesome! Totally awesome!”
act10_p47_ch Charmy “No problem!”
act10_p48_ch Charmy “Not bad, don'tcha think?”
act10_p49_ch Charmy “Maybe we could've done a little better!”
act10_p50_ch Charmy “Okay, stop foolin' around!”
act10_p51_ch Charmy “That's whatcha get for being a bad guy!”
act10_p52_ch Charmy “Hey! What's next?”
act10_p53_ch Charmy “Wow! There were a lot of them!”
act10_p54_ch Charmy “That giant ship was so cool looking! Too bad we destroyed it!”
act10_p55_ch Charmy “What? Can that be all?”
act10_p56_ch Charmy “Keep bringing 'em on! We'll take them all out!”
act10_p57_ch Charmy “Alright! Our work is done!”
act11_p07_vc Vector “Bad luck for me.”
act11_p09_vc Vector “Rrrrrttttt!”
act11_p10_vc Vector “Urrr'ggghh!”
act11_p12_vc Vector “Rrr! Let me go!”
act11_p14_vc Vector “Anytime you're ready!”
act11_p15_vc Vector “Here we go!”
act11_p16_vc Vector “Okay!”
act11_p17_vc Vector “(singing off-key) Yeah, yeah, I'm the one! I'm Vector the Crocodile! Eheheh...
act11_p18_vc Vector “Oh!”
act11_p19_vc Vector “Not bad.”
act11_p20_vc Vector “Lookin' good!”
act11_p21_vc Vector “Whoa, not bad!”
act11_p22_vc Vector “It's truly amazing! Hahaha.”
act11_p23_vc Vector “Got it!”
act11_p24_vc Vector “Let's go!”
act11_p25_vc Vector “Level up!”
act11_p26_vc Vector “Okay! Time to get serious!”
act11_p27_vc Vector “We play to win!”
act11_p28_vc Vector “So are you up to this?”
act11_p29_vc Vector “Okay! No more Mr. Nice Guy!”
act11_p30_vc Vector “We took it a little too easy on them.”
act11_p31_vc Vector “My strength is my power!”
act11_p32_vc Vector “We'll take that Chaos Emerald!”
act11_p33_vc Vector “We've got to give it our all this time!”
act11_p34_vc Vector “Alright, that's the spirit!”
act11_p35_vc Vector “Heh-heh.”
act11_p36_vc Vector “Huh?”
act11_p37_vc Vector “We're an awesome team!”
act11_p38_vc Vector “Hm! The fun is just beginning. Hehheh.”
act11_p39_vc Vector “You're all nothin' but talk!”
act11_p40_vc Vector “In the spirit of Team Chaotix, we'll win this puppy.”
act11_p41_vc Vector “Ah-ha! That's the work of pros!”
act11_p42_vc Vector “Here we go!”
act11_p43_vc Vector “We can't give up like that...”
act11_p44_vc Vector “All right!”
act11_p45_vc Vector “Perfect! The work of professionals! Ha.”
act11_p46_vc Vector “No complaints!”
act11_p47_vc Vector “Nnnot bad!”
act11_p48_vc Vector “Maybe this wasn't our day.”
act11_p49_vc Vector “Lackluster performance, I'd say.”
act11_p50_vc Vector “Hyeh! Take that, Doctor!”
act11_p51_vc Vector “Before picking a fight, better know who you're up against!”
act11_p52_vc Vector “Where did all those robots come from?”
act11_p53_vc Vector “That'll shut 'em up for a while.”
act11_p54_vc Vector “Sorry, ladies. We took it easy on ya.”
act11_p55_vc Vector “There sure were a lot of them, boys!”
act11_p56_vc Vector “Alright, boys! A job well done!”
all01_e00_am Amy “Cream!”
all01_e00_bg Big “Amy!”
all01_e00_ch Charmy “Vector!”
all01_e00_cr Cream “Mr. Big!”
all01_e00_es Espio “Charmy.”
all01_e00_kn Knuckles “Sonic.”
all01_e00_om Omega “Shadow.”
all01_e00_rg Rouge “Omega.”
all01_e00_sd Shadow “Rouge.”
all01_e00_sn Sonic “Tails.”
all01_e00_tl Tails “Knuckles!”
all01_e00_vc Vector “Espio!”
all01_e01_am Amy “Big.”
all01_e01_bg Big “Cute rabbit!”
all01_e01_ch Charmy “Espio!”
all01_e01_cr Cream “Amy!”
all01_e01_es Espio “Vector.”
all01_e01_kn Knuckles “Tails.”
all01_e01_om Omega “Rouge.”
all01_e01_rg Rouge “Shadow!”
all01_e01_sd Shadow “Omega.”
all01_e01_sn Sonic “Knuckles!”
all01_e01_tl Tails “Sonic!”
all01_e01_vc Vector “Charmy!”
all01_e02_am Amy “I can handle this!”
all01_e02_bg Big “I can do this!”
all01_e02_ch Charmy “I got it!”
all01_e02_cr Cream “Let me take care of this.”
all01_e02_es Espio “Leave it to me.”
all01_e02_kn Knuckles “Let me deal with this.”
all01_e02_om Omega “Leave this to me.”
all01_e02_rg Rouge “I'm up!”
all01_e02_sd Shadow “I've got it.”
all01_e02_sn Sonic “Got it!”
all01_e02_tl Tails “I'll take care of this!”
all01_e02_vc Vector “Leave this to me, boys.”
all01_e03_am Amy “My head's spinning...”
all01_e03_bg Big “Feels good.”
all01_e03_ch Charmy “Yahoo! Awesome!”
all01_e03_cr Cream “This is making my head spin...”
all01_e03_es Espio “Hang on.”
all01_e03_kn Knuckles “What a wild ride.”
all01_e03_om Omega “Activating balance servos.”
all01_e03_rg Rouge “This is a bit too much!”
all01_e03_sd Shadow “Let's go.”
all01_e03_sn Sonic “Woohoo!”
all01_e03_tl Tails “Wooow, my head's spinning!”
all01_e03_vc Vector “Wow, my head's spinning!”
all01_e04_am Amy “Oh my god!”
all01_e04_bg Big “I found something!”
all01_e04_ch Charmy “Hey, there's something here!”
all01_e04_cr Cream “This is lucky.”
all01_e04_es Espio “It was here all along!”
all01_e04_kn Knuckles “What's it doing here?”
all01_e04_om Omega “Item located.”
all01_e04_rg Rouge “Who would've thought it would be here?”
all01_e04_sd Shadow “Precisely.”
all01_e04_sn Sonic “Yes! Just as I thought.”
all01_e04_tl Tails “Must be my lucky day!”
all01_e04_vc Vector “All in a day's work, boys.”
all01_e05_am Amy “We can't stop!”
all01_e05_bg Big “Uh-oh! We're gonna hit it!”
all01_e05_ch Charmy “Ahh! We're gonna hit it!”
all01_e05_cr Cream “We're going to hit it!”
all01_e05_es Espio “Collision course!”
all01_e05_kn Knuckles “We're about to crash!”
all01_e05_om Omega “Obstacle approaching.”
all01_e05_rg Rouge “What're we doing!? We're gonna hit it!”
all01_e05_sd Shadow “We're gonna hit it!”
all01_e05_sn Sonic “Brace yourselves!”
all01_e05_tl Tails “We aren't gonna make it!”
all01_e05_vc Vector “Hold on and brace yourselves!”
all01_e06_am Amy “Let's jump!”
all01_e06_bg Big “Jum-ping!”
all01_e06_ch Charmy Jump!”
all01_e06_cr Cream “We must jump!”
all01_e06_es Espio “Jump! Now!”
all01_e06_kn Knuckles “Jump! Now!”
all01_e06_om Omega “Jump.”
all01_e06_rg Rouge “Let's jump!”
all01_e06_sd Shadow “Jump!”
all01_e06_sn Sonic “Jump!”
all01_e06_tl Tails “Let's jump!”
all01_e06_vc Vector “Okay! Let's jump!”
all01_e07_am Amy “Don't worry. We'll be okay!”
all01_e07_cr Cream “Amy, it looks like we're stuck here!”
all01_e07_kn Knuckles “We're not going there are we?”
all01_e07_rg Rouge “Doesn't look like we'll be able to move on.”
all01_e07_sd Shadow “No problem. Let's get moving.”
all01_e07_sn Sonic “Yes we are!”
all01_e07_vc Vector “Boy, it doesn't look good.”
all01_e08_am Amy “Yyyeeahh!”
all01_e08_bg Big “Hooo-heee!”
all01_e08_ch Charmy “Boom!”
all01_e08_cr Cream “Aahhh!”
all01_e08_es Espio *grunt*
all01_e08_kn Knuckles “Sshaaa!”
all01_e08_rg Rouge “Auh!”
all01_e08_sd Shadow “Hu'ht!”
all01_e08_sn Sonic “Y'hoo!”
all01_e08_tl Tails “Yeah!”
all01_e08_vc Vector “Shaaa!”
all01_e09_am Amy “I'm falling!”
all01_e09_bg Big *crying out*
all01_e09_ch Charmy “Ah-haa!”
all01_e09_cr Cream “Aaahhh...”
all01_e09_es Espio “We're falling!”
all01_e09_kn Knuckles “Waoh!”
all01_e09_om Omega “Minus gravity detected.”
all01_e09_rg Rouge “Yraaa!”
all01_e09_sd Shadow “Tch'mp!”
all01_e09_sn Sonic “Waaaoh!...”
all01_e09_tl Tails “I'm falling!”
all01_e09_vc Vector “Nuhoooo!”
all01_h00_am Amy “Let me handle this!”
all01_h00_bg Big “Amy could do it.”
all01_h00_ch Charmy “Got it, Espio?”
all01_h00_cr Cream “Let's leave it to Amy!”
all01_h00_es Espio “I'll handle it.”
all01_h00_kn Knuckles “Let Sonic take care of this.”
all01_h00_om Omega “This is a job for Shadow.”
all01_h00_rg Rouge “Let's have Shadow handle this.”
all01_h00_sd Shadow “Looks like this one's for me.”
all01_h00_sn Sonic “Leave this to me!”
all01_h00_tl Tails “Let's leave it to Sonic!”
all01_h00_vc Vector “Let's have Espio take care of it.”
all01_h01_am Amy “Cream, can you help us?”
all01_h01_bg Big “The cute rabbit can do it.”
all01_h01_ch Charmy “Got it!”
all01_h01_cr Cream “Don't worry; I'll take care of it!”
all01_h01_es Espio “Charmy should take lead.”
all01_h01_kn Knuckles “Best left to Tails.”
all01_h01_om Omega “This is a job for Rouge.”
all01_h01_rg Rouge “I guess I'm up.”
all01_h01_sd Shadow “Up to you, Rouge.”
all01_h01_sn Sonic “Let's leave this to Tails!”
all01_h01_tl Tails “Alright, I got it!”
all01_h01_vc Vector “Guess we'll have Charmy do this.”
all01_h02_am Amy “Big should be able to handle this.”
all01_h02_ch Charmy “This is perfect for Vector!”
all01_h02_cr Cream “No problem for Mr. Big!”
all01_h02_es Espio “This is Vector's specialty.”
all01_h02_kn Knuckles “I've got it.”
all01_h02_om Omega “Affirmative.”
all01_h02_rg Rouge “Omega, do your thing!”
all01_h02_sd Shadow “Leave it to Omega.”
all01_h02_sn Sonic “Knuckles, we're counting on you.”
all01_h02_tl Tails “This is all Knuckles!”
all01_h02_vc Vector “I'll handle it, boys!”
all01_h03_am Amy “Everyone! Let's all line up sideways from here!”
all01_h03_bg Big “Let's line up sideways.”
all01_h03_ch Charmy “Let's all line up!”
all01_h03_cr Cream “We should line up side by side here.”
all01_h03_es Espio “Vector, change formations. Single file, sideways.”
all01_h03_kn Knuckles “Line up, side by side.”
all01_h03_om Omega “Line up next to me.”
all01_h03_rg Rouge “Let's change formations to sideways from here.”
all01_h03_sd Shadow “Omega, you go first.”
all01_h03_sn Sonic “Hey guys! Spread out!”
all01_h03_tl Tails “Let's line up sideways from here on!”
all01_h03_vc Vector “Okay, boys. Spread out!”
all01_h04_am Amy “Be careful not to fall off.”
all01_h04_bg Big “This area is dangerous, so be careful not to fall.”
all01_h04_ch Charmy “Don't fall!”
all01_h04_cr Cream “Please be careful not to fall.”
all01_h04_es Espio “Proceed with caution, and be careful not to fall.”
all01_h04_kn Knuckles “It's really steep here. Be careful.”
all01_h04_om Omega “Danger: Steep grade ahead.”
all01_h04_rg Rouge “It's all over if you fall.”
all01_h04_sd Shadow “Don't fall.”
all01_h04_sn Sonic “Be careful not to fall.”
all01_h04_tl Tails “Watch out!”
all01_h04_vc Vector “Careful not to fall! It's really dangerous here.”
all01_h05_am Amy “Why don't we go up?”
all01_h05_bg Big “Up?”
all01_h05_ch Charmy “Hey! Why not try up there?”
all01_h05_cr Cream “I think we should go up there.”
all01_h05_es Espio “Let's see what's up there.”
all01_h05_kn Knuckles “Let's head up there.”
all01_h05_om Omega “Let's go up.”
all01_h05_rg Rouge “Why don't we try up there?”
all01_h05_sd Shadow “Try going up there.”
all01_h05_sn Sonic “Let's go up there.”
all01_h05_tl Tails “Why don't we try going up there?”
all01_h05_vc Vector “Hmm! May be best to try up there!”
all01_h06_am Amy “Do you guys wanna try down there?”
all01_h06_bg Big “I wonder if we can go down there?”
all01_h06_ch Charmy “Hey! Why not go down there?”
all01_h06_cr Cream “I think we should go down there.”
all01_h06_es Espio “Let's go down there.”
all01_h06_kn Knuckles “Try going down there.”
all01_h06_om Omega “Looks like we might be able to go down.”
all01_h06_rg Rouge “Why don't we do a lower route?”
all01_h06_sd Shadow “Let's go down.”
all01_h06_sn Sonic “Let's go down there.”
all01_h06_tl Tails “Why don't we go down there?”
all01_h06_vc Vector “Hey boys! Looks like there's a way down.”
all01_m01_eg Eggman (over radio) “Here's your next mission.”
all01_w00_am Amy “Wonder where Sonic could be?”
all01_w00_bg Big “I could eat a whole fish!”
all01_w00_ch Charmy “I'm bored!”
all01_w00_cr Cream “Are you ready, Cheese?”
all01_w00_es Espio “It's all part of the training.”
all01_w00_kn Knuckles “What's next?”
all01_w00_om Omega “Scheduled maintenance overdue.”
all01_w00_rg Rouge “Wonder if there's any jewels around here...”
all01_w00_sd Shadow “Shall we get going?”
all01_w00_sn Sonic “You all ready?”
all01_w00_tl Tails “What are we gonna do?”
all01_w00_vc Vector “I'm starving.”
all01_w01_am Amy “We've gotta keep going.”
all01_w01_bg Big “Fro-ggy....”
all01_w01_ch Charmy “Can we go now?”
all01_w01_cr Cream “It's nice when we're all together.”
all01_w01_es Espio “Clarity and focus.”
all01_w01_kn Knuckles “I'm so ready.”
all01_w01_om Omega “Combat ability of these two are beyond my expectation.”
all01_w01_rg Rouge “I haven't seen the President lately.”
all01_w01_sd Shadow “No need to rush.”
all01_w01_sn Sonic “*yawn*”
all01_w01_tl Tails “It's hard to keep up with Sonic.”
all01_w01_vc Vector “Darn. I forgot to pay the electric bill for the office.”
all01_w02_vc Vector “*humming*”
all02_h00ps_am Amy “Rotate the camera with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_bg Big “Rotate the camera with R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_ch Charmy “Turn the camera with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_cr Cream “The camera will rotate will the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_es Espio “Turn the camera with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_kn Knuckles “Rotate the camera with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_om Omega “R2 button and L2 button activate camera rotation.”
all02_h00ps_rg Rouge “The camera will rotate will the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_sd Shadow “Rotate the camera with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_sn Sonic “Rotate the camera using the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_tl Tails “The camera rotates with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00ps_vc Vector “The camera rotates with the R2 button and L2 button.”
all02_h00xb_am Amy “Rotate the camera with the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_bg Big “Rotate the camera with Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_ch Charmy “Turn the camera with the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_cr Cream “The camera will rotate will the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_es Espio “Rotate the camera with the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_kn Knuckles “Rotate the camera with the R trigger and Left trigger.” (Misnamed controls)
all02_h00xb_om Omega “Right trigger and Left trigger activate camera rotation.”
all02_h00xb_rg Rouge “The camera will rotate will the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_sd Shadow “Rotate the camera with the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_sn Sonic “Rotate the camera using the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_tl Tails “The camera rotates with the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00xb_vc Vector “The camera rotates with the Right trigger and Left trigger.”
all02_h00_am Amy “Rotate the camera with the R button and the L button.”
all02_h00_bg Big “Rotate the camera with R button and L button.”
all02_h00_ch Charmy “Turn the camera with the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_cr Cream “The camera will rotate will the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_es Espio “Turn the camera with the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_kn Knuckles “Rotate the camera with the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_om Omega “R button and L button activate camera rotation.”
all02_h00_rg Rouge “The camera will rotate will the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_sd Shadow “Rotate the camera with the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_sn Sonic “Rotate the camera using the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_tl Tails “The camera rotates with the R button and L button.”
all02_h00_vc Vector “The camera rotates with the R button and L button.”
all02_h01ps_am Amy “Change camera to leader's view with Right analog stick.”
all02_h01ps_bg Big “Change camera to leader's view with Right analog stick.”
all02_h01ps_ch Charmy “Change camera to the leader's first-person view with the Right analog stick!”
all02_h01ps_cr Cream “Use the Right analog stick and change the camera to leader's view.”
all02_h01ps_es Espio “Use the Right analog stick to switch the camera to the leader's view.”
all02_h01ps_kn Knuckles “Use the Right analog stick and change the camera to leader's view.”
all02_h01ps_om Omega “Switch camera to leader's monitor with Right analog stick.”
all02_h01ps_rg Rouge “Change the camera to the leader's view with the Right analog stick.”
all02_h01ps_sd Shadow “Use the Right analog stick to switch the camera to the leader's view.”
all02_h01ps_sn Sonic “Use the Right analog stick to switch the camera to the leader's view.”
all02_h01ps_tl Tails “Change camera to the leader's view with Right analog stick.”
all02_h01ps_vc Vector “Use the Right analog stick to switch the camera to leader's view.”
all02_h01xb_am Amy “Change camera to leader's view with Right thumbstick.”
all02_h01xb_bg Big “Change camera to leader's view with Right thumbstick.”
all02_h01xb_ch Charmy “Change camera to the leader's first-person view with the Right thumbstick!”
all02_h01xb_cr Cream “Use the Right thumbstick and change the camera to leader's view.”
all02_h01xb_es Espio “Use the Right thumbstick to switch the camera to the leader's view.”
all02_h01xb_kn Knuckles “Use the Right thumbstick and change the camera to leader's view.”
all02_h01xb_om Omega “Switch camera to leader's monitor with Right thumbstick.”
all02_h01xb_rg Rouge “Change the camera to the leader's view with the Right thumbstick.”
all02_h01xb_sd Shadow “Use the Right thumbstick to switch the camera to the leader's view.”
all02_h01xb_sn Sonic “Use the Right thumbstick to switch the camera to the leader's view.”
all02_h01xb_tl Tails “Change camera to the leader's view with Right thumbstick.”
all02_h01xb_vc Vector “Use the Right thumbstick to switch the camera to leader's view.”
all02_h01_am Amy “Change camera to leader's first person view with C-Stick.”
all02_h01_bg Big “Change camera to leader's first person view with C-Stick.”
all02_h01_ch Charmy “Change camera to the leader's first person view with the C-Stick!”
all02_h01_cr Cream “Use the C-Stick and change the camera to leader's first-person view.”
all02_h01_es Espio “Use the C-Stick to switch the camera to the leader's first-person view.”
all02_h01_kn Knuckles “Use the C-Stick and change the camera to leader's first-person view.”
all02_h01_om Omega “Switch camera to leader's monitor with C-Stick.”
all02_h01_rg Rouge “Change the camera to the leader's first person view with the C-Stick.”
all02_h01_sd Shadow “Use the C-Stick to switch the camera to the leader's first-person view.”
all02_h01_sn Sonic “Use the C-Stick to switch the camera to the leader's first-person view.”
all02_h01_tl Tails “Change camera to the leader's first person view with C-Stick.”
all02_h01_vc Vector “Use the C-Stick and change the camera to leader's first-person view.”
all02_h02ps_am Amy “Press the Square button during a jump while in speed formation to attack ground enemies with Tornado Hammer. This attack lifts enemies off the ground.”
all02_h02ps_bg Big “Attack enemies on the ground with Tornado Hammer during jumping while in speed formation. Get the ground enemies with Tornado Hammer.”
all02_h02ps_ch Charmy “If you press the Square button, while jumping when in speed formation, you can attack the bad guys with Leaf Swirl! Leaf Swirl makes Espio invisible and he attacks the ground enemies!”
all02_h02ps_cr Cream “If you press the Square button while jumping in speed formation, you can attack the enemies with Tornado Hammer. This attack defeats enemies by lifting them upside down!”
all02_h02ps_es Espio “Attack ground enemies with Leaf Swirl by pressing the Square button while in speed formation. This attack makes me invisible as I lift up enemies in the air with a tornado.”
all02_h02ps_kn Knuckles “Press the Square button during a jump while in speed formation to attack ground enemies with Blue Tornado. Blue Tornado attacks enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02ps_om Omega “Press the Square button while jumping when in speed formation to attack the enemies with Black Tornado. Black Tornado attacks enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02ps_rg Rouge “Attack enemies on the ground with Black Tornado by pressing the Square button during a jump while in speed formation. Black Tornado will attack enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02ps_sd Shadow “Press the Square button during a jump while in speed formation in order to attack ground enemies with Black Tornado. This attack defeats enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02ps_sn Sonic “Attack enemies on the ground with Blue Tornado by pressing the Square button during a jump while in speed formation. Blue Tornado attacks enemies by sweeping them off their feet.”
all02_h02ps_tl Tails “Press the Square button during a jump while in speed formation and you can attack enemies on the ground with Blue Tornado. Blue Tornado attacks the enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02ps_vc Vector “Press the Square button while jumping when in speed formation to attack the enemies with Leaf Swirl. This attack makes Espio invisible!”
all02_h02xb_am Amy “Press the X button during a jump while in speed formation to attack ground enemies with Tornado Hammer. This attack lifts enemies off the ground.”
all02_h02xb_bg Big “Attack enemies on the ground with Tornado Hammer by pressing X button during jumping while in speed formation. Get the ground enemies with Tornado Hammer.”
all02_h02xb_ch Charmy “If you press the X button, while jumping in speed formation, you can attack the bad guys with Leaf Swirl! Leaf Swirl makes Espio invisible and he attacks the ground enemies!”
all02_h02xb_cr Cream “If you press the X button while jumping in speed formation, you can attack the enemies with Tornado Hammer. This attack defeats enemies by lifting them upside down!”
all02_h02xb_es Espio “Attack ground enemies with Leaf Swirl by pressing the X button while in speed formation. This attack makes me invisible as I lift up enemies in the air with a tornado.”
all02_h02xb_kn Knuckles “Press the X button during a jump while in speed formation to attack ground enemies with Blue Tornado. Blue Tornado attacks the enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02xb_om Omega “Press the X button while jumping when in speed formation to attack the enemies with Black Tornado. Black Tornado attacks enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02xb_rg Rouge “Attack enemies on the ground with Black Tornado by pressing the X button during a jump while in speed formation. Black Tornado will attack enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02xb_sd Shadow “Press the X button during a jump while in speed formation in order to attack ground enemies with Black Tornado. This attack defeats enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02xb_sn Sonic “Attack enemies on the ground with Blue Tornado by pressing the X button during a jump while in speed formation. Blue Tornado attacks enemies by sweeping them off their feet.”
all02_h02xb_tl Tails “By pressing the X button during a jump while in speed formation, you can attack enemies on the ground with Blue Tornado. Blue Tornado attacks the enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02xb_vc Vector “Press the X button while jumping when in speed formation to attack the enemies with Leaf Swirl. This attack makes Espio invisible!”
all02_h02_am Amy “Press the B button during a jump while in speed formation to attack ground enemies with Tornado Hammer. This attack lifts enemies off the ground.”
all02_h02_bg Big “Attack enemies on the ground with Tornado Hammer by pressing the B button while jumping when in speed formation. Get the ground enemies with Tornado Hammer.”
all02_h02_ch Charmy “If you press the B button, while jumping when in speed formation, you can attack the bad guys with Leaf Swirl! Leaf Swirl makes Espio invisible and he attacks the ground enemies!”
all02_h02_cr Cream “If you press the B button while jumping whenin speed formation, you can attack the enemies with Tornado Hammer. This attack defeats enemies by lifting them upside down!”
all02_h02_es Espio “Attack ground enemies with Leaf Swirl by pressing the B button while in speed formation. This attack makes me invisible as I lift up enemies in the air with a tornado.”
all02_h02_kn Knuckles “Attack enemies on the ground with Blue Tornado by pressing the B button during a jump while in speed formation. Blue Tornado will attack enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02_om Omega “Press the B button while jumping when in speed formation to attack the enemies with Black Tornado. Black Tornado attacks enemies by swirling them up in the air.”
all02_h02_rg Rouge “Attack enemies on the ground with Black Tornado by pressing the B button during a jump while in speed formation. Black Tornado will attack enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02_sd Shadow “Attack ground enemies with Black Tornado by pressing the B button during a jump while in speed formation. Black Tornado attacks enemies by sweeping them off their feet.”
all02_h02_sn Sonic “Attack ground enemies with Blue Tornado by pressing the B button during a jump while in speed formation. Blue Tornado attacks enemies by sweeping them off their feet.”
all02_h02_tl Tails “Pressing the B button during a jump while in speed formation allows you can attack enemies on the ground with Blue Tornado. Blue Tornado attacks enemies by scooping them off their feet.”
all02_h02_vc Vector “Press the B button while jumping when in speed formation to attack the enemies with Leaf Swirl. This attack makes Espio invisible!”
all02_h03ps_am Amy “To ascend while flying, you have to hold down the X button. To ascend quickly, you have to press the X button repeatedly.”
all02_h03ps_bg Big “Press and hold the X button to go higher when flying. Pressing the X button repeatedly will make you ascend faster.”
all02_h03ps_ch Charmy “Hold down the X button to fly high, press the X button to ascend faster!”
all02_h03ps_cr Cream “To ascend while flying, press and hold the X button. If you wish to ascend quickly, press the X button repeatedly.”
all02_h03ps_es Espio “Hold the X button to ascend while flying. Press the X button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03ps_kn Knuckles “Keep pressing the X button to ascend while flying. Press the X button repeatedly to ascend quickly.”
all02_h03ps_om Omega “Hold the X button to ascend while flying. Press the X button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03ps_rg Rouge “When flying, keep pressing the X button to ascend. And press the X button repeatedly to ascend quickly.”
all02_h03ps_sd Shadow “Hold the X button to ascend while flying. Press the X button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03ps_sn Sonic “Hold the X button to ascend while flying. Press the X button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03ps_tl Tails “When flying, hold the X button to ascend. To ascend quickly, press the X button repeatedly.”
all02_h03ps_vc Vector “Keep pressing the X button down to ascend while flying. Press the X button repeatedly to ascend faster.”
all02_h03xb_am Amy “To ascend while flying, you have to hold down the A button. To ascend quickly, you have to press the A button repeatedly.”
all02_h03xb_bg Big “Press and hold the A button to go higher when flying. Pressing the A button repeatedly will make you ascend faster.”
all02_h03xb_ch Charmy “Hold down the A button to fly high, press the A button to ascend faster!”
all02_h03xb_cr Cream “In order to ascend while flying, you must press and hold the A button. But if you wish to ascend quickly, you must push the A button repeatedly.”
all02_h03xb_es Espio “Hold down the A button to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03xb_kn Knuckles “Keep pressing the A button to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to ascend quickly.”
all02_h03xb_om Omega “Hold the A button to ascend while flying. Press A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03xb_rg Rouge “When flying, hold the A button down to ascend. And press the A button repeatedly to ascend quickly.”
all02_h03xb_sd Shadow “Hold the A button down to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03xb_sn Sonic “Hold the A button to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03xb_tl Tails “When flying, hold down the A button to ascend. To ascend quickly, press the A button repeatedly.”
all02_h03xb_vc Vector “Press and hold the A button down to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to ascend faster.”
all02_h03_am Amy “To ascend while flying, you have to hold down the A button. To ascend quickly, you have to press the A button repeatedly.”
all02_h03_bg Big “Press and hold the A button to go higher when flying. Pressing the A button repeatedly will make you ascend faster.”
all02_h03_ch Charmy “Hold down the A button to fly high, press the A button to ascend faster!”
all02_h03_cr Cream “To ascend while flying, press and hold the A button. If you wish to ascend quickly, press the A button repeatedly.”
all02_h03_es Espio “Hold down the A button to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03_kn Knuckles “Press and hold the A button to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to ascend quickly.”
all02_h03_om Omega “Hold the A button down to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03_rg Rouge “When flying, hold the A button down to ascend. And press the A button repeatedly to ascend quickly.”
all02_h03_sd Shadow “Hold the A button down to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase the speed of ascent.”
all02_h03_sn Sonic “Hold the A button down to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to increase ascent speed.”
all02_h03_tl Tails “When flying, hold down the A button to ascend. To ascend quickly, press the A button repeatedly.”
all02_h03_vc Vector “Press and hold the A button down to ascend while flying. Press the A button repeatedly to ascend faster.”
all02_h04ps_am Amy “Press the Square button to attack with fire combination in power formation. We turn into fireballs that are continuously shot at the enemies when the button is pressed at the right time. Level up and last strike is deadly. Press the X button, and me and Cream jump off Big.”
all02_h04ps_bg Big “Press the Square button to attack enemies with fire combination when in power formation. As fireballs, we're continuously fired if the button is pressed at the right time. Level up, and we're even stronger. Press the X button to get Amy and Cream off my shoulders.”
all02_h04ps_ch Charmy “Attack with fire combination, using the Square button when in power formation. Press the button at the right time, and Espio and I become fireballs used against the bad guys. Level up, and we're super tough! Press the X button to spit us out!”
all02_h04ps_cr Cream “Press the Square button to attack enemies with fire combination when in power formation. As fireballs, we're continuously fired if the button is pressed at the right time. Level up and we're even stronger. Amy and I jump off Mr. Big's shoulders if the X button is pressed.”
all02_h04ps_es Espio “Press the Square button to attack with fire combination when in power formation. Charmy and I are fireballs that are shot out continuously by pressing the button at the right moment. The final blow is deadly if leveled up. Press the X button to release us.”
all02_h04ps_kn Knuckles “Attack using fire combination with the Square button. I'll show you my best moves with consecutive strikes if the button is pressed at the right time. Final blow is very powerful too. Press the X button to restore Sonic and Tails into normal stance.”
all02_h04ps_om Omega “Use fire combination to attack pressing the Square button when in power formation. Multiple strikes when pressed at right time. Final blow deadly. Pressing X button switches Shadow and Rouge to normal stance.”
all02_h04ps_rg Rouge “Attack enemies with fire combination by pressing the Square button when in power formation. When pressed at the right time, continuous attacks are performed. If leveled up, the final strike is deadly. Press the X button to switch Shadow and me back to normal stance.”
all02_h04ps_sd Shadow “Press the Square button to attack with fire combination when in power formation. Continuously attack enemies when the button is pressed at the right moment. Final blow is massive when leveled up. Press the X button to switch Rouge and me back to normal stance.”
all02_h04ps_sn Sonic “Use the Square button for fire combination when in power formation. Press the button at the right time for multiple attacks. If leveled up, the last strike is very powerful. Press the X button to jump, returning me and Tails back into normal stance.”
all02_h04ps_tl Tails “Use the Square button for fire combination in power formation. Multiple attacks are performed on enemies if pressed at the right time. If leveled up, the last blow is powerful! Press the X button to jump, returning me and Sonic back into normal stance.”
all02_h04ps_vc Vector “Use the Square button to attack with fire combination in power formation. I spit both of 'em out as fireballs when the button is pressed at the right time. Level up, and we're unstoppable! Release both Espio and Charmy using the X button.”
all02_h04xb_am Amy “Press the X button to attack with fire combination in power formation. We turn into fireballs that are continuously shot at the enemies when the button is pressed at the right time. Level up and last strike is deadly. Press the A button, and me and Cream jump off Big.”
all02_h04xb_bg Big “Press the X button to attack enemies with fire combination when in power formation. As fireballs, we're continuously fired if the button is pressed at the right time. Level up, and we're even stronger! Press the A button to get Amy and Cream off my shoulders.”
all02_h04xb_ch Charmy “Attack with fire combination, using the X button when in power formation! Press the button at the right time, and Espio and I become fireballs used against the bad guys. Level up, and we're super tough! Press the A button to spit us out!”
all02_h04xb_cr Cream “Press the X button to attack enemies with fire combination when in power formation. As fireballs, we're continuously fired if the button is pressed at the right time. Level up and we're even stronger. Amy and I jump off Mr. Big's shoulders if the A button is pressed.”
all02_h04xb_es Espio “Press the X button to attack with fire combination when in power formation. Charmy and I are fireballs that are shot out continuously by pressing the button at the right moment. The final blow is deadly if leveled up. Press the A button to release us.”
all02_h04xb_kn Knuckles “Attack using fire combination with the X button. I'll show you my best moves with consecutive strikes if the button is pressed at the right time. Final blow is very powerful too. Press the A button to restore Sonic and Tails into normal stance.”
all02_h04xb_om Omega “Use fire combination to attack pressing the X button when in power formation. Multiple strikes when pressed at right time. Final blow deadly. Pressing the A button switches Shadow and Rouge to normal stance.”
all02_h04xb_rg Rouge “Attack enemies with fire combination by pressing the X button when in power formation. When pressed at the right time, continuous attacks are performed. If leveled up, the final strike is deadly. Press the A button to switch Shadow and me back to normal stance.”
all02_h04xb_sd Shadow “Press the X button to attack with fire combination when in power formation. Continuously attack enemies when the button is pressed at the right moment. Final blow is massive when leveled up. Press the A button to switch Rouge and me back to normal stance.”
all02_h04xb_sn Sonic “Use the X button for fire combination when in power formation. Press the button at the right time for multiple attacks. If leveled up, the last strike is very powerful. Press the A button to jump, returning me and Tails back into normal stance.”
all02_h04xb_tl Tails “Use the X button for fire combination in power formation. Multiple attacks are performed on enemies if pressed at the right time. If leveled up, the last blow is powerful. Press the A button to jump, returning me and Sonic back into normal stance.”
all02_h04xb_vc Vector “Use the X button to attack with fire combination in power formation. I spit both of 'em out as fireballs when the button is pressed at the right time. Level up, and we're unstoppable. Release both Espio and Charmy using the A button."
all02_h04_am Amy “Press the B button to attack with fire combination in power formation. We turn into fireballs that are continuously shot at the enemies when the button is pressed at the right time. Level up and last strike is deadly. Press the A button, and me and Cream jump off Big.”
all02_h04_bg Big “Press the B button to attack enemies with fire combination when in power formation. As fireballs, we're continuously fired if the button is pressed at the right time. Level up, and we're even stronger! Press the A button to get Amy and Cream off my shoulders.”
all02_h04_ch Charmy “Attack with fire combination, using the B button when in power formation! Press the button at the right time, and Espio and I become fireballs used against the bad guys! Level up, and we're super tough! Press the A button to spit us out!”
all02_h04_cr Cream “Press the B button to attack enemies with fire combination when in power formation. As fireballs, we're continuously fired if the button is pressed at the right time. Level up and we're even stronger. Amy and I jump off Mr. Big's shoulders if the A button is pressed.”
all02_h04_es Espio “Press the B button to attack with fire combination when in power formation. Charmy and I are fireballs that are shot out continuously by pressing the button at the right moment. The final blow is deadly if leveled up. Press the A button to release us.”
all02_h04_kn Knuckles “Attack using fire combination with the B button. I'll show you my best moves with consecutive strikes if the button is pressed at the right time. Final blow is very powerful too. Press the A button to restore Sonic and Tails into normal stance.”
all02_h04_om Omega “Use fire combination to attack pressing the B button when in power formation. Multiple strikes when pressed at right time. Final blow deadly. Pressing the A button switches Shadow and Rouge to normal stance.”
all02_h04_rg Rouge “Attack enemies with fire combination by pressing the B button when in power formation. When pressed at the right time, continuous attacks are performed. If leveled up, the final strike is deadly. Press the A button to switch Shadow and me back to normal stance.”
all02_h04_sd Shadow “Press the B button to attack with fire combination when in power formation. Continuously attack enemies when the button is pressed at the right moment. Final blow is massive when leveled up. Press the A button to switch Rouge and me back to normal stance.”
all02_h04_sn Sonic “Use the B button for fire combination when in power formation. Press the button at the right time for multiple attacks. If leveled up, the last strike is very powerful. Press the A button to jump, returning me and Tails back into normal stance.”
all02_h04_tl Tails “Use the B button for fire combination in power formation. Multiple attacks are performed on enemies if pressed at the right time. If leveled up, the last blow is powerful! Press the A button to jump, returning me and Sonic back into normal stance!”
all02_h04_vc Vector “Use the B button to attack with fire combination in power formation. I spit both of 'em out as fireballs when the button is pressed at the right time. Level up, and we're unstoppable. Release both Espio and Charmy using the A button.”
all02_h05ps_am Amy “Press the Square button while jumping in power formation to use Jump Fire Knock. Cream and I, as fireballs, attack enemies.”
all02_h05ps_bg Big “Get enemies with Jump Fire Knock by pressing Square button in power formation. I'll turn Amy and Cream into fireballs.”
all02_h05ps_ch Charmy “In power formation, press the Square button to use Jump Fireball against the bad guys! Espio and I turn into fireballs to fight!”
all02_h05ps_cr Cream “To attack enemies with Jump Fire Knock, press the Square button. Amy and I turn into fireballs and attack the enemies.”
all02_h05ps_es Espio “Press the Square button while jumping in power formation to use Jump Fireball. Charmy and I, as fireballs, are shot out at enemies.”
all02_h05ps_kn Knuckles “When jumping, press the Square button in power formation to use Fire Dunk. I turn Sonic and Tails into fireballs to shoot at enemies.”
all02_h05ps_om Omega “Press Square button when jumping in power formation to use Fire Launcher. I propel Shadow and Rouge toward the enemies.”
all02_h05ps_rg Rouge “Attack enemies with Fire Launcher by pressing the Square button while jumping in power formation. Shadow and I are transformed into fireballs that Omega shoots at enemies.”
all02_h05ps_sd Shadow “Press the Square button while jumping in power formation to use Fire Launcher. As fireballs, Omega shoots us at enemies.”
all02_h05ps_sn Sonic “Press the Square button while jumping in power formation to use Fire Dunk. Knuckles shoots us as fireballs at the enemies.”
all02_h05ps_tl Tails “Attack enemies with Fire Dunk by pressing the Square button in power formation. As fireballs, Knuckles shoots us at the enemies.”
all02_h05ps_vc Vector “Press the Square button while jumping in power formation to use Jump Fireball. I'll shoot Espio and Charmy at the enemies.”
all02_h05xb_am Amy “Press the X button while jumping in power formation to use Jump Fire Knock. Cream and I, as fireballs, attack enemies.”
all02_h05xb_bg Big “Get enemies with Jump Fire Knock by pressing X button in power formation. I'll turn Amy and Cream into fireballs.”
all02_h05xb_ch Charmy “In power formation, press the X button to use Jump Fireball against the bad guys! Espio and I turn into fireballs to fight!”
all02_h05xb_cr Cream “To attack enemies with Jump Fire Knock, press the X button. Amy and I turn into fireballs and attack the enemies.”
all02_h05xb_es Espio “Press the X button while jumping in power formation to use Jump Fireball. Charmy and I, as fireballs, are shot out at the enemies.”
all02_h05xb_kn Knuckles “When jumping, press the X button in power formation to use Fire Dunk. I turn Sonic and Tails into fireballs to shoot at enemies.”
all02_h05xb_om Omega “Press X button when jumping in power formation to use Fire Launcher. I propel Shadow and Rouge toward the enemies.”
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